
RWBY: The Tale Of Ash Grey

A young man who lived an average life died at the hands of Truck-kun finds himself reincarnated in a world that is different from his original world. Now he has to not only survive, but to also thrive in this new world. No deity to explain to him the reason for his reincarnation, and no gifts were given to him in the beginning, just his knowledge of future events and whatever knowledge that he accumulates during his journey towards achieving his goals. Author's Note: I do not own RWBY or any of its characters. RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth, but the OC Characters are owned by me.

Ash_Grey_858 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Childhood

Timeskip: 9 Years Later

Location: Grass Plain

??? POV

???: *Sighs* "Even till this day, I still couldn't believe that I'm in a world where I used to thought of as fiction." I said as I lay in the middle of a large grassy plain far from the Domain Of Light.

Its been 9 years since I've reincarnated into this world.

A world where I thought was nothing but fiction.

I learn to accept this world as my own, and I grew to like the place.

Ever since the GOL took me in as his own, I was raised well and been fed high quality milk.

And NO its not that kind of milk, keep your minds out of the gutter you perverts.

Did you know, he accidentally created the first milk bottle in Remnant just so that GOL won't have to turn himself into a woman?

I got to admit, he was actually a pretty good parental figure, I guess it works with the fact that he's one of the Gods responsible of creating humans.

Of course, he wasn't there all the time.

Turns out, there is a village full of GOL's followers not far from here that takes good care of me when GOL is busy with God stuff.

Let me tell you, these guys are religious nuts, but not to the point where they start burning non believers alive, most of them are just pacifists.

Since I was deemed as the 'Son Of God', they gave me nothing but high quality stuff and a crap ton of attention.

I guess being God's adopted kid has its perks.

Of course, with attention comes trouble.

One night when I was asleep in my flower crib, some dumbass from a far away land heard rumors about my existence and decided to test his luck and tried to kidnap me while GOL was not watching.

He probably thought that he could sell me into slavery or something like that.

But unfortunately for him, I woke up the moment he put his hands on me.

And I did the one thing that toddlers do when they are woken up in their sleep.

I cried.

And you probably know what happens next.

GOL was alerted, he saw me crying while being abducted by this idiot, and he got so pissed that he disintegrated the kidnapper's soul out of existence, which caused a bright beacon of light to descend to the earth in a split second.

Ever since then, GOL thought it was for the best that I would be in the care of the village followers, and not surprisingly, they agreed.

I didn't know if its because they are scared of defying GOL, or that they just wanted to please him.

But like I said, religious nuts.

But honestly, who gives a fuck?

Free stuff is free stuff.

As I was monologuing all of my experiences, I heard someone calling me from afar.

Sister Marigold: "Ash! Its time to return to the village for your daily lessons!" Sister Marigold said loudly.

Ash: "Okay!" I said back to her.

I stood up, dusted myself off of any dirt on me, and ran to where Sister May was waiting for me.

Sister Marigold: "Are you ready for another day in class with Father?" She asked as she hold my left hand with her right.

I just nodded in response to her question and I walked back to the village together with Sister.

And by the way, I go by the name Ash Grey now.

I don't know why GOL named me that, but honestly, the name sounds pretty cool.

But I would definitely not go around the world catching all Pokémon.

Location: Village School

Timeskip: 3 Hours Later

Father: "... And that is the reason of why it is essential for Light and Darkness to coexist with one another. Do you understand all of that children?" He question me and my fellow students as I sat there while writing down the important parts of his lessons.

Father, as what the villagers called him, has been teaching us for 3 hours about various things that we are needed to learn about the world.

Such as:

The creation of the world,

The existence of Grimm,

Humanity's creation,

The Gods of this world,


But for some reason, a majority of the lessons about the Gods were all about the GOL.

Im not sure if its because their not that keen on teaching kids about what the adults deemed as an 'Evil God', or that they have little to no information about the God Of Darkness himself, but I got a feeling that its both.

Anyway, after the lesson, we continued to the next class which they called, the Blades & Sorcery class.

Whoever named this class should be sued for copywrite claims.

Anyways, in this class, I was at the top of my game.

You see, as I grew up, I've discovered that both my physical and magical capabilities are super enhanced to the point where I can easily learn and do stuff for just a couple of minutes.

This surprised the villagers quite a bit, but just shrugged it of as they said 'As expected of the Son of our God.'

Sigh, religious nuts.

Anyway, after discovering my abnormalities, I asked the GOL if he knew what's going on, and I was surprised that what he answered to me.

It turns out that GOL decided to spike my milk with a ton, and i mean A TON, of pure mana to super enhance my growth and potential.

This made my body capable of adapting to the changes around me, and my mana to be superior in quality AND quantity.

After learning this, I decided to abuse this new perk of mine to its limits.

I started to create a daily routine for myself to maximize the effectiveness of my new perks.

In the morning, I do physical training, in the afternoon, I meditate to boost my already enhanced mana control and mana pool, and in the evening, I read a lot of books about Magic, The World, Grimm, etc.

Rinse and repeat for 5 years straight.

And that is how I lived my childhood with little to no problems.

Hello readers, I'm back. Sorry it took this long for a new chapter to be released. I... uhh... had reasons... Anyway, just tell me what you think of this chapter, and comment on any spelling mistakes or grammars in the story.

Thanks and have a good day/night!

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