
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Others
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54 Chs

Even more killing

As they arrived on the 92nd floor, Oscar and Esil were met with a chilling sight. The entire floor was covered in thick ice, with icy winds howling through the corridors.

"This doesn't look good," Oscar remarked, eyeing the frozen landscape warily.

Esil shivered slightly, clutching her cloak tighter around her. "It's always like this here," she explained. "The Demon Lord of this floor has control over ice and snow."

Oscar nodded, preparing himself for the upcoming battle. "Let's find this Demon Lord and put an end to their reign."

They ventured deeper into the icy labyrinth, encountering frozen creatures and treacherous traps along the way. Eventually, they reached the heart of the floor, where the Demon Lord awaited them atop a frozen throne.

"Ah, visitors," the Demon Lord sneered, ice crackling around them. "What brings you to my domain?"

"We're here to end your tyranny," Oscar declared, his voice echoing through the icy chamber. "Your time is up."

With a roar, the Demon Lord unleashed a blizzard of ice shards, forcing Oscar and Esil to dodge and weave to avoid being struck. Esil conjured waves of fire to counter the icy onslaught, creating a fierce battle between fire and ice.

As the fight raged on, Oscar pushed himself to his limits, using every ounce of his strength and skill to overcome the formidable Demon Lord. With a final, decisive strike, he shattered the ice around the Demon Lord, defeating them once and for all.

As the ice melted away, revealing the true form of the defeated Demon Lord, Oscar and Esil shared a victorious glance. Another floor had been claimed, and they were one step closer to their goal.

But their journey was far from over, and greater challenges awaited them on the floors above. With renewed determination, they pressed on, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead.

As they went to the 93, 94 and 95 all tree were watee based as Oscar swimminh out of the water.

Why was everything water. Oscar said as he Esil coming out with no problems. Why were the last 3 floors so much water.

"It's likely the influence of the Demon Lords who rule over these floors," Esil explained, wringing out her soaked cloak. "Each Demon Lord has control over certain elements, and they shape their domains accordingly."

Oscar nodded, understanding dawning on him. "So if the Demon Lords specialize in water, it makes sense that their floors would be dominated by it."

"Exactly," Esil confirmed, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. "But don't let your guard down. Water may seem harmless, but in the hands of a powerful Demon Lord, it can be just as deadly as fire or ice."

With that caution in mind, they continued their journey, braving the watery depths of the next floors with determination and resolve. As they ventured deeper into the demon-infested tower, Oscar couldn't help but wonder what other challenges awaited them in the floors above. But one thing was certain: no matter what trials they faced, he and Esil would face them together, united in their quest to conquer the demon tower and claim victory for themselves and their allies.

Alright let go. Oscar said as the 95th demon lord body cane out of the water. Let's go through 96th floor

As they arrived in a fucking Jungle at this point Oscar was trying not to loses, the lower floor had a team, fire and looked like hell the upper floor were just, random bullshit go

"The variety keeps things interesting, I guess," Oscar remarked, surveying the dense foliage surrounding them. "But it also makes it harder to anticipate what we'll encounter next."

Esil nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the lush vegetation for any signs of movement. "The jungle may seem tranquil, but it's teeming with hidden dangers," she warned. "We'll need to stay on our guard and watch each other's backs if we want to make it through this floor in one piece."

With that, they pressed onward, navigating through the tangled undergrowth and keeping their senses sharp for any lurking threats. As they ventured deeper into the jungle, the air grew thick with humidity, and the sounds of chirping insects and rustling leaves filled the air. Despite the serene surroundings, Oscar couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the back of his mind. He knew that in a place like this, danger could lurk behind every tree and bush, waiting to strike when they least expected it. But he was determined not to let fear hold him back. With Esil by his side, he felt confident that they could overcome whatever challenges lay ahead and emerge victorious once more.

As they delved deeper into the jungle, the foliage grew denser, obscuring their path and making progress slow and arduous. The air grew heavy with the scent of earth and vegetation, and the humidity pressed down on them like a suffocating blanket. Despite the oppressive conditions, Oscar and Esil pressed on, their determination unwavering as they searched for any sign of the demon lord that ruled over this floor.

Suddenly, a rustling in the underbrush ahead caught their attention, and they tensed, readying themselves for whatever threat might emerge. To their surprise, a figure emerged from the foliage, clad in tattered robes and carrying a gnarled staff adorned with sinister runes.

"I've been expecting you," the figure rasped, its voice echoing through the dense jungle. "You think you can challenge me, the ruler of this domain? You are but mere intruders in my realm, and you shall pay dearly for your insolence."

Oscar and Esil exchanged a glance, steeling themselves for the battle ahead. They knew that facing the demon lord would not be easy, but they were prepared to do whatever it took to emerge victorious.

With a nod, they charged forward, weapons at the ready, ready to confront their foe head-on. The demon lord laughed, a sound that sent shivers down their spines, but they remained undeterred, their resolve unshakeable as they clashed with the dark creature in the heart of the jungle.

The demon lord unleashed a barrage of dark magic, sending tendrils of shadow snaking towards Oscar and Esil. With swift reflexes, Oscar deflected the dark energy with his swords, while Esil countered with blasts of elemental magic, creating barriers of water and earth to shield them from harm.

As they fought, the jungle seemed to come alive around them, the trees twisting and contorting as if possessed by malevolent spirits. Vines snaked out from the underbrush, ensnaring their limbs and threatening to immobilize them, but Oscar and Esil fought on, their determination unyielding.

With a roar of fury, the demon lord intensified its assault, summoning forth a tempest of wind and rain to batter them from all sides. Oscar gritted his teeth, pushing through the storm with sheer force of will, while Esil channeled her magic to create a protective barrier around them, deflecting the worst of the onslaught.

But even as they weathered the demon lord's attacks, they knew that victory would not come easily. The creature was powerful, its dark magic formidable and its determination unyielding. With every strike, it seemed to grow stronger, feeding off their fear and desperation.

Yet Oscar and Esil refused to give in, drawing on their inner strength and resolve to continue the fight. With each blow they landed, they whittled away at the demon lord's defenses, inching closer and closer to victory with every passing moment.

And then, with a final, decisive strike, they delivered the killing blow, vanquishing the demon lord once and for all. As its form dissolved into smoke and shadow, the jungle around them seemed to sigh in relief, the oppressive atmosphere lifting as if a weight had been lifted from its shoulders.

With the threat neutralized, Oscar and Esil exchanged a weary but triumphant smile, their bond forged in the heat of battle stronger than ever before. They had faced the darkness head-on and emerged victorious, ready to continue their journey through the demon tower and confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

Wait a minute. Oscar said rembering his fire breath. Why did I just brun this whole place from the sky I can fly

Realizing his overlooked advantage, Oscar ascended into the sky, his form wreathed in flames as he unleashed a torrent of fire upon the jungle below. The inferno raged unchecked, consuming everything in its path as Oscar soared above, directing the flames with precision and control.

With each pass, the flames grew hotter and more intense, until finally, the jungle was reduced to ash and cinder, the once verdant landscape now a barren wasteland of charred trees and scorched earth.

Descending from the sky, Oscar landed beside Esil, the two of them surveying the destruction they had wrought. Though the jungle lay in ruins, they knew that their victory had come at a cost, the demon lord vanquished but the land laid waste in its wake.

Yet even as they mourned the loss of life and nature, they knew that their mission was far from over. With renewed determination, they pressed onward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them on the remaining floors of the demon tower.

As the demon lord was dead, Esil just looked at him as they saw the Jungle was re growing

Witnessing the miraculous regeneration of the jungle, Esil and Oscar exchanged a glance, marveling at the power of nature to rebound and renew itself even in the wake of devastation.

"It seems that the land has a resilience of its own," Esil remarked, her voice tinged with awe. "Despite our actions, it seeks to heal and thrive once more."

Oscar nodded in agreement, his gaze drawn to the vibrant greenery springing forth from the charred remains. "Nature has a way of reclaiming what is lost," he observed. "Perhaps there is hope yet for this world, even amidst the chaos and destruction."

With a sense of wonder and reverence, they watched as the jungle continued to flourish, a testament to the enduring strength and resilience of life itself. And as they prepared to venture forth to the next floor, they carried with them the knowledge that even in the darkest of times, there was always the promise of renewal and rebirth.

Alright 98th floor. As Oscar and Esil Arrived to the place they saw the demon lord. Alright let do this.

Nope. The demon lord siad getting up. I am not dum, let's go to the next floor and Esil just take over my realms I am smirt enough to know, that I going tk die, that kid has already taken out enough demon lords

The demon lord's words hung in the air, a stark acknowledgment of Oscar's prowess and the inevitability of his defeat. Esil exchanged a glance with Oscar, silently conveying her agreement with the demon lord's assessment.

"You're not wrong," Oscar conceded, his tone tinged with a hint of resignation. "But if you're willing to yield without a fight, then I'll spare you."

The demon lord nodded, relieved at the prospect of avoiding a futile battle. "I accept your offer," he replied, his demeanor shifting from defiance to acceptance. "Esil, you have my realm."

With a sense of finality, they departed from the 98th floor, leaving behind the defeated demon lord and his domain. And as they ascended to the next floor, they carried with them the knowledge that sometimes, the greatest victories were not won through force, but through wisdom and compassion.

As Oscar and Esil ascended to the 99th floor, they found themselves in a realm shrouded in darkness, the air heavy with a palpable sense of foreboding. The demon lord of this floor emerged from the shadows, a towering figure clad in black armor adorned with sinister runes.

"Welcome, intruders," the demon lord intoned, his voice echoing with a chilling resonance. "You have ventured far, but your journey ends here."

Esil tensed beside Oscar, her hand instinctively reaching for her weapon. Despite the ominous atmosphere, Oscar remained composed, his eyes fixed on the formidable adversary before him.

"I am Belial, the lord of darkness," the demon proclaimed, his gaze piercing through the gloom. "Prepare yourselves for your inevitable demise."

With a swift motion, Belial unleashed a barrage of dark energy, forcing Oscar and Esil to dodge and counter with their own attacks. The battle raged on, each side unleashing their most powerful techniques in a desperate bid for victory.

But as the confrontation reached its climax, Oscar felt a surge of determination coursing through him. Drawing upon his inner strength, he unleashed a devastating onslaught of fire and light, overwhelming Belial and forcing him to retreat.

As the dust settled, Oscar and Esil stood victorious, their adversary vanquished and the 99th floor under their control. With a sense of accomplishment, they prepared to ascend to the final floor, where the ultimate challenge awaited them.

Ok that was easy. Oscar said as he wonder what his level was. What was my level

As he check he was it was level 110, as he relsihe that the amount of demon and demon lord he had killed gifted him so many levels, as he was smirking.

Alright. Oscar said looking at Esil. Let go to the 100th floor

As they did, the floor was strong the drak cloud and everything, thunder and Rain were falling, as Oscar saw the demon lord no the Demon king of all the floor, Esil step back, As Oscar transformed into his Grimm Human hybrid and activate all of his skills, his shadow moves, as he also activated the time ring just in case,

Trace on. Oscar said as 4 more Riptide and Demon plum sword came. Let do this, as each of his shadow arm grabbed each of his weapon

As the demon king looks at him, as he was riding his dragon, as they attack

As the battle commenced, lightning crackled across the sky, illuminating the fierce clash between Oscar and the Demon King. Oscar's shadowy clones darted around the battlefield, engaging the Demon King's minions as he focused his attention on the towering figure astride the dragon.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Oscar parried the Demon King's attacks, his weapons flashing in the stormy darkness. Each strike reverberated with the force of his determination, driving back the malevolent forces arrayed against him.

Meanwhile, Esil watched from the sidelines, her eyes wide with awe and apprehension. She had never witnessed such a titanic struggle, and she knew that the fate of countless realms hung in the balance.

As the battle raged on, Oscar tapped into the full extent of his powers, channeling the energy of his Grimm heritage to bolster his attacks. Shadows swirled around him, enhancing his speed and strength as he pressed the offensive against the Demon King.

But the Demon King was no ordinary foe. With a roar of fury, he unleashed a barrage of dark magic, engulfing Oscar in a maelstrom of malevolence. Yet Oscar stood firm, his resolve unyielding as he pushed through the onslaught with sheer determination.

With a final, decisive strike, Oscar delivered the finishing blow, cleaving through the Demon King's defenses and striking true. The creature let out a deafening roar of agony as it was consumed by the purifying light of Oscar's blade.

As the echoes of battle faded, silence descended upon the battlefield. Oscar stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the aftermath of the conflict. Esil approached him, her expression a mix of relief and admiration.

"You did it," she said, her voice tinged with awe. "You've defeated the Demon King and saved us all."

Oscar nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. But even as he basked in the glow of his triumph, he knew that greater challenges lay ahead. With his newfound strength and resolve, he was ready to face whatever trials awaited him in the future.

To be continued