
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs

Welcome to the System

As soon as Ryker acquiesced to the System's proposal, an immediate surge of vigor and vitality coursed through his veins. He closed his eyes, trying to make himself ready for anything.

Ryker opened his eyes, he gasped, as he saw a realm that even in his wildest imagination he never saw. A majestic purple sky adorned the horizon, while crackling energy permeated the air. Intricate symbols and ancient runes adorned every surface, interwoven within the very essence of this mysterious realm.

Ryker glanced downward, astounded by his new form. No longer was he the feeble and defenseless man of moments ago. Instead, he stood adorned in resplendent ebony armor that emanated an otherworldly aura. An invigorating power surged through his being, forever altering his identity.

"Greetings, Ryker Fox," reverberated the System's voice throughout the surroundings. "Prepare yourself for the challenges that lie ahead."

Ryker surveyed his surroundings with awe, captivated by the surreal beauty and complexity of this newfound world. The System, an enigmatic force capable of manipulating reality itself, had now intertwined his destiny with its grand design.

The System encompassed an intricate network of boundless energy and formidable power, transcending the confines of time and space. It possessed the unparalleled ability to mold the very fabric of existence to serve its purpose.

Within this extraordinary dimension, Ryker's perception surpassed the limitations of the mundane. The System granted him a transcendent sight, enabling him to perceive the hidden intricacies of the universe. Energy fields enshrouding all lifeforms became discernible, revealing the latent potential and might concealed within.

Yet, he was not alone. While traversing the enigmatic landscape of the System, Ryker encountered other beings akin to himself, inexplicably drawn into this mystical realm. Among them were formidable warriors donning gleaming armor, wielding formidable weapons.

And then, there were the women—creatures of unparalleled allure and power, unlike any Ryker had encountered before. They possessed a mesmerizing beauty, with tresses akin to spun gold and eyes shimmering like celestial bodies. Grace and elegance epitomized their every movement, emanating an inexplicable energy.

"Your yearning has been granted, Ryker Fox. We are honored to welcome you. We recognize your desire for a love that transcends boundaries. Within this System, you possess the ability to capture the hearts of women. Wield this power with wisdom," the System reminded him.

His emotions danced between shock, elation, and bewilderment. Ryker comprehended that these women held the key to his success within the System. Empowered with the ability to captivate their hearts, he resolved to win their affections, utilizing this privilege with utmost discernment and integrity.

As time passed, Ryker embarked on a remarkable expedition through the enigmatic realms of the System. Within this mysterious domain, he encountered a multitude of women who found themselves inexplicably drawn to his newfound vigor and might. Initial reservations soon dissipated as they witnessed his charismatic demeanor and commanding presence. They became entranced by his words and enthralled by his demonstrations of strength.

For Ryker, this journey marked an exhilarating and surreal experience, as he transcended his prior feebleness and powerlessness. At long last, he had gained mastery over his fate. The women who gravitated towards him became mere pawns within his grasp, willingly bending to his desires.

Seated in contemplation, Ryker yearned to unearth the rationale behind his selection for the System's embrace. His voice quivered ever so slightly as he inquired, "Why me? What prompted my inclusion in this enigmatic system?"

The System's response resonated instantaneously, bestowing clarity upon his queries. "You were chosen due to the repeated rejection and humiliation you endured at the hands of women. The pain of unrequited love and the anguish of feeling invisible in their eyes have sculpted your journey. The System was devised to empower individuals such as yourself, enabling them to surmount these obstacles and assume the mantle of masters over their own destiny."

Attentively, Ryker absorbed the System's elucidation, his thoughts racing with a cascade of contemplation. Doubt veiled his voice as he ventured forth, "Yet, must it be this way? Can I not find someone who appreciates me for who I truly am, without relying on a system to entice women?" Uncertainty dripped from his words, painting a portrait of inner turmoil.

Amusement subtly underscored the System's response. "Indeed, you may remain true to yourself, Ryker. The System merely serves as a catalyst, amplifying your inherent qualities and bestowing upon you an advantage in the realm of affection. The choice lies within your hands. You can employ this power to manipulate and deceive or employ it to forge genuine connections and kindle profound relationships."

Nodding contemplatively, Ryker stood at the crossroads of indecision. The system's purpose loomed before him, his path shrouded in uncertainty. "I am uncertain of my path. I hold no desire to inflict harm upon others or embrace villainy," he confessed, his voice awash with ambivalence.

The System reassured him with an air of empathy. "Fear not, Ryker. The System is merely a tool, and its application lies within your purview. With honesty and integrity, it can serve as a conduit to discover the love you seek. However, if you resort to manipulation and deception, it shall only sow further pain and heartache. The choice rests solely with you."

Deep in thought, Ryker weighed the system's counsel, cognizant of the intricate lessons he must absorb and the judicious employment of his newfound abilities. Fatigued by his rejections and solitude, he resolved to harness the system to his advantage.

"Very well, I am prepared. Illuminate the extent of this system's capabilities," he declared, newfound confidence brimming in his voice. And so, with bated breath, the System acknowledged his readiness, heralding Ryker's expedition into a world steeped in the mysteries of love and attraction.

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