
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urban
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18 Chs


The next morning, Ryker strolled leisurely down the bustling city street, his mind brimming with contentment. Catching sight of Ranna, the woman who had once rejected him, now following in his wake, filled him with a quiet satisfaction. The knowledge that he held sway over her, compelling her to trail behind him, was a small triumph he relished.

A mischievous grin played upon Ryker's lips as he savored his newfound ability. He had forever sought the attention and affection of women, and this newfound power to captivate them was a game-changer. The struggles he had faced in pursuit of love seemed distant now, for he finally felt a semblance of control.

Thoughts of Ranna and how he had reversed their roles filled him with a peculiar sense of poetic justice. Once, she had spurned him, and now she trailed after him. It was as if fate had orchestrated this reversal, and he reveled in it. Curiosity piqued within him, wondering what compelled her to follow, yet he relished the notion of denying her the gratification of his awareness.

Yet, beneath the surface, a flicker of unease danced in Ryker's mind. He recognized the moral implications of his actions, the wrongness that lingered. Still, the intoxicating surge of power was too potent to resist. He sought solace in the notion that his enchantment served to foster love, but deep down, he knew it went beyond mere affection.

Meanwhile, Ranna's heart raced as she trailed Ryker through the bustling streets. The inexplicable allure he possessed enthralled her. Though his rejection had wounded her deeply, she couldn't shake the yearning within. She needed to be near him, to comprehend why their emotions diverged. Thus, she followed at a distance, striving to remain inconspicuous.

In the wake of her pursuit, Ranna couldn't deny the surge of exhilaration coursing through her veins. The proximity to Ryker, the sense of shared existence, ignited a thrill within her. It was as though she belonged to his world, even if he remained oblivious to her presence. The tendrils of obsession coiled tightly around her heart, a realization she couldn't evade.

Unbeknownst to Ranna, Ryker possessed an acute awareness of her presence. She stalked him with relentless fervor, an unseen danger he couldn't ignore. Yet, an odd sense of gratification washed over him, knowing he held this power over her.

On his way to visit his parents, whom he had become a stranger to, Ryker carried the weight of Ranna's infatuation upon his shoulders. He knew the time had come to confront her, to halt her relentless pursuit.

As he wandered lost in thought, a captivating sight caught his eye—a woman seated gracefully in a nearby restaurant. Acting on impulse, Ryker offered her a subtle wink. In that fleeting moment, he sought to test his charm's effect beyond Ranna's gaze. To his surprise, the woman met his gaze and delicately bit her lower lip, evidently smitten by his presence.

Ryker approached the entrance of the restaurant, eager to step inside, but his movement halted abruptly as he witnessed Ranna charging toward the unsuspecting woman, launching a sudden attack. Shock and disappointment gripped Ryker's heart as he comprehended the unfolding scene. Ranna's rage contorted her face as she hurled insults and grabbed the woman's hair, fueling a disturbing confrontation.

Tears streamed down the woman's face as she pleaded for mercy, her voice trembling with fear. A surge of anger coursed through Ryker's veins, yet he knew he must maintain composure. With resolve, he intervened, prying Ranna away from the traumatized victim. Ranna's fury turned towards Ryker, her eyes ablaze with resentment.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ranna spat venomously. "She's nothing but a wretched harlot deserving of punishment!"

Ryker struggled to contain his own rage, acknowledging the influence the system had on Ranna's state of mind. He recognized the need to defuse the situation before it escalated further.

"Ranna, cease this at once," he asserted firmly. "Attacking others is unjustifiable. It's not the way."

Ranna's gaze pierced him, though fleeting uncertainty flickered within her eyes.

"Fine," Ranna begrudgingly relented, releasing her grip on the woman's hair. "But she'd better stay away from you. You belong to me, Ryker. Don't you ever forget it."

A chill raced down Ryker's spine at Ranna's possessive tone, solidifying his resolve to distance himself from her. He turned his attention to the trembling woman, still bearing the aftermath of the ordeal.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Nodding amidst tears, the woman whispered softly, "Thank you for rescuing me."

A surge of protectiveness enveloped Ryker, even though he remained oblivious to her name. Leaving her alone in such a vulnerable state was out of the question.

"Allow me to escort you home," he offered, extending his hand.

Momentary hesitation lingered, but ultimately, the woman nodded in acceptance. Ryker guided her out of the restaurant and arranged for a taxi. As they embarked on their journey, Ryker's mind buzzed with questions. The situation was entirely new to him, leaving him perplexed and introspective.

Upon reaching her apartment, Ryker accompanied her to the door. She turned to him, a gentle smile adorning her face.

"Thank you once again," she expressed sincerely. "You're my hero."

A blush tinted Ryker's cheeks at her words, but he quickly dismissed such sentiments. He reminded himself of the path he had chosen, recognizing the potential harm in allowing himself to be swayed by these women. They were merely pawns in his exploration of the newfound system. Love no longer resided within his heart. All that mattered now was uncovering the system's possibilities.

Meanwhile, Ranna seethed with fury, unable to fathom the sequence of events. Ryker's rejection and the sight of him flirting with another woman ignited an inferno of anger within her. Determined to make Ryker hers at any cost, she embarked on devising a plan, fueled by a potent mix of desperation and possessiveness.

"Damn that wretched woman! I'll ruin her face!" Ranna's rage erupted as she hurled a vase against the wall.

"Ryker, you belong to me! No one shall snatch you away! Remember that!" Ranna vowed through clenched teeth, her determination resolute.

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