
Saiyan Emperor: King of Absorption

He was just an man with no place to go on his life. But his life turned upside down when he desires to have an anime life. Reborning somehow in an capsule full of green fluids, and with a tail, he discovers that he's alone on an strange planet, on a abandoned labor. But he has some things that helps him to get along! ---------- This fanfic was made and uploaded using free translator. Disclaimer: I don't have Dragon Ball Series.

Ophelia_ · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

An Tiger... But different?


I screamed in my mind seeing symbols completely unfamiliar to me. However, that scream became meaningless a few seconds later.

Probably due to the Wisdom skill or something like that, I started to understand, almost decipher, the language there, quickly.

And it was open in a single message.


Lord Frieza commands all Saiyans in the area to return to Planet Vegeta as quickly as possible. The order is to leave behind anything you define as important and return immediately.]

It was all.

Well... That was illuminating. The reason they left so quickly. Perhaps, the destruction of Planet Vegeta is close to happening, or has already happened.

Taking into account the general travel time of months, perhaps that planet is close, or perhaps it has been months since they left.

I really can't tell, there's no time stamp on the message, no indication of when it arrived.

But I will bet on the second option. At this time, Planet Vegeta has probably already been destroyed and Goku has already been sent to Earth.

Now, the reasons they left me here. The only thing I can think of is that they thought I was going to die.

Maybe I'm an unsuccessful project, after all, I don't have anything related to the Infinite Ki that Androids had.

Anyway, I was left alone on an unknown planet without basic resources to survive, having to fight for my life.


Can I wake up now? Of course not...

Hellow, goddess of convenience? I would like to order a large amount of meat, please!



Yeah... I'm alone on this one. I got up from the comfortable chair. I had to get to work while I was feeling energetic from the recent meal. Maybe I can have some luck, and find more bananas around?

There was only a way to find out. I walked towards the door that led to the exit hall. Judging by the local flora, the air was breathable.

Either that, or the flora developed in a completely strange way, which, despite the possibility, was unlikely.

After all, Saiyans have been here before, and I doubt they'd go to a planet where breathing was impossible. That kind of never happened in Dragon Ball.

Well... Anyway, I can just hold my breath at the first sign.

I walked, opening the doors I needed to open, until I finally reached the end.

I took a deep breath and forced open the door that would lead out of this place.

It was... anti-climatic. To say the least. Not like in the movies where the doors opened and a rush of air came in. No. The door simply opened.

The place really wasn't that great. It was a plain that mixed with an open forest. A few trees here and there, but overall a semi-open field.

I breathed in the air, only to find it even better than inside the lab. It was the freshest air I've ever breathed in my life.

It almost had flavor. It was really yummy. I looked up at the sky, still hungry. The clouds and atmosphere looked through. Even though the sun is red.

I filled my lungs with air that seemed to wash over my body. It was time to roll up our sleeves.

Get your hands dirty, go to work, etc.

To be honest, I really wouldn't want to do that. If it was the me I was before, I would probably think twice before throwing myself into the unknown.

But for some reason, I'm not afraid, let alone anxiety or desire per se. It was more like I felt like I needed to do this.

A necessity, not urgency, but there was no blockage. However, there was no excitement either.

Saiyans are a warrior race, maybe I got the trait of them not being afraid of many things? Good thing I won't become a fight addict, though. That would be really cliche.

Stretching for the first time, outside the lab, the sounds of my bones creaking for the first time rang out.

I felt a huge relief go through every corner of my body. A smile appeared on my face, it felt good and relaxed.

But then, I went on the hunt. Or for my first fight in this life.

Honestly, I had some hunting memories with my uncle and grandfather, but they were distant memories.

But it was enough for me not to fear the forest too much. In fact, it was clean of any fear.

I walked around the room, my speed gradually increasing as I got used to my body. From walking to running, when I saw it, I was already passing trees one after another.

However, none seemed really fruitful. Unfortunately, I didn't find any prey other than small birds that flew as soon as they heard me pass.

Even if I wanted to get one, it wouldn't be worth the expense for such a small amount of food.

That was until... I found a little tiger.

|Trigus|PL: 63|

His power level wasn't high. It was a tiger that looked unremarkable in every way except for its slightly red color and its tail that uncurled in two tails at the end, like a snake's tongue.

He noticed me as soon as I noticed him. Come to think of it... I'm dumb. Why didn't I use Ki Sense to find something? Too late.

I jumped off the ground and onto him. He did the same to me. I put my hands forward to grab him on the head, to which he responded by opening his mouth with a row of teeth as fine as needles.

It was like a whale's teeth. In that moment, I knew I was fucked. He seized my left hand, his teeth penetrating my flesh with ease.


I screamed in pain, feeling it at this intensity for the first time in my life, I felt tears form in my eyes as he moved his jaw slightly from side to side.

It hurt like hell! But I need focus! Or he'll rip my hand off!

I saw that he wanted to go to the ground again so that he could use his whole body to help pull my hand away from my body.

I didn't stand still, snapping out of my stupor, I did whatever someone in my situation would do and smacked him in the head with my free hand.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. But luckily, I noticed it before his feet touched the ground to his aid.

Swallowing down the tears and the bile that rose in my throat, I held his skull open palm with my remaining hand, the same glow as when I exploded the glass appeared.

Such a point-blank attack would do the trick. His feet connected with the ground, but before he could pull back, my attack was launched into his face.

A white explosion followed, I felt my hand go free. The beast lost the entire top half of its skull from my blow, falling dead to the ground.

I looked down at my hand, with hundreds of holes and blood oozing, and fought not to throw up. Which was surprisingly easy. Then I remembered.

I was without clothes. Unconsciously my uninjured hand went to cover my swaying member.

If the beast decided to go there... I wouldn't have such a good result. Ignoring the phantom pain that almost overcame the pain in my hand, I looked down at the beast's corpse.

It was time to test my tail... But not before stanching that wound. I leapt into the air in active flight, catching a branch with several leaves. That would do. Landing on the ground again, I used the telekinesis on the leaves to wrap tightly around my hand without tearing them.

To my surprise, they were quite resilient, and the cable was quite flexible. Flexible enough to be able to serve for tying. The blood was still dripping lightly, but it seemed to have slowed down significantly.

Sighing, I ignored my slightly weak body and thought about how to utilize my ability to absorb.

It was the same as the others, instinctive knowledge came over me, my tail moved like a snake, piercing the animal's dead body, opening a hole.

I felt the tip of the tail change, it was like thousands of tiny needles appeared. They sucked something, it wasn't blood or anything like that. It was something specific, not like Cell.

The animal's body remained intact, but I felt my calf muscles contract, along with my thigh. My sense of smell also seemed better.

I'm sure there were more changes, but I don't know what they were. Also, no warning screen appeared.

Well, it's easier just to see my status, isn't it?

|Akion| Saiyan(Mod) |PL: 140|

|Physical: 17|Mind: 12| Ki: 13|

Passive Skills:

|(Zenkai), (Neutral Ki), (Ki Control)|

|Active Skills:

|(Absorb), (Ki Sense), (Ki Flight), (Ki Telekinesis)|

Unique Skills:


Hm... Did my fighting power go up? Furthermore, my physique, mind and Ki also rose. The physical was probably through absorption, but what about the mind and Ki? Maybe it's Zenkai's work? Really, a stolen skill.

However, my right hand has been rendered useless for the time being. I need to eat to replace blood.

I looked at the corpse. Looks like I'll have to eat it raw too.

Following my own animalistic instincts, I knelt down and cradled the corpse in one hand, biting into its belly, ignoring its fur which felt uncomfortable and made my stomach churn.

To my surprise, however, my teeth went through the animal's hide and flesh with tremendous ease. Perhaps this is one of the changes? I'm not refusing.

I tore off a piece, stopping myself from vomiting. And impressively, it didn't taste bad! I just hoped I didn't die of food poisoning.

Man, I definitely need to remember how to make fire.

If you find any errors, say it on the paragraph comments, to help other readers! Thank you!

Ophelia_creators' thoughts