
RWBY: Wayward Enchantment

-----Number 1! this is a rewrite! Number 2! I don't own the art! Number 3! Content warning I guess?----- No synopsis sorry but more subject matter I suppose? This is my first real attempt at a darker fic, it may not be the best obviously. The MC is very much a bad guy, and will be preforming crimes. This fic may not be suitable for all people if you know what I mean. I'm the writer and I don't even feel that comfy writing it! Though I still want to write it and I think it will be a good story. Hope you enjoy and bless your unsavory souls for reading the upcoming mess.

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Emerald Forest pt 1

"Organize the students and make sure they all have their armaments."

Glynda dragged me into a room full of lockers and while it filled with students. "What exactly am I doing?"

"What I said? or do you need me to explain more slowly?"

"Rude, I more meant what am I doing after? or more specifically why are we here organizing the students?"

Glynda sighed, "Mr.Beau it is team assignment. The students will be undergoing a test within the Emerald forest. It is a 50 acre engineered environment, do you understand?"

"Call me Mars, and I do. I assume I will be watching with you evaluating their semblances?"

Glynda gave me a grunt and walked off. Rolling my eyes I looked around. Most of the kids seemed to have everything in order. I saw Nora and Ren talking about sloths. I saw Jaune wandering around lost. I guess I should help him. Use this as an opportunity to figure out why he looks like Lincoln from my past life.

"You lost?"

"Huh? oh yeah. I can't seem to find my locker."

I looked at his note and saw the number. Pulling out my scroll I assessed the Academy's Info. "Your locker is over there and is... You use your grandfather's heirloom sword and shield."

Jaune scratched the back of his head, "Yeah it is a classic... It's my grandfather heirloom."

I nodded, leading him to his locker and even opening it for him. "Who was your grandfather? If he passed something like this down he must've been a soldier am I right?"

Jaune laughed, "Yeah he participated in the war. His name is Lincoln Arc, that is actually my middle name. Only boy among 7 sisters, so i was named after our grandfather."

I stopped my eyes from widening and patted him on the back. "Welp sometimes legacy can be a powerful driving force. Why don't you talk to the other students. I'm sure some of them are like you."

Jaune nodded, "Thank you!"

I walked off quickly, organize my thoughts. Jaune Arc was the grandson of Lincoln That was why he looked like the Commander. This would explain not only the genius level of skill Lincoln had, that even I was jealous of. It would also explain so much more about the whole soul situation. Luckily with this explanation...

I didn't need to worry about it anymore. I was the only reincarnated? person in this world. Could this be called reincarnation or would this be like transmigration? The logistics of that were strange to me, point was though. I could not only not have any worry of others like myself interfering with my plans. It also meant I could take a stab at Lincoln's past life for vengeance. Since messing with his grandson would certainly provide me with satisfaction.

I bumped into a black-haired girl on accident. "Oh sorry, in my own thoughts there. Do you need any help?"

"No, I'm fine sir. Just thinking myself."

i stared at the girl for an uncomfortable minute. "The bow is nice, is it on purpose?"

"Huh? Oh I..." This girl was Blake, I remembered her from her file. Each of the students had a file on them. Jaune's file was a forgery...perhaps that can be used against him?

"Don't worry I won't tell. It may be uncomfortable, but a hat may be more helpful. You bow seems to twitch, Miss Blake."

The girl was a little stupefied, but nodded. It looked like most of the students were ready. Except for one. Who honestly wouldn't require much more time he was just putting on some armor. Which meant I was basically done.

"HEY YO!" All the students turned to me and I smiled, "Most of you seem prepared for today's work. Please head out the central door to the starting line. Headmaster Ozpin and Miss Goodwitch will be waiting for you there. I will now join them I expect you all to show up within the next 5 minutes. If you are late at all you will be put on academy work service for punishment. That means picking up litter and trash around the school."

With all the students not wanting to do extra manual labor they all basically ran toward the door way. I walked through before all of them and stood next to Glynda. "Everyone is ready and should be here any moment."

Ozpin smiled and nodded while Glynda just shook her head. "You cannot assign punishment to the students Mr.Beau."

"Call me Mars and does it really matter? If I can't certainly you can can't you?"

Glynda grumbled and shook her head. "Alright students you will all stand on a launch pad. You will have 2 hours to find a artifact hidden in the forest. Bring it back here in an hour and you will be given an extra bonus. If you are late, you will be treated as a combatant. The next class will be told of your presence in the Emerald forest and will be allowed to attack you. Treating you as a enemy huntsman. Luckily you are also the first class to take the team assignment test and as such you will be given a map of the forest. Try not to get lost..."

Glynda stopped and Ozpin spoke next. "the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner. You will be working together for the rest of your time here at Beacon so good luck."

Jaune raised his hand. "Uh I would like to ask how do we land? Will we be given parachutes or something?"

"Your landing strategy is up to you. Make do with what you have and try your best."

Oh this poor boy, how was he gonna land? He didn't even have the ability to control his aura. I almost wanted to increase his pain sensitivity for shits and giggles. However with Ozpin and Glynda here I doubt that would go completely unnoticed.