
Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

The One Piece world's kingdom rankings are here! Which is the richest kingdom in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Which country has the most resources in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Can you guess which country's king is the most beloved? Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom! "But it doesn't stop there! We also have the most scientists, the best education system, the highest productivity, and the best salaries in the world!" After the kingdom rankings were revealed! All eyes in the One Piece world are now on the Dragon Kingdom! Five Elders: "Such a perfect country needs the Holy Land's protection!" Aokiji, Garp, and Zephyr: "There is still justice in this world!" Gao Yang stood up and declared: "Everyone, remember, we also have the strongest military in the world. Think carefully before acting. Don't say I didn't warn you!" https://wap.faloo.com/1333204.html

Alex081904 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 40 Elbaf - The Land of Giants and the Mighty Precious Tree Adam

Elbaf is a country of giants.

They live on an island that is covered in giant trees.

The branches of the trees are so hard that they can be used to make weapons.

These weapons have helped the giants to protect themselves from the other giant animals on the island

The giant trees provided the giants with a safe place to live.

They were able to cultivate good fields and keep livestock under the shade of the trees.

This created a relatively stable security environment.

As time went on, more and more giants came to live under the giant trees.

They formed a tribe, then a village, then a town, and eventually a large-scale country.

The kingdom eventually spread to many places other than the giant tree.

The giants who grew up in a cruel natural environment were naturally warlike.

They were all very strong and talented fighters

Wars have been breaking out in Elbaf for a long time.

Countries have been built, destroyed, and rebuilt many times.

But no matter how many wars there have been, how many people have died, or how many countries have been destroyed, the giant tree has always stood tall.

The giant tree is a symbol of hope for the giants.

It represents their resilience and their ability to rebuild their lives after even the most devastating wars.

As long as the giant tree stands, the giants will never give up.


[Kid: Is this the history of Elbaf?]

[Apoo: It's hard to believe that a big tree could give birth to a civilization!]

[Franky: I've heard the legend of this big tree, the Precious Tree Adam! It's the number one tree in the world! A piece of its branch that occasionally appears on the black market can be sold for hundreds of millions of berries!]

[Roger: The Oro Jackson was also built with Precious Tree Adam]

[Loan Shark King: That's just one of the values of the Precious Tree. The naturally flowing juice of the tree is the best cosmetic in the world! The paper made from its bark doesn't rot for thousands of years, and its leaves are also useful for health and healing]

[Sengoku: Many people around the world have built businesses around the Precious Tree Adam.]

[Capone Bege: But how can a tree survive if so many people are using it? It should have died a long time ago.]

[Stussy: You don't know anything. The Precious Tree Adam is not like ordinary trees. It has the ability to heal itself. And if you want to get a share of the tree, you have to be strong enough to defeat the giants.]

[Ochoku: If you hurt the root of the treasure tree, the entire giant family will go to war with you. But there are always greedy and short-sighted people who do this. Cutting off the branches of the treasure tree is a very dangerous act, and many people die every year because of it. This is why the branches of the treasure tree are so expensive on the black market.]

[Aokiji: The war around the treasure tree has never stopped for hundreds of years. Elbaf is known as the strongest fighter, not only because they are giants, not only because of the cruel natural environment, but also because of the outsiders who want to take the treasure tree for themselves.]

[Garp: Great resources are always accompanied by chaos. Elbaf is no exception.]

[Unknown Pirate: There's no way we can share the precious tree. Resources are limited, and only those who are strong enough deserve them.]

[Hajrudin (giant): We never invited any of you to our country!]

[Dragon: There are enough resources in the sea, but most of them are controlled by a small number of people. The Revolutionary Army's goal is to redistribute these resources fairly.]

[Garp: Stop talking nonsense]

[One of the 5 Elders: The Four Emperors and other powerful pirates are causing trouble in Elbaf. The World Government has an obligation to uphold justice.]

[Golden Lion: The World Government is a bunch of hypocrites! They said that they wouldn't interfere with Wanokuni because it's not a member country, but now they're saying that they need to uphold justice in Elbaf, which is also not a member country!]

[Rocks: The World Government is shameless!]

[Law: I don't think Elbaf is ranked second in the world just because of the treasure tree. They must have other strengths too.]

Law thinks that the treasure tree is a very important resource, but he also thinks that it is the only resource that Elbaf has.

He wonders if this is enough to make Elbaf the second strongest country in the world, especially when compared to Wanokuni, which has many other resources

[Sengoku: Elbaf has three major resources. One is the treasure tree, which is said to be the strongest tree in the world. The second is the giants themselves, who are incredibly strong and skilled warriors. The third is the product of white lead.]

The video of the Precious Tree Adam shows that it is a powerful resource that can protect a civilization and allow it to continue to pass on.

It can also support many collateral forces, such as Whitebeard, Kaido, Redhead, Ochoku, and the Marines.

These forces all have their own industries related to treasure trees in Elbaf.

The other two resources, the giants themselves and the product of white lead, are also valuable and are used by many major forces

[Law: White lead? ]

Law was not happy.

The name white lead reminded him of something bad.

The two resources are similar, and Luo wondered if there was a connection.

No one answered his question.


The video continued to play.

The giants were aggressive, and a war broke out.

Outsiders stepped in, including Kong, the Marine Marshal at the time.

"We can help you win the war against the other tribe. But in return, you will need to send people to join the Marines every year. We will all fight for justice together."

Marshal Kong suggested that the giants join the Marines because he valued their natural fighting talent.

"We giants don't need help from others!"

The giant chief of the tribe initially refused to join the Marines.

Marshal Kong tried to convince him, but he was unsuccessful.

However, Kong did not give up and continued to talk to the giant.

Things took a turn when another giant tribe allied with a powerful pirate group.

The tribe that Marshal Kong was trying to persuade was badly beaten.

The pirates were powerful, but they were still outnumbered by the giants.

However, the pirates did everything they could to gain an advantage in the war.

In the end, the tribe had no choice but to agree to Marshal Kong's request.

Marshal Sengoku, Garp, and Zephyr led the Marines to Elbaf and repelled the powerful enemies.

They also spread their righteous thoughts on the land of the giants.

As a result, there are almost no shortages of giant generals in the Marine headquarters.

The giants sent to the Marines are also very capable.

They can basically serve as Vice Admirals.

[Hawkins: The giants are really powerful. Many big pirates and the Marine headquarters have fought over them.]

[Moria: I smell a conspiracy.]

[Loan Shark King: Elbaf is the most powerful country in the world. Their strength is only natural.]

[Artoria: The most powerful country in the world?]