
Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

The One Piece world's kingdom rankings are here! Which is the richest kingdom in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Which country has the most resources in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Can you guess which country's king is the most beloved? Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom! "But it doesn't stop there! We also have the most scientists, the best education system, the highest productivity, and the best salaries in the world!" After the kingdom rankings were revealed! All eyes in the One Piece world are now on the Dragon Kingdom! Five Elders: "Such a perfect country needs the Holy Land's protection!" Aokiji, Garp, and Zephyr: "There is still justice in this world!" Gao Yang stood up and declared: "Everyone, remember, we also have the strongest military in the world. Think carefully before acting. Don't say I didn't warn you!" https://wap.faloo.com/1333204.html

Alex081904 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 7 The Hidden Treasures of the Dragon Kingdom: Unveiling Advanced Technology and Honorable Citizens

Garp and others were shocked, but Blackbeard and Kaido were excited.

Greed is a part of human nature, and it is especially strong in a world without peace.

People will fight for treasure, even if it means breaking the law.

Akainu is right, there will be bloodshed.

This is what Blackbeard, Kaido, and other powerful pirates want.

[Blackbeard: People are gathering to watch.]

[Sengoku: It's not surprising. They probably didn't know there was treasure inside.]

[Kaido: Money and blood go together.]

[Aokiji: Not exactly. The pirates who were carrying the treasure knew what they were doing.]

[Sengoku: They were planning to start a war with it.]

[Kaido: Well, too bad for them. Now everyone wants a piece.]

[Blackbeard: I'm going to take it all!]

[Aokiji: We'll see about that]

In the video, people gathered around the porters who were transporting seastone.

Many people were worried for the porters, but they were surprised to see that the porters were not afraid.

The porters were not vigilant because they knew that seastone was not dangerous to them.

Seastone is a special material that is only harmful to Devil Fruit users.

Since the porters were not Devil Fruit users, they were safe.

The video shows a bunch of people gathered around some porters who were transporting seastone.

People were worried for the porters, but they were surprised to see that the porters were chill as hell.

One of the porters waved to the crowd and said, "Yo, sorry to inconvenience you guys. Make some space, please."

A dude from the crowd replied, "No prob!"

The people helped the porters pick up the seastone pieces.

They didn't steal any, even though seastone is valuable.

Kaido, Blackbeard, and others were surprised.

They realized that the real treasure was the people who were willing to help each other.

[Doflamingo: What's going on? Don't these guys know how precious seastone is?]

Doflamingo thought he knew people, but now he's not so sure.

He saw people helping each other without wanting anything in return.

He's starting to think there's more to human nature than he thought.

[Kaido: I can understand why people would be greedy if they saw a box of seastone fall on the road.]

[Sengoku: There is another possibility. These people may not be greedy, or they may have a lot of wealth themselves.]

[Kizaru: That's nonsense. These people are obviously not billionaires. Seastone is worth a lot of money.]

[King Cobra: Even if they're not billionaires, the fact that they didn't pick up the seastone shows that they have good character.]

Even though Alabasta is a peaceful country, it is still difficult to imagine people being so honest when they find a valuable item.

[King Riku: I'm impressed by the people's honesty, even though they know the value of the seastone.]

[Sterry(Kingdom of Goa): those people is ignorant of the value of the seastone.]

A young man was surprised that Jason's seastone was so good.

Jason said he bought a new machine that cuts seastone better.

The machine cost 600 million Baileys, but Jason didn't think it was expensive.

Everyone else was surprised.

[King: What's a light cutter? I've never heard of it.]

[Marco: It's a machine that cuts seastone. It's really important for finishing seastone.]

[Kizaru: 600 million Baileys is a lot of money. What kind of family can afford that?]

[Aokiji: Maybe those porters are actually rich people who just live a simple life.]

[Jason: No, we're not rich. We just...]

Jason's message was cut off. It's unclear if it was blocked or if he couldn't keep going.

But it was clear that he was trying to say that the porters weren't dignitaries.

This silenced everyone again.

[Kid: Maybe they're not royals, but they must be rich businessmen.]

[Kira: That makes sense.]

Everyone felt better about this explanation.

They didn't want to think about how commoners could talk about business deals worth hundreds of millions of Baileys

"King, do we have business in East Blue?" Kaido looked at the sky, his eyes narrowed!

"Some, but not many."

"Send someone to check on this island. If there is such a kind of optical cutting machine, you must get it. In recent years, the business of that guy, Sea King, has grown bigger and bigger, and there are many seastone businesses. It has had a big impact on us!"


"Do you think the seastone business of the Sea King may be related to this kingdom?"

"It's hard to say..." Kaido was about to deny it!

Seastone is rare in East Blue.

If there is a kingdom with a lot of seastone, there must be something special about it.

Sengoku is sending someone to investigate.


The video shows a ship setting sail. It looks like a sailboat, but the mast isn't the real source of power.

The real power comes from inside the ship, and it sounds like a huge steel behemoth roaring.

[Franky: This ship is powered by something inside it. It sounds really powerful.]

[Vegapunk: I agree. The sound of the engine tells me that this ship is very strong.]

[Unknown Marine: Are you interested in this ship, Vegapunk?]

[Vegapunk: Yes, I am. If this ship is mass-produced, it could solve a lot of problems in maritime transportation. It would be a great benefit to the world.]

Vegapunk said he could build a ship that was faster than any warship, but it would be too expensive.

Jason's ship was much faster than any warship, proving Vegapunk right.