
Sad Buddhist Nun

When Alex falls in love with her mountaineering instructor, when reading the poems of the sixth Dalai Lama she finds out he loves with her too.....she can see it in his eyes. But when Alex sees a mysterious Buddhist monk she is instantly seduced by him. Soon she becomes a Buddhist nun and Thubetan's lover. But will she miss jack or be under the spell of thubetan.

Free_Tibet · Urban
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11 Chs

Being a monk’s concubine

As I said when thubetan made love to me it was making skin tingle and not in a good way. I told my self that I would get use to it, but I never did. Even touching his shoulder made me cringe. But I liked his smile and his kiss me now lips…..though he was abusive and cruel I was attracted to him in someway, Was he my beloved jack no but I had to deal with his cruel lies.

One example was that jack died slowly and painful. The that really made me ache was that he found a Sherpa girl and started a family. I could

He his way of making want to say you loved him...at first I thought he did until he made up horrible lies about jacks fate. There worst one when I starting to be in love he said that jack was in prision for murdering his new wife. I couldn't see him in a moaist prison being killed slowly. help to cry and want to die. Or at least drown my sorrows untitled died of alcohol poisioning.

I started writing love letters to jack to the base came so I can now if I should just exist or be brought back to life. Sort of speak.

When the first letter was brought to me when I was in the middle of reading loving words; then thubetan tore it up in from of me. Making it heard to be with anyone.

Every time I received a letter I was able to read it then it was distorted. My only life line with jack. Oh how I cried when the letters where being destroyed and being threatened with death. I was stuck unwilling and sad.

It got to much when thubetan beat me and I tried to jump from the nearest cliff. Leaving no not for thubetan. That was when I felt a gentle touch a grab on my shoulder and I being prevented to end it. It was another nun who was watching all this time…..my abuse.

"I take you to your jack"

I thanked her and followed her to secret path to base camp.

When I go there I didn't see another woman nor him dead. He was alive, rescued, and getting back to his feet again. He asked what happened to me and I broke down. I was crying historically. Someone had to give me something to calm down. When I woke from tranquilizers I I saw only jack. He was saying how much i mean to him. And that he liked with a shaved head.

He kissed my eyebrow and said that we will find someone else to do the ritual.