
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs

Target 1 begins

Ryker had always sensed an inner strength within himself, but it wasn't until he stumbled upon an extraordinary hidden world that he truly grasped the magnitude of his capabilities. This mystical realm granted him access to boundless enchantments and possibilities, and he resolved to make the most of this newfound potential.

Among the gifts recently bestowed upon Ryker was the power to foster deep connections with others. Patiently awaiting the ideal moment to put it to the test, he found himself walking the bustling streets of Brookside one day when an exquisite woman caught his eye. A sudden curiosity stirred within him, compelling him to explore his captivating power. He focused his energy, intending to initiate an enchantment.

As the woman drew closer, to his astonishment, he recognized her as none other than Ranna, the tormentor from his challenging middle school years. Ranna had been the first to inflict heartbreak upon him, an enduring memory that had plagued his thoughts for years.

In an instant, Ryker's mind transported him back to that period of his life. He recalled being a lanky, awkward youngster, while Ranna reigned as the most popular girl in school. She delighted in belittling him, taunting him mercilessly, and casting him out as an outcast.

As he watched her approach, a mingling of anger and excitement surged within Ryker. The improbable reunion compelled him to contemplate whether his newfound powers could finally give him the upper hand.

With vivid memories of Ranna's past transgressions fresh in his mind, Ryker experienced a rush of empowerment. He now possessed the means to enchant her, to subject her to the same emotions she had once callously inflicted upon him.

A determined smile etched across his face, Ryker strode purposefully towards Ranna, ready to introduce himself and test his enchanting abilities.

"Ranna?" he called out, positioning himself in her path.

Ranna gazed up at him, her eyes narrowing. "Ryker?" she uttered with an icy tone.

Ryker nodded, his excitement contained beneath a calm exterior. "Yes, it's me," he responded.

Ranna regarded him skeptically. "What do you want?" she inquired, her voice brimming with suspicion.

Ryker nonchalantly shrugged, his focus steadily intensifying. "Just wanted to say hello," he replied, his enchantment magic already surging through his being.

As he spoke, Ryker felt the energy swell within him, signaling that he was nearing his objective.

However, Ranna appeared unaffected, maintaining a guarded gaze and crossing her arms defensively.

"I don't really have time for this," she remarked, preparing to depart.

Ryker's heart raced with panic. He couldn't let her slip away without at least attempting to exert his power. He focused even more intently, desperately striving to compel her to remain.

In his mind, Ryker reminded himself not to feel guilt. Ranna was not the kind of woman who would evoke such emotions. She had tormented him relentlessly throughout his formative years, inflicting a living nightmare. And now, fate had brought them together once more. The mystical System granted him the ability to ensnare her heart, an opportunity he couldn't let slip away.

"Can we catch up tomorrow? Just for old times' sake," Ryker proposed.

Ranna hesitated momentarily, then nodded. "Sure, let's meet at my favorite café," she agreed, providing him with the location details.

The next day, Ryker's anticipation couldn't be contained. He was curious to test the extent of his abilities to win the hearts of women. Entering the coffee shop, he was immediately taken aback by its plush furnishings.

The walls boasted a rich

burgundy hue adorned with intricate gold accents. The marble floors gleamed underfoot, while the tables and chairs showcased exquisite craftsmanship in dark wood. Soft jazz music wafted through the air, enhancing the already cozy atmosphere.

Spotting Ranna seated at a table near the window, savoring a latte, their eyes locked momentarily as he approached. Ryker couldn't ignore a fleeting pang of guilt, but he quickly reminded himself that she remained the very girl who had made his middle school days a harrowing experience.

"Hey, Ranna," he greeted, pulling out a chair and settling across from her. "Thanks for meeting me."

She smiled, a glimmer of warmth in her eyes. "No problem," she replied, her tone softer than before. "It's great to see you again."

Ryker nodded, taking a moment to admire her appearance. Ranna had matured significantly since their last encounter. Her black hair now fell in free curls down her back, and her confident demeanor reflected a newfound self-assuredness. She wore a stylish black skirt and a white shirt that accentuated her curves.

In an effort to strike up a conversation, he asked, "So, what have you been up to lately?"

A genuine pride shone through Ranna's eyes as she responded, "I'm 22 now, and I've opened my own restaurant. I'm a chef."

Impressed, Ryker hadn't anticipated Ranna's remarkable success as a business owner at such a young age, though he always knew she possessed intelligence.

"That's incredible," he genuinely praised. "What type of cuisine do you specialize in?"

Ranna proceeded to vividly describe the dishes she crafted, captivating Ryker with her enthusiasm. While he had never been particularly fond of gastronomy, her passion for cooking became contagious, and he found himself genuinely intrigued.

As their conversation progressed, Ranna's initial skepticism melted away, replaced by genuine curiosity and a hint of vulnerability. Drawn to Ryker's vibrant energy and engaging conversation, she found herself laughing and sharing stories as if they were old friends reconnecting after years apart.

Time seemed to evaporate as they spoke, the café fading into the background, until they realized dusk had settled beyond the windowpane. Reluctant to conclude the night, Ryker understood the importance of maintaining a sense of mystery. He desired to leave her intrigued and longing for more.

"Ranna... we had a great time. I'll see you around," he casually remarked.

A mixture of disappointment and a flicker of desire flashed across Ranna's face, tempted to invite him to accompany her to her apartment. However, before she could voice her thoughts, Ryker vanished from her presence, leaving behind a sense of anticipation and curiosity.

Inside, Ryker savored a profound sense of satisfaction. This marked the beginning of his journey within the mysterious system he had discovered, where he not only wielded enchanting abilities but also discovered the power of forgiveness and the potential for unexpected connections.

Little did Ryker know that his encounter with Ranna was just the first step on a path that would lead him to confront his past, navigate the complexities of his newfound powers, and ultimately learn that true empowerment lies not in revenge but in the transformative ability to heal and forge genuine connections with others.

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