
RWBY: Gamer Guild

This is a story about a sinful man getting killed on the Earth after getting betrayed by his so-called friend. He already accepts that he will meet his demise and get transported into a never-ending torture chamber. However, he did not get into Hell. When he opens his eyes, he is in the other world altogether. The world that very different than Earth but very familiar at the same time. *NOTE! This is a self-indulgence novel. Don't take this story very seriously*

LuxVonDeux · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

The business between the Xiong family and the Ambassador runs very smoothly. The drugs that the Ambassador produces become a hot item in the inner section of Vale city. There is an untold amount of people who really need a good night's sleep in the city.

While a sleeping pill helps them sleep, the Ambassador's cloud drug makes sure the consumer has a pleasant sleep by giving them a pleasant dream that encourages them to move forward.

Because many people have a pleasant sleep and dream, the amount of negative emotion released is reduced as well. Without him knowing, Amir is the culprit of the reduced number of Grimm attacking the city.

At least the district where the drug is spreading. The southeast section of the city becomes the least section of the city that the Grimm attacks.

This section is where the Faunus slum is located. The place that slowly grows for the better. Five months after the agreement between the Xiong Family and the Ambassador, Amir's cover business started to expand.

Right now, he owns a fishing business and an agriculture business. He owns a large chunk of land sitting next to the slum that he uses as a farm. Many people in Vale belittle the farming business. They always thought that the most important business in Remnant was the dust business, and that is true, but the Agricultural business is the number two.

Right now, Amir has around a thousand people working for him on the farm and around one hundred people in his inner circle.

While that number sounds massive, it was not. Not when you compare it to how many people in Vale.

However, while his business is small in size, he is now known as a business that hires Faunus. Almost seventy-five percent of employees in his business are Faunus, and it comes with both positive and negative things.

The positive: many Faunus flock to his business to seek employment, and Amir does not need to worry about running out of workers.

The negative: most buyers in Vale were not willing to buy it from him. The reason is that they did not want to eat anything the Faunus touched.

Lucky for him, he got a buyer from the Vacuo kingdom. With the help of Haru and his power, they can make a plant that lasts longer and tastes more delicious than a normal one. Amir did not know how Haru made it, but he was glad for it.

With his newly found fame, Amir gets another reward from the system. It was only one hundred SP and nothing else. The system has been rather quiet lately and only gives him a quest after completing the previous one.

Seeing he has five hundred and seventy-five Shop Points, Amir decides to open the system shop.

|Welcome to the guild shop!|

|This is the place where each player sells and buys any item they want! You can purchase anything you want here!|

|The shop has a few rules in place mainly for the people selling their items in it.|

|The guild will take a thirty percent tax for every time it is sold in the shop that is under one thousand points. Twenty percent for above one thousand and under ten thousand points. Ten percent for items worth more than ten thousand points.|

"The more expensive the item, the cheaper the tax is, huh? Let's see what kind of item I can buy."

Amir went through the Guild Shop for a few minutes, and he knew one thing. When the system says that he can buy anything he wants, it really means it. He can see many kinds of items he can buy if he has enough points—an item like weapons, armors, and even slaves.

"Hot damn. Look at those weapons and armors. Sadly that number is too big for me. Also, how can they sell power?"

Amir clicked the picture of a vial in the shop, and a second later, he could read the description.

|Cauldron's Vial| |Seller: Lady_in_Hat| |Seller ID: 111-U-28799063-WWT|

|A liquid that grants the consumer power. Created using the modified serum from the Cauldron Organization, this liquid can grant you BRUTE, STRIKER, or BLASTER power.|

|Cost: 100,000 SP|

He did not know who the Cauldron Organization was, but he knew that those organizations were powerful organizations to create this kind of serum. Sadly, he can't buy it just yet. Even then, he did not really need it for now or in the long run.

"System, can you sort the shop for me? Please sort it from the cheapest and set the price range up to my current point."

As if hearing what Amir is saying, the shop starts to change. The cheapest item is a dagger that is coated with a deadly poison. Even with such a simple dagger, it cost him two hundred and thirty-five points to buy it.

Amir did not know what kind of poison was coated on the dagger, but the seller guaranteed that it would kill a NORMAL human within a second. He can see that the seller uses all caps lock in the word 'normal,' and he knows that all huntsmen are not normal humans. He also did not know if it also worked on Faunus.

He then decides to search for a ranged weapon instead. While his pistol is good with the right bullet, it was not the most powerful one. Amir wants a rifle and lets his pistol as a side weapon in case of an emergency.

After searching for a few seconds, he found the gun he wanted.

|M-8 Avenger| |Seller: Guns!-Only-Guns!| |Seller ID: 321-V-55689271-OOW|

|A common, versatile, military-grade assault rifle. Accurate when fired in short bursts and deadly when fired on full auto. The Avenger is effective at penetrating shields, armor, and biotic barriers. I will also throw four magazines with forty bullets in them. NOTE! You can contact me if you want to buy more bullets.|

|Cost: 480 points|

While it cost him almost all of his points, it was worth it, in his opinion. He already saw the preview video and how it fires something similar to a laser beam or something. Amir did not really know about it, but it was more powerful than a weapon powered by dust by the look of it.

He already compared it, and this weapon is more powerful. The seller is also kind enough to put a comparison catalog in his profile, and lucky for Amir, there is a weapon using dust as its bullet. Because of that, he can compare the dust-powered weapon with the M-8 Avenger.

There is a powerful weapon that uses dust, but it costs him a fortune, and there is another weapon with the same firepower but cheaper.

After thinking for a few more seconds, Amir presses the buy button, and within a few seconds, his order is received.

"Wait. How long do I need to wait for my order to arrive?"

"Not too long."

"Holy shit!"

Amir jumped up from his couch and pointed his gun at the man standing not too far away from him.

"How do you get here!?"

"From there." The man in the blue suit points at a blue portal behind him."Anyway, I'm the delivery man. and here is your order."

The delivery man placed the package on the table before walking inside the portal again. Amir tries to stop him and ask questions, but he is too late as the delivery man is already gone.

"Dammit. There goes my chance to ask him a question."

With a sigh, Amir opens up the box and sees the gun he ordered. The gun itself looks like the one in the picture and video, but it has scope. He did not remember ordering the scope.

Amir looked inside the box. He can see the four magazines and a note. He took the note and started to read it.

"Thank you for purchasing a gun from my store! As a first-time buyer, I will give you a universal scope. This scope can work on any gun. Just take it out of your current gun, place it on top of the weapon you want to use and let the magic do the rest. If you want to buy more weapons, please visit my profile. Huh. Neat."

Amir tries to pull out the scope, and it comes right off true to the seller's word. He then places it on top of his pistol, and suddenly the scope attaches itself to the pistol.

"Now, let's test it."

Before Amir could get to the training room, a blue panel appeared in front of him.

|Jealous Group!|

|A gang called Emerald Snake wants to take your territory, but because you almost wiped them out, they decide to use the most dominant species in this world to help them. They decide to attack the Grimm nest near Vale before the soldiers eliminate them and lure them into the city. You need to defend your territory. You have twenty-four hours before the horde attack.|

|Reward: 120 SP and Random Perk Ticket|


You can find the advanced chapter here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee.



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