
Saints: Vol 1

Story filled with allot of mystery, action and romance it for the mature audience, filled with allot of mythology history and characters   Is this really the end for me?, a question I really didn't ask myself until now, I failed her, I lost, I can still remember her face even in this time of demise, those beautiful vibrant sunflower hair that reaches down to her waist, those eyes of dark blue that gave a genuine glare, a smile that worth the world.....I-I will not see them again.....I'm.....Sorry

Steve_Mcgaw_3996 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Library and Magic

Sitting in my class I waited for it to be started, I sat with my hand on my jaw looking outside with sheer boredom, that's when Saki entered my class with his goons his right hand was now in a cast,his face looked the usual ugly and grumpy, why do most wannabe gangster looks like thst? they all surrounded me while the entire class watch in sheer silent.

"Trimurti, Your day is soon your gonna pay for my hand!"

I slightly looked at him giving him a death stare "You and what army" seeing my stare he jumped a little afraid of me he spoke up quickly "Senju is coming back, you'll have to talk to him when he returns" he then tried to scared me with his face "You know how brutal he can get"

"You and Senju can kiss my ass" I told him with a heavy sarcasm before speaking in loud annoyance "Now can you get lost or you want the other wrist to snap"

"Grrr, let's go boys" Saki left with his goons, I sighed thinking Why did I put myself in that situation, class eventually started but my mind was captivated on my training at the Hero Clan, It's been a week and I'm still fill with questions of this Moxie thing, will I awaken and get my weapon, what kind of weapon will I get, my mind was overflowing with energy thinking so random, it's been years since I've been so enthuse, this must be my calling. Class was finally over I came out when I was greeted by Kuma.

"Hey Anu"

"Uh..Hey Kuma"

"Where you been lately?, you miss the whole second period"

"Something came up" I answered, that's when Dinah popped up "Hey boys" She greeted us.

"H-Hey Dinah" blushed Kuma, What a simp, I turn towards her, my hands in my pocket "Dinah"

"What you say we all go for lunch" She query, giving a innocent smile, Kuma without no hesitation replied sure, I sighed walking off "Let's go" I said, we all went for lunch.

Elsewhere at the Musk Library

The Library just open from a night of emptiness, people of different interest all rushed in, some come to read, computer search, sleep or just simple want to be left alone.

The Librarian sat on her computer calmly typing her way. When a man came up to her his eyes were odd. Everything was black with veins of grey fill his face, the man looked at the frighten librarian "I want the scrolls"

"Which book is that sir?" She question, before her neck got harshly grab, the possess man hold her choking her to death as boundless spirits came rushing inside the Library taking control of other humans including the Librarian.

Musk University

We sat eating lunch, it was much more odd than last time, maybe because this time I knew Dinah isn't the damsel in distress as she acts, she was savage still playing the role of the soft and naive rich girl, but then I had to understand she couldn't walk around being her Hero self as she had to think of her family and others around her, I looked at Kuma and started to think, but that was cut short when Dinah got a random phone call.

She answered, she then got up "Anu can you help me with something?" She asked, I nod "Sure" realizing it had to be a Demoniod attack,we've been having them alot lately from what Captain Dragoon states, I got up asking Kuma if he would be ok by himself he was chewing his face off, he finally swallowed "I'll be fine " He answered before starting his lunch once more.

We both left, while we ran I investigate "What is it?"

"Dinah replied I'm not sure, Captain Dragoon said hes picking up high sense of Dark Moxie aura coming from the Musk Library"

How did we get to leave school, we had to jump over the school yard wall, it was something deem impossible but with the skills we had it was simple. Dinah took one leap as I had to jump and pull my self up before jumping down.

We continue our run and conversation "You think we can take on whatever it is?" I asked, Dinah reply was a mystery answering "We have to try, atleast try deal with it until back up comes"

Reaching the library we entered but there was no demoniod, but the humans inside seem strange they were all digging through books with unmatched focus , I've never seen so much people focus like that it was a sight to behold.

"Hello how may we help you?" A Voice greet, grabbing our attention, it was the Librarian "Huh? We're, um I'm looking for a book" I lied scratching my head as I found the Library superb strange "Well I'm sorry the Library is currently rented out, you'll have to come another time "

Hearing that shock both me and Dinah, because this was the biggest public library in the whole world and no one actually would rent a library, would they? right?. Dinah then came up with a surprising good idea "Um one more thing before we leave" The Librarian nod with a fake smile

"Didn't The Musk family declared the Musk Library is not allowed to be rented unless it's directly from the Musk Bloodline"

The Librarian froze unable to answer, her expression then shift as her eyes became pitch black and dirty grey vein appear all over her face "Die you human scums"

She lashes out at us but we manage to evade the strike moving back, Dinah had already transform into her armour with her sword.

"Stay back"

"What the hell is going on?" I asked realising that the whole Library was filled with these creatures, but sadly Dinah herself didn't know what was happening "I don't know some form of poison from a Demoniod maybe"

In just few seconds we were surrounded the Librarian spoke with a monsterous tone "Look what we have here a Hero or should I say a Heroin, you guys getting younger as the years past aren't you, you really think you can harm us were no typical Demoniod those are bottom of the scale,nothing compare to us"

"What are you?" She query,

The Librarian smerked "We are spirits of Limbo, Destin to never go to hell nor heaven forever left in that corrupted place"

"Limbo? Your demons" she spoke under her breath

The Librarian growl angrily "WE ARE FORGOTTEN SOULS!!" Before coming at us, Dinah manage to defend her off using her sword but the others came agressive,Fling a barrage of attacks, I manage to block there powerful punches and kicks and able to hit away a few, Dinah was having a hard time as well hitting them away "There not giving up!" I Yelled, punching one into the two that stood behind him, my fist cover with blood.

"I know Anu!" She then use her Moxie, the control of ice, as she stab her sword into the floor ice spikes came hitting the possess humans, straight through there chest, making them immobilized but it was only temporary. They would easily snap the spikes like twigs, with there monster grip and strength,there wounds stayed ad blood pour out there body where they were stab, "You forgot that we are Spirits" The Librarian boast smiling showing her blood cover teeth, they came at us like wild animals once more, as I was able to fight off a few of them, they were as strong as ten men, and seem to have great knowledge in war, like these Spirits actually train for this moment, they were fast I took down three easily but they kept coming,I had to try my best to evade them and taking them down using variety of punches and kicks but each time they were knocked down they would rise back up as pain was non existence for them, Dinah was being challenged also, slashing and freezing some but they were of great numbers.

Finally backing us up us in a corner Dinah stood, I could see she was afraid but she covered it with a serious look gripping her sword Handle tight.

"Don't you know like any attack to get rid of them?" I asked, she didn't answer me only holding her sword tightly, looking as if she gave her all and about to die.

"Bulla Ball captio" a Strange voice from a Distance chant, the voice was feminine, soft and gently but the words were spoken with a mixture of aggression and cuteness.

Instantly a ball of clear substance form around the creature lifting them off the air not too high but to a level of height to create a pathway for the mysterious savior, a girl she looked our age with beautiful baby blue hair and eyes of ruby pink she dress quite odd something you would seen in a manga or a movie she was dress like a witch.

"I'm so sorry for arriving so late" She apologize, walking closer up to us revealing her self clearer before finally reaching up to her, Dinah still hot head and irrational point her sword at the female "Who are you?!" She question, the girl looked a bit surprise "I'm Merlyn" She rest her finger on the tip of the sword, moving it down a little " Why would you point a blade at someone who just save your life?"

"Cause I don't know what or how you did that?, what was that?" She interrogate harshly,

"I'm a witch if you can't see, she then chant again "Relinque hoc mundo et in regnum tuum redi"(Leave this world and return to your kingdom) as the possess humans chest started to glow bright white before a black smoke like substance came from out there mouth leaving their now dead body and the bubble would vanish the last to go was the Librarian whom roar at us "I WILL RETURRRRnnnn !"

The now lifeless humans would now fall to the floor as the Witch stared at us, both Dinah and I were shocked "So the real question is who are you two?"

I think I'm moving a bit fast am I?

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