
Emerald Forest pt 2

Watching all the students land was not very exciting. I watched Jaune fail around until the Pyrrha girl saved him. How kind hearted she was. It was...

I looked down at replayed the one of the camera angles on her. She used her semblance to aim, that was smooth. She was good, like scary good with how fine her control was. She would be someone I need to watch. Ruby landed fine enough, the only other one that used their semblance so far was her.

Wait Schnee made a glyph to land on. It wasn't bad, but a little disappointing. Why didn't she just create a glyph that carried her above the ground. Landing higher up then she did would be a perfect way to select her partner with easy as well as avoid grim. Someone as pretentious as her? I thought she would've wanted to choose her partner instead of leave it to a bit of luck.

Flipping through the other camera's I was looking at the students make their way through the emerald forest. I was getting a good sense of a few of them. Yang, the blondie, carried herself with her armament. 

She was from Junior's bar. I had a good idea on just how her semblance worked. If I was actually planning to help the kids she would certainly need most work. She was a berserker type, I'd had seen many in my past life.

Men and women who would run through the battlefield on adrenaline alone. However uncontrolled berserkers were no different than extra enemies. Just as I seen many berserkers I had killed just as many.

The camera lingered on Blake. The girl reminded me of myself when I first started as a soldier. However years of friends dying and the war continuing my world views grew bleak and I certainly returned more to my childhood. Choosing freedom, fun and whatever could give me pleasure.

I looked over at Glynda who was watching just as I. From my knowledge the other teachers would watch the recorded video. Only me and her were watching live. Oz had long since left. Deciding on a better experiment of my semblance. I whispered, "Enchant: Animate."

The whisper echoed through the forest and the forest began to stir. Glynda hadn't noticed a thing though, it made sense. I was only testing how much my semblance could enchant at once while I control it. I smirked as I watched the forest begin to work against the students. The Jaune boy however seemed to be some kind of magnet. The forest constantly tripped him up or moved to scratch at him.

M eyes focused though, he was healing incredibly quick. I checked through the device and found the aura scanner. My eyes widened and I looked at Glynda, "Jaune is fairly interesting. If you check the aura scanner he has almost quadruple the aura as the Pyrrha girl. Its listed that he has no clue what his semblance is. What are your thoughts?"

Glynda huffed, "I can see that. It seems Ozpin was right about him. He has more secrets than one may originally think."

Theoretically his semblance would be something that requires that amount of aura. In my case my aura matched the amount required by my semblance. For Blake she had the least aura out of all the students testing right now. If Jaune had that amount of aura without knowing his semblance his was either something powerful or some kind of support skill.

In my past life healing pods always spent more power than the weapons system. It was actually one of the reasons they were used so few times. I had only used them three times in my entire life as a soldier.

The students all collected a relic by now. Well except Jaune and Pyrrha who got lost. Though only one relic was left so, the teams were decided. "It seems the test is over. I'm goi- those stupid kids."

Glynda made a sound of agreement, "Be prepared to jump in at a moments notice." 

I scoffed, "Yeah, Yeah."

We both watched as they wound up pissing off a multiple large Grim. Eh, I didn't know the names of the beasts, but that was one big bird. Perhaps I should just use the forest to kill the damn thing. I wanted to go back inside already.

----Eh, if you read this. Don't expect like frequent chapters. I just rewatched rwby and figured eh, why not. So... Yeah.-----

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