
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Others
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54 Chs

Welcome to remant

As Oscar was seeing the gach option.

Alright let's give this a try, if it is a person hope it is someone strong. Oscar said pushing the bottom as it grows a red light as he saw it was golden ticket. What the.

As then he read what the ticked was [ SSR selection ticked, this ticked allows you to pick any servant from univers of fate, this ticked can be used once ] universe fate grand order.

Excited by the possibilities, Oscar pondered over his choice. He had heard tales of powerful heroes and legendary figures from the Fate Grand Order universe. After some contemplation, he made his decision and activated the ticket.

A burst of light enveloped him, and when it faded, standing before him was a majestic figure clad in armor, wielding a magnificent sword.

"Who... who are you?" Oscar stammered, awestruck by the presence of the heroic spirit.

The figure stepped forward, emanating an aura of strength and nobility. "I am Artoria Pendragon, King of Knights. I have answered your summons, Master. What is your command?"

Oscar's eyes widened in amazement. He had summoned one of the most revered heroes from the Fate universe. With Artoria by his side, he felt an overwhelming sense of confidence.

"Welcome, Artoria," Oscar said, trying to compose himself. "I am Oscar. Together, we will face whatever challenges lie ahead."

Artoria nodded solemnly. "As you command, Master Oscar. I pledge my sword to your cause."

With Artoria by his side, Oscar felt ready to take on whatever trials awaited him in the world of Remnant.

Will thanks, and it looks like I have one more left to select. As he saw the SSR ticket turned into the sr. Let's see who I get this time

As the SR ticket glowed brightly, Oscar eagerly awaited the revelation of his next summoned servant. The light faded, revealing a new figure standing before him.

Before him stood a skilled marksman, clad in sleek, modern attire with an air of confidence. It was none other than Emiya Archer, the legendary hero from the Fate series.

"Emiya Archer," Oscar exclaimed, recognizing the heroic spirit. "I am honored to have you answer my summons."

Emiya Archer offered a slight smile, his gaze steady and determined. "I am at your service, Master Oscar. With my skills and abilities, we shall face any challenge that comes our way."

Oscar nodded, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of having such a renowned hero by his side. "Welcome, Emiya Archer. Together, we shall overcome any obstacle that stands in our path."

With Emiya Archer now summoned as his servant, Oscar felt a renewed sense of determination. With the legendary hero's expertise in combat and strategy at his disposal, he was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

Shiro. Artoria looked at him. It has been a while.

It has Artoria. As he looked at her and back at Oscar. What did Chaldea have problems, again I thought we already dealt with the aline god, and ORT.

As Shirou and Artoria conversed, Oscar listened intently, curious about their discussion.

"Chaldea has encountered a new threat," Artoria explained, her expression grave. "A powerful entity known as ORT has reappeared, posing a significant danger to humanity. Despite our previous efforts, it seems that our battle is far from over."

Shirou nodded, his features tightening with resolve. "We must prepare ourselves to face this threat head-on. ORT's power is formidable, but with our combined strength, we can overcome any challenge."

Oscar absorbed their words, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I may be new to this world, but I am ready to lend my assistance in any way I can," he declared, his determination unwavering.

Artoria and Shirou exchanged a knowing glance before turning back to Oscar with expressions of gratitude. "Your courage and determination are commendable, Oscar," Artoria said, her voice tinged with respect. "With your help, we stand a better chance of defeating ORT and protecting humanity."

With their resolve strengthened and their alliance solidified, Oscar, Artoria, and Shirou prepared to face the looming threat of ORT, united in their mission to safeguard the future of mankind.

Um can I say something. Oscar said looking at them. This not earth Thai remnet, and also oh here I go with the explosion.

Oscar then explained his system, what this world and the fact that they are just copies of the original from the world of fate, and not just that, but also how he summoned them, ans what thus world is, as after the explanation you can almost hear Artoria. Exe and Shiro,Exe stopped working.

As Oscar finished his explanation, a stunned silence fell over the room. Artoria and Shirou stared at him, their expressions a mix of disbelief and astonishment.

"So let me get this straight," Shirou began slowly, his voice tinged with incredulity. "You're telling us that we're not actually in our world of Fate, but rather in a different one called Remnant, and that we're essentially copies brought here by your... system?"

Oscar nodded earnestly. "That's correct. Remnant is a unique world with its own set of rules and history. And yes, you were summoned here by my system, which has the ability to draw individuals from different universes."

Artoria remained silent for a moment, processing this newfound information. "I must admit, this is quite... unexpected," she finally remarked, her tone reflective. "To think that we are not in our own world, but rather in a parallel one created by your system."

Shirou nodded in agreement, still trying to comprehend the magnitude of the revelation. "It's a lot to take in, but if what you say is true, then it changes everything we thought we knew about our existence."

Oscar offered them a reassuring smile. "I understand that this is a lot to process, but I assure you, I will do everything in my power to help you navigate this new world and assist in any way I can."

With their minds buzzing with newfound knowledge and possibilities, Artoria, Shirou, and Oscar prepared to face the challenges ahead, their fates intertwined in ways they could never have imagined.

Also my system didn't created this world. Oscar said looking at his servant. I don't even know how I got this system or who gave it to me or what it is

Artoria and Shirou exchanged a glance, their expressions reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern.

"That only adds to the mystery surrounding this system," Shirou remarked, his brow furrowed in thought. "If it didn't create this world, then how did it bring us here? And why?"

Oscar nodded in agreement. "Those are questions that have been plaguing me since the beginning. I've been trying to uncover the truth behind this system and its origins, but so far, I've come up empty-handed."

Artoria's gaze turned thoughtful as she spoke. "It seems we are all caught in a web of unknowns, linked by the enigma of your system. However, dwelling on what we do not know will not serve us. Instead, we must focus on adapting to this new world and facing whatever challenges come our way."

Shirou nodded in agreement. "You're right, Artoria. We may not have all the answers now, but we can't let that hinder us. We'll face whatever comes our way together, as a team."

But about your system it reminds me about another versions of me. Shiro said looking at Oscar. Also do just call me Archer, I stopped being shiro Emiya a long time agoa. He said looking at Oscar. And about that other Verison of my self he also had a system but it was more of a video game then yours which seems more powerful, and I don't know

"Another version of you with a system?" Oscar's eyebrows furrowed in intrigue. "That's fascinating. It seems there are more connections between our worlds than we initially thought. I wonder if there are others like us out there, each with their own systems and unique experiences."

Archer nodded thoughtfully. "It's certainly possible. The multiverse is vast, and there are countless variations of ourselves scattered throughout it. Perhaps someday we'll encounter more individuals like us and unravel even more mysteries."

As they pondered the implications of their newfound knowledge, Oscar, Archer, and Artoria remained determined to navigate this unfamiliar world together, united by their shared experiences and the bonds they were forming along the way.

Oh right still can summon. Oscar said starting the gach menu of his system. Come I need one more, or maybe a few more.

As Oscar said he spinning as then he saw golden light, aka 5 star, as then it shows a girl she had long silver yellow hair, yellow eyes, elf ears a lab coat, black boots with a green ribbon tited to it, she has a staff, ans umbrel to thr side.

Hello there doctor, or should I say summoner, it gets confusing after being summoned so many times, by so many people. The girl said looking at them. Oh right name is Muelsyse, i am from the Arknight univers, if don't know thr universe let me tell what that universe is

"Muelsyse, it's a pleasure to meet you," Oscar greeted her warmly. "Arknight universe, huh? I'm not familiar with it, but I'm eager to learn more. If you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd love to hear about your world and your experiences there."

As Muelsyse began to recount tales from the Arknight universe, Oscar and his companions listened intently, fascinated by the unique perspectives and adventures she had to offer. With each new summon, their group grew stronger and more diverse, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their journey through the multiverse.

How are so ok with this. Shiro said looking at Muelsyse. Like, how are you so ok with summoning.

Our universe is complicated, and I already know I am copy of the original, we all do. She said looking at Shiro. So yeah after all the Verison of my world and many other do have a gach system, were we are summond so yeah I am not will you know

"Indeed," Muelsyse continued, "in the Arknight universe, summoning is a common occurrence. We're summoned to fulfill various roles and aid in battles against formidable foes. It's just part of our existence, and we've come to accept it as our fate. Besides, being summoned to new worlds like this provides us with unique opportunities to learn and grow, to forge new friendships and alliances."

She paused, reflecting on her experiences. "Of course, there are challenges and uncertainties, but facing them head-on is what makes life exciting, wouldn't you agree?" Muelsyse smiled reassuringly at Shiro and the others, her confidence unwavering.

That is cool. Oscar said looking at Muelsyse. But can you explain why you called me doctor

"Ah, that's because of my unique role in the Arknight universe," Muelsyse explained. "In my world, I serve as a doctor and a healer, using my skills to aid those in need and support my allies in battle. It's become somewhat of a title for me, even beyond the medical field. So, when I see someone with the ability to summon, I instinctively refer to them as 'doctor,' acknowledging their power to bring forth beings like us."

As they continued to converse, Muelsyse shared more about the Arknight universe, detailing the struggles and conflicts faced by the Operators, the elite warriors she fought alongside. Oscar, Shiro, and Artoria listened intently, fascinated by the tales of distant worlds and heroic battles.

"It's remarkable how our stories intersect, despite coming from different universes," Oscar remarked, his curiosity piqued by Muelsyse's descriptions.

"Yes, it seems that fate has brought us together for a reason," Artoria added, her gaze thoughtful.

Shiro nodded in agreement, his expression contemplative. "Indeed. Perhaps there is a greater purpose to our meeting beyond mere chance."

As they delved deeper into conversation, they discovered shared experiences and unexpected connections, forging bonds that transcended the boundaries of their respective worlds. In this moment of camaraderie, they found solace and strength in each other's company, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

So wanna try another summon. Muelsyse said looking at Oscar. I mean you could get a new 5 start or maybe a higher 6 star characters, servant, Operator, hero, hunter, there is a lot of name for summon people.

As Oscar prepared to initiate another summon, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. With a tap of his finger, the summoning process began once more, casting a brilliant array of lights that danced before them.

From the shimmering lights emerged a character unlike any they had seen before. Standing before them was a figure clad in intricate armor adorned with arcane symbols, wielding a staff crackling with elemental energy.

"Whoa, who's this?" Oscar asked, his curiosity piqued by the enigmatic newcomer.

The character glanced around in confusion, their eyes wide with bewilderment. "Um, where am I? And who are all of you?" they inquired, their voice tinged with uncertainty.

"We summoned you here," Oscar explained, trying to make sense of the situation himself. "You're...uh, well, you're from another world, I think."

The character blinked, taking in their surroundings with a mix of fascination and trepidation. "I see... I suppose introductions are in order then. I am Merlin, a renowned wizard from the kingdom of Camelot," they announced, their tone tinged with a hint of mischief.

"That's right," Merlin confirmed with a wry grin. "And it seems I've been summoned to lend my expertise to your cause. Whatever that may be."

As the group welcomed Merlin into their midst, they couldn't help but wonder what adventures awaited them with such a storied figure at their side.

Will you look different from the one from my world. Artoria said looking at Merlin. I mean very different

Merlin chuckled, a mischievous glint dancing in their eyes. "Ah, yes, about that... In my world, I'm known for my... let's say, eccentricities. It seems the version you've summoned is no exception."

Their appearance shimmered briefly, shifting into a more fantastical and flamboyant attire, complete with elaborate robes and an extravagant hat adorned with stars and moons.

"There, is that better?" Merlin asked, a playful smirk gracing their lips as they struck a dramatic pose.

Artoria blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by the transformation. "I suppose it's... fitting," she remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Ruby couldn't contain her excitement. "This is so cool! We've got the legendary Merlin on our team!"

As the group continued their conversation, they couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events and the colorful cast of characters that fate had brought together. With Merlin's arrival, their journey was bound to become even more extraordinary.

To be continued

I hope everyone likes this Ch and give me power stones