
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Others
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54 Chs

It is not over yet

Wait. Oscar said looking around. It is not over yet

As Oscar surveyed the battlefield, his senses on high alert, he sensed a lingering presence, a remnant of darkness that refused to fade. With a furrowed brow, he turned to Esil, his expression grave.

"There's something... something still out there," he said, his voice tense with apprehension. "We haven't won yet."

Esil's eyes widened in alarm as she followed Oscar's gaze, searching the shadows for any sign of the lingering threat. Despite the apparent calm that had settled over the battlefield, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped her.

Before either of them could react, a sudden surge of dark energy rippled through the air, coalescing into a swirling vortex of malevolence. From its depths emerged a figure shrouded in darkness, its form twisted and contorted with unnatural power.

"It's... it's him," Esil whispered, her voice barely audible over the rising wind. "The true master of this realm."

Oscar's grip tightened on his weapons as he braced himself for the confrontation ahead. Whatever lay before them, he knew that this would be their greatest challenge yet.

With a defiant shout, he charged forward, his resolve unshakable. Esil followed close behind, her determination matching his own as they prepared to face the darkness head-on.

As they neared the shadowy figure, its eyes gleamed with malevolent intent, and a chilling laugh echoed through the stormy air. But Oscar and Esil stood firm, ready to confront the darkness and emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

Let me gess. Oscar said looking at the figure. He is the one who made the demon tower.

The figure chuckled darkly, its voice a low, menacing growl that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of reality. "You are perceptive, mortal," it hissed, its gaze fixed on Oscar with a mixture of contempt and amusement. "Indeed, I am the architect of this twisted realm, the one who holds dominion over its darkest depths."

Oscar's jaw clenched as he squared his shoulders, his determination unwavering in the face of the looming threat before him. "Then you're the one we've come to defeat," he declared, his voice ringing out with steely resolve.

Beside him, Esil braced herself for battle, her eyes narrowed in determination as she prepared to unleash her own formidable powers against the malevolent force that stood in their way.

The shadowy figure regarded them with a sinister smirk, its form pulsating with dark energy as it prepared to unleash its full might upon the intruders who dared to challenge its reign.

With a thunderous roar, the final battle began, the clash of light and darkness echoing throughout the realm as Oscar and Esil fought side by side, their strength and courage pitted against the overwhelming power of their foe.

As the battle raged on, each side unleashing devastating attacks in a bid for victory, it became clear that this would be a fight to the very end a struggle that would test their resolve, their skill, and their bond as allies in the face of unspeakable evil.

Oscar gritted his teeth as he called upon every ounce of power within him, tapping into the depths of his Grimm heritage and the formidable abilities bestowed upon him by the mysterious system. With a primal roar, he unleashed a torrent of darkness, engulfing his enemies in a maelstrom of shadows that writhed and twisted with malevolent energy.

Esil fought alongside him, her own powers manifesting in a dazzling display of elemental mastery. Bolts of lightning crackled from her fingertips, striking with deadly precision against their foe, while torrents of water surged forth to extinguish the dark flames that threatened to consume them.

The demon king, however, was a formidable opponent, its strength seemingly boundless as it unleashed a barrage of devastating attacks against Oscar and Esil. Dark tendrils lashed out, seeking to ensnare them in their grasp, while waves of infernal fire rained down from above, threatening to reduce them to ashes.

But Oscar was undeterred, his determination unwavering as he pressed forward, his swords slashing through the darkness with unparalleled precision. With each strike, he carved through the demon king's defenses, his movements fueled by a potent mix of skill, instinct, and sheer determination.

As the battle reached its climax, Oscar's eyes blazed with an intensity born of pure resolve. Drawing upon the full extent of his power, he unleashed a devastating final assault, channeling the very essence of his Grimm heritage into a single, cataclysmic attack.

With a thunderous roar, the darkness surged forth, engulfing the demon king in a blinding vortex of shadow and flame. For a moment, the air crackled with raw energy, the very fabric of reality trembling beneath the weight of their combined might.

And then, in a blinding flash of light, it was over. The demon king let out a final, anguished cry as its form was consumed by the overwhelming force of Oscar's attack, its dark essence dissipating into the ether as the realm around them began to collapse.

With a weary sigh, Oscar lowered his swords, the adrenaline of battle giving way to a bone-deep exhaustion. Beside him, Esil stood, her expression one of relief and triumph as they surveyed the aftermath of their victory.

"We did it," she said, her voice tinged with awe. "We defeated the demon king."

Oscar nodded, a sense of profound satisfaction washing over him. "Yeah," he replied, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But it's not over yet. There's still so much we have to do."

As they prepared to leave the crumbling realm behind, Oscar knew that their journey was far from over. But with Esil at his side, he felt a renewed sense of purpose a determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

As they arrived back the 80th floor were feast for Oscar was hold, as Oscar was in the shower it was like a hot spring, as he was there after the dinner, as then he saw someone else coming, in she was naked just like him as it was Esil.

Oscar's cheeks flushed crimson as he quickly averted his gaze, the steam from the hot spring doing little to conceal his embarrassment. "Uh, sorry," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't realize anyone else was here."

Esil laughed softly, the sound echoing through the steam-filled chamber. "Relax," she said, her tone playful. "It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before."

Despite his embarrassment, Oscar couldn't help but chuckle at her remark. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he admitted, his cheeks still tinged with pink. "So, what brings you here?"

Esil shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Just thought I'd join you for a soak," she replied, stepping into the hot spring with practiced ease. "After all, we did just defeat a demon king. I think we deserve a little relaxation, don't you?"

Oscar couldn't argue with that logic, and he found himself relaxing in spite of his initial discomfort. As they soaked in the warm waters of the hot spring, the tension of their recent battle seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment.

"So," Esil said after a moment, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "What's next for us?"

Oscar considered her question for a moment, the weight of their recent victory settling upon him once more. "I'm not sure," he admitted, his brow furrowing in thought. "But whatever it is, I know we'll face it together."

Esil smiled at his words, a warmth in her eyes that mirrored the gentle steam rising from the hot spring. "Together," she echoed, reaching out to clasp his hand in hers. "I like the sound of that."

And as they sat together in the soothing embrace of the hot spring, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism for the future, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he had a steadfast companion by his side.

So what now. Esil said looking at him. Your going to back to the human world

Yeah. Oscar said looking at her. It is your people distinction to come with me to Rement, but I don't think so let me tell about the Faunus

As the warm waters of the hot spring embraced them, Oscar began to recount tales of the Faunus, their struggles, their triumphs, and their enduring spirit. Esil listened intently, her curiosity piqued by his stories.

"Faunus," Oscar explained, "are a unique race that shares many similarities with humans but possesses distinct traits that set them apart. They often possess animalistic features such as ears, tails, or other characteristics, inherited from their Faunus ancestry."

Esil nodded, her interest evident as she absorbed his words. "And how do they fit into the world of Remnant?" she asked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Oscar smiled, pleased by her enthusiasm. "Despite facing discrimination and prejudice from some humans, many Faunus have played integral roles in shaping the world of Remnant," he explained. "They are skilled warriors, talented artisans, and passionate advocates for equality and justice."

Esil listened intently as Oscar spoke, her admiration for the Faunus growing with each passing moment. "They sound like a remarkable people," she remarked, a note of admiration in her voice.

"They are," Oscar agreed, his gaze distant as he reflected on the Faunus' resilience and determination in the face of adversity. "And I believe that one day, they will overcome the challenges they face and find their rightful place in the world."

So what I am getting is. Esil said looking at Oscar. Human in Rement will treat us demon the same, as his the Faunus are correct, that is why you don't want us to go there's

Oscar nodded, understanding Esil's perspective. "Yes, there are parallels between the struggles faced by the Faunus in Remnant and the potential challenges you and your people might encounter in the human world," he confirmed. "But it's more than just that. It's about creating a world where everyone, regardless of their race or background, can coexist peacefully and prosper together."

Esil considered his words, a thoughtful expression crossing her features. "I see," she said slowly. "So you believe that by remaining in Rement, we can work towards building a better future for all beings, demon and human alike."

"Exactly," Oscar affirmed. "We have the opportunity to shape our own destiny, to overcome the divisions that separate us and forge a path towards unity and understanding. And I believe that together, we can achieve great things."

Esil smiled, a newfound determination shining in her eyes. "Then I choose to stay," she declared, her voice filled with conviction. "I want to be a part of that future, to help build a world where demons and humans can live side by side in harmony."

Oscar returned her smile, grateful for her decision. "Thank you, Esil," he said sincerely. "Together, we can make a difference."

As they gazed up at the stars, their hearts filled with hope for the future, Oscar and Esil knew that their journey was far from over. But with each other's support and the strength of their shared vision, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, confident in their ability to bring about positive change in the world.

As the next day arrived Oscar left the demon tower and Esil followed him back to Rement he had to explain to Ruby who she was, and Ruby just looked at him with face do not another girl to your harem, as then they sa arhe news Portal opening and Esil people coming through.

I am still wondering your diction master. Shiro said looking at Oscar. Was this good idea.

Oscar paused for a moment, considering Shiro's question carefully. "I believe it was," he finally replied, his voice steady with conviction. "Esil and her people have chosen to stay in Rement, not as conquerors or invaders, but as allies and friends. By embracing their presence and working together, we can build a better future for all beings, regardless of their race or origin."

Shiro nodded, accepting Oscar's answer. "I trust your judgment, master," he said respectfully. "And I will do whatever it takes to support you in your decisions."

"Thank you, Shiro," Oscar said gratefully, clasping his friend's shoulder. "Together, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way."

As they watched Esil and her people integrate into their new surroundings, Oscar felt a sense of hope and optimism for the future. With each passing day, they were one step closer to achieving their goal of unity and harmony in Rement, and he knew that with the support of his friends and allies, they would succeed.

Meanwhile Ozpin was having a headache he already couldn't get the Humans and Faunus to live together and unite and now there was third race, at this point it takes him a few hundred more life's before he can call the gods again

Why. Ozpin siad looking at the news. Why did this had to happen

As Glynda just looked at him with pity, and a face of will shit that happened

Glynda sighed softly, understanding the weight of Ozpin's burden. "It seems that fate has a way of testing us at every turn," she remarked, her voice tinged with sympathy. "But as long as we remain steadfast in our convictions and work together, I believe we can overcome any challenge that comes our way."

Ozpin nodded, his expression somber but determined. "You're right, Glynda," he agreed. "We may face difficult times ahead, but we cannot lose hope. We must continue to strive for peace and unity, no matter how daunting the task may seem."

With renewed resolve, Ozpin turned his attention back to the news, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Glynda stood by his side, offering her support and strength as they navigated the uncertain path before them.

But still. Ozpin said looking at the news. Why, just why, at this point I have enough idea how many more life I need

Glynda placed a reassuring hand on Ozpin's shoulder. "It's natural to feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the task ahead," she said gently. "But remember, each challenge we face brings us one step closer to our goal. We must persevere, no matter how long the journey may be."

Ozpin nodded, grateful for Glynda's words of encouragement. "You're right, Glynda," he said with a determined smile. "We must continue to press forward, for the sake of all who call Remnant home."

Together, they turned their attention back to the task at hand, ready to confront the challenges of the present and shape a better future for their world.

To be continued