
Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

The One Piece world's kingdom rankings are here! Which is the richest kingdom in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Which country has the most resources in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Can you guess which country's king is the most beloved? Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom! "But it doesn't stop there! We also have the most scientists, the best education system, the highest productivity, and the best salaries in the world!" After the kingdom rankings were revealed! All eyes in the One Piece world are now on the Dragon Kingdom! Five Elders: "Such a perfect country needs the Holy Land's protection!" Aokiji, Garp, and Zephyr: "There is still justice in this world!" Gao Yang stood up and declared: "Everyone, remember, we also have the strongest military in the world. Think carefully before acting. Don't say I didn't warn you!" https://wap.faloo.com/1333204.html

Alex081904 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 55 Revolutionizing Civilization: Dragon Kingdom's Ingenious Use of Devil Fruits

The electrification of every household in the Kingdom is just the beginning.

Gao Yang has many ideas for electrical appliances, and with the help of Devil Fruit abilities, many problems can be solved.

Devil Fruits are the embodiment of people's wishes.

If people desire something badly enough, a Devil Fruit with that ability will be born.

This means that many problems that can't be solved with normal means can be solved with Devil Fruits.

For example, the core temperature of a power furnace changes too drastically, which makes it easily damaged.

But if you have a Devil Fruit that can control temperature, you can keep the core at a constant temperature.

Gao Yang has many scientists who come from a world not much different from the modern world.

They have the expertise and ability to develop advanced technology, but they were limited by the materials and technology available in the Dragon Kingdom.

With the help of Devil Fruits, the Dragon Kingdom was able to develop advanced technology in a very short period of time.

Electricity was invented, and appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners, TVs, washing machines, and induction cookers were soon available to everyone.

Even the poorest families in the Dragon Kingdom benefited from the development of electricity.

The world was amazed by the Dragon Kingdom's rapid progress.


The video shows a widow.

Even though they don't have a man to provide for them, they are able to live a simple but comfortable life.

The mother works hard, and the children help out where she can.

It is snowing heavily outside, but the family doesn't feel cold at all.

This confuses the people watching the video.

[Big Mom: Are they not cold?]

[Stussy: Are they okay?]

[Loan usury king: It's impossible for even such a poor family to afford a Devil Fruit!]

[Morgans: That shouldn't be the case. In Dragon Kingdom, there is a Devil Fruit store, which means that there are some Devil Fruits available for purchase. They're not free, but they're probably not as expensive as you'd think.

[Big Mom: There's actually a Devil Fruit store in the beginning?!]

"Mom, is it winter yet?"

The little girl was doing handicrafts when she looked out the window at the heavy snow. She asked with some uncertainty,

"Yes, it's already winter."

The woman nodded sadly, but when she looked at her daughter, she smiled.

"But it's not cold." The little girl said innocently.

"It is cold outside, but we have heating in our house, so we're not cold."

"If only we had heater before, Dad wouldn't have frozen to death."

When the mother heard this, she was so surprised that she stopped what she was doing.

"Yes, it would have been nice to have a heater before."

They didn't have heating before, and even charcoal was a luxury.

One cold winter night, they almost froze to death, but the man held them tightly and saved them.

Then a ship came to their island and offered them work.

They had to leave their home, but they thought they would only be gone for a short time.

However, they ended up staying in Dragon Kingdom because life was so much better there.

They never went back to their old home, which was full of bad memories.

The kid asked again, "Why is there a heater now, but there wasn't any before?"

"Because... the king here treats us like people," the mom said quietly, her thoughts drifting back to her homeland.

"I know, I know! The king's name is Gao Yang!"

"Don't be so rude. You can't just call the king by his name."

"Okay, I got it."


The scene made the Marines and pirates feel very sad.

The mother's words made them think about their own justice and whether they had really achieved it.

They also wondered why so many tragedies happened in the world, even in places where no one cared about them.

Maybe people in this world are born with different physical fitness, and those who can't survive will naturally disappear.

"It turns out that Devil Fruits can be used for more than just war. They can also be used to save people."

Sengoku sighed deeply.

He realized that the Marines were too focused on pursuing an abstract ideal of justice, and they had forgotten about the real needs of the people.

Garp said solemnly, "Is this what justice is all about?"

Sengoku couldn't answer Garp's question.

If he said no, it would be a denial of the dedication of himself and others over the years.

The entire electric civilization has brought convenience to many Dragon Kingdom citizens.

Thousands of clips like this appear in the sky at this moment.

Almost every electrical appliance has an impact on people's lives.

[Aokiji: Are we really living in the same world as Dragon Kingdom?]

[Zephyr: It feels like we're living in two different worlds!]

[Sentomaru: Electricity is cheap there, even cheaper than charcoal for heating. Everyone can afford it!]

[Tashigi: You don't have to wash your clothes by hand, there are washing machines. There are also TVs that are like video phone bugs, and they have a few entertainment programs from Dragon Kingdom.]

[Hina: Not only that, refrigerators are rare in the New World, but every family has one in Dragon Kingdom.]

[Momousagi: The air conditioners keep them warm in winter and cool in summer. They look so comfortable, you'd think they were royalty!]

[Cobra: My friend, you must be joking. Alabasta doesn't have any of those convenient electrical appliances. It would be great if we did, though. We're a desert country, so an air conditioner would be amazing! Just thinking about it makes me feel refreshed. I think I saw an air conditioner appear out of thin air just now!]

Cobra has learned a new word: electricity.

He is the king of a country, but he doesn't have many conveniences.

He has to rely on others to fan him when it's hot and add carbon to the fire when it's cold.

But the people of Dragon Kingdom have all sorts of electrical appliances, which makes their lives much more convenient.

Cobra thinks that even though he is a king, he is not as well off as the citizens of Dragon Kingdom.

[Vegapunk: Dragon Kingdom is way ahead of the curve! They've advanced their civilization for hundreds of years! Not just in a few specific areas, but in every aspect of life. They're living like it's the future! This is exactly what I've always wanted to achieve. Technology should benefit everyone, and that's exactly what they're doing. I never thought that the widespread use of electricity could propel an entire civilization forward so much. The king of Dragon Kingdom is a visionary!]

Vegapunk was so excited that he could barely contain himself.

He felt like Gao Yang was his new idol.

[Red Hair: Wouldn't it be amazing if we could enjoy all the conveniences of Dragon Kingdom without even leaving our homes?]

[Raizo: That would be incredible!]

[Beckman: Dragon Kingdom is like a utopia! Science and technology have changed their lives for the better.]

[Rayleigh: I wonder if Dragon Kingdom will ever open up to tourism. I'd love to experience their way of life, which is hundreds of years ahead of our own.]

[Whitebeard: Rayleigh, that's a great idea!]

[Killer: I used to think that Dragon Kingdom was reckless in their use of Devil Fruits, but now I see that it was worth it.]

[Loan usury king: What's the point of being nice to the people below? It's not good for you. You'd make more money selling seastone!]

[Morgans: You're an idiot! The people's sense of belonging determines the height of a country. Just look at that little girl. She knows her king is good to her, so she'll probably grow up to be a loyal citizen instead of a pirate.]

[Dragon: Devil Fruits can be used in so many creative ways. This may be the direction that our revolutionary army can work towards in the future!]

"We need to work hard to make more countries in the world like the Dragon Kingdom. People should live in peace, without war or famine, and have a good life." Dragon said

"I'm worried that the Five Elders won't like Dragon Kingdom. They have too many valuable resources, and each one of them is enough to cause a huge sensation in the world." Sabo is quite worried

Dragon Kingdom has many valuable resources.

They have more seastone than Wanokuni, and they have a holy medicine called Angel Potion.

They are also developing artificial fruit technology that could be used to improve people's lives.

"The king of Dragon Kingdom seems to be a wise man. He should be able to deal with the situation. They have done a good job so far. Even our spies in East Blue didn't find such a country!"

" I hope so!"

" If the situation permits, our revolutionary army can help them in due course!"

" Understood."

Many people were shocked by how much Dragon Kingdom has changed and how quickly it has developed.

Their own thinking is also changing as they learn more about Dragon Kingdom.

"Many things from Dragon Kingdom can be brought into the Holy Land, which is very convenient."

The Five Elders were impressed by the electrical appliances in Dragon Kingdom.

There were many different types, and some of them were very innovative.

Even though some of these appliances already existed in other parts of the world, Dragon Kingdom's versions were better, cheaper, and more practical.

The Holy Land already had electricity, but it was only used for basic things like lighting and refrigeration.

Now that they could import Dragon Kingdom's appliances, they wouldn't need to upgrade their electrical system.

Of course, the people who worked in the underground power plants would still be at risk.

But the Five Elders didn't care about that.

They believed that these people were honored to be able to contribute their lives to the World Government

"We should be grateful to Dragon Kingdom for not using Devil Fruits to arm their army. If they had, East Blue would be a mess, and even if it conflicted with our interests, we would have a lot of problems."

Ju Peter laughed lightly. This made them feel relieved.

"There are still some capable users in the Dragon Kingdom, and we can't ignore them completely. But their focus should be on construction."

"Building for the untouchables is a waste of time. It seems that we have to wait until we get the artificial fruit technology before we can truly develop them."

"Good. It's time to keep an eye on Kizaru."

"The CPO guys have already met up with Kizaru. There's also a god knight following them to prevent other pirate forces from interfering."

"That's good. It seems that we have a lot of business to discuss with the Dragon Kingdom. I just hope that the king of the Dragon Kingdom is smart enough to not make us waste too much effort."

"No matter what, we have to get the angel potion and artificial fruit technology."

[Buggy: Look, Dragon Kingdom is still using Devil Fruits to develop new things!]


The video shows how Dragon Kingdom has developed roads, cars, and even a ring road using Devil Fruit technology.

They have also built powerful warships.

Devil Fruit technology has changed many things in Dragon Kingdom, and it is impossible to show all the details in this list of resources.

[Franky: The track there looks like the track of the sea train in our city of seven waters! Wait, what's that? There's a sea train here too? But it runs on land! It's so fast, it's at least ten times faster than the sea train! And it goes around the entire outer area of Dragon Kingdom!]

[5 Elders: A route around the entire country? Even if there's only one route, it can't be cheap!]

[Whitebeard: A sea train on land? I've never seen anything like it!]

[Sengoku: Hey! With this speed and the passenger capacity of this carriage, doesn't that mean that whenever a war breaks out, the Dragon Kingdom will always be able to support it?]

Sengoku knows about the sea train in water 7.

He can see the strategic significance of the Dragon Country Train at a glance.

The government has a sea train that runs between the capital of water 7, Enies Lobby, and other islands.

It is used to quickly transport troops between islands.

The sea train is a rare thing in this world.

The land train in Dragon Country is even faster and can go around the whole country.

This makes it even more strategic.

[Smoker: I haven't seen this thing before!]

[Megumi: If something suddenly appeared in the sky above your house, would you just ignore it and go about your day? We thought we were being attacked! The military even mobilized the citizen!]

[Smoker: I see.]

[Marco: The construction speed is amazing! They used people with abilities to build a small town in just three days!]

[Queen: When did the word "ability user" become associated with "worker"?]

[Garp: The king of Dragon Kingdom is a construction and development maniac! He's built shops, roads, shopping malls, and even an entire town! With so many capable workers, everything is built quickly. It's like magic!]

The rapid development of Dragon Kingdom has amazed everyone.

The speed of development is so fast that it seems like magic.

Even though some things have a foundation, the speed is still amazing.

The smile in the video is also amazing.

The person in the video is standing on the height of the palace, and although he cannot see the ever-changing Dragon Kingdom, he can feel it.

"I didn't think that artificial fruit technology would have such a big impact. It has doubled the overall level of all walks of life in Dragon Kingdom several times!" Issho said with emotion

He is so lucky to have met this man. Thanks to him, he can see a country that is even more perfect than his ideals!'

"Devil Fruits have a lot of potential, but some people only use them for war."

Gao Yang smiled faintly, silencing those who had previously thought of war when they heard about artificial fruit technology.

People like Sengoku and Kaido were surprised.

They had never thought that Devil Fruits could be used in this way.

"Some of our projects don't seem to be making money."

"Look at it this way, Issho. A strong kingdom means a strong me. What we want to build is a unique kingdom in this world. Maybe one day, all nations will come to the Dragon Kingdom for help!"