
Rwby: Fatherhood

Ruby Rose, daughter of Summer Rose and Taiyang, half sister to Yang Xiao Long and leader of Team Rwby. She was a child with a destined unlike any other, a fate that one would never imagine. In one universe, she was seen to having a great potential that was untapped and quite untrained. What if she had someone who could teach her, what if she had someone who could train her? What if Ruby Rose had a Jedi for a father? //Before any of you ask, Ruby is just getting an OC father with Remanant being put into the Star Wars universe within the Unknown Regions\\

Necro_ · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Gaius Faradei Rose

A man who was most likely in his mid to later twenties awoke at the sounds of rapidly approaching steps. His eyes opened, revealing one eye with dark brown irises and the other being glass over having a scar going down it. With a groan, he rose from a comfortable bed that he laid on. Then was subsequently tackled by a red petal'd blur. A grunt left him as a sigh left his lips, his good eye looked down to find silver irises gazing back up at him. A small midnight black haired girl with a pale complexion gazed up at him with a beaming smile. "Morning dad!" She shouted, getting a soft smile from the man.

"Ruby, I thought that I told you to stop running in the house." The man softly scolded, causing a giggle to leave from the girl's lips. Another blur tackled him, sending him back to the bed. Now he stared up a red irises of a blonde haired girl who's smile challenged Ruby's. "That goes doubly the same to you Yang..." The man said with panted breathe.

Ruby and Yang looked at each other then laughed it off before hugging the man. With a shake of the head, their father returned the hug and slowly sat back up again in bed. Beside him groaned a tired black haired woman. She rolled over, being half naked then opened her eyes to peer up at Ruby, Yang, and the man in a group hug. "No fair, I wanna be in a morning group hug Gaius..." The woman whined, then crawled over and hugged Gaius from behind. Her arms wrapped around and held her family as Gaius shook his head at them.

"You're all unbelievable..." He commented but allowed a warm smile to curl onto his lips.

"Well it's your fault for marrying me, and your fault for being such a sucker for me." The woman retorted, getting a slight chuckle out of Gaius. "Summer, no one can resist those eyes, I swear there is some form of magic behind them", Gaius replied, "Ruby, Yang, wash up and get ready for breakfast. No Buts, and get ready for school." Ruby and Yang both whined but reluctantly released their father before marching out of the bedroom dejected.

"Did they really think that a group hug was going to stop me from sending them to school?"

"Well, it use to work when they were younger."

"You taught them how to do that didn't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about.."

Gaius looked back at Summer, noticing a mischievous smile come to her lips as his eye landed on her. "You sneaky devil.."

A gasp left Summer as Gaius quickly and expertly turned and wrapped his arms around her. He gently lifted her to where her rear was no longer on the bed, and her legs wrapping around his waist. A giggle left Summer's lips as she wrapped her arms around Giaus' neck. "I'm your sneaky devil, haven't you noticed?"

"Remind me to go in the market and find a more mature woman for auction."

"You wouldn't dare.."

"Try me.."

The two got into an intense staring contest, until Summer placed a soft kiss to Gaius' lips. He let out a soft breathe as his hand slid up her bare back. Then eventually coursing into her hair gently, massaging her scalp. The two held the kiss for a time, before eventually pulling apart. "Promise me something Gaius, no matter what happens tomorrow...you'll protect our little girls."

Gaius frowned when she requested that of him, he was fully aware of the assignment that Summer had recieved from Ozpin. He didn't trust the man, he could tell that there was something with him. Even so, he respected Summer's decision though he hadn't told her something that he would do.

"I promise...and you best promise to come back." He returned her request with another of his own.

Summer gave him a saddened smile, one that had her eyes glistening with tears at the corners of her eyes. "Gaius...you know that I won't be coming back..."

At those words, the world seem to fall apart and Summer began to dissolve from Gaius' embrace. With widened and fearful eyes, Gaius tried to keep his hold on her. Try as he might, it seemed as if his hold on her was slipping. Until eventually Summer Rose had simply dissolved into nothing but red rose petals.


//Ten Years Later\\

Gaius awoke with a start, in the same bed that he had dreamed of before. He had a fully grown and trimmed beard, laying atop him was a canine animal. Gaius sat up in a cold sweat, one that the canine noticed and awoke as well. A whine left the dog before crawling over and nuzzling the man gently. Gaius frowned, feeling guilty at having awakened his dog. "Sorry Zwei.."

Gaius' eyes turned to his bed side, finding that there was no one there. The place were Summer would be was unfortunately empty. A solemn look came about Gaius as he turned his attention back to the dog. He ran a hand through the dog's fur, massaging it before letting out a sigh. It was early in the morning, the sun had yet to rise. Even so, Gaius got moved himself out of bed with Zwei right behind him. The two walked down a hall with several closed doors. Not long after, they descended down a flight of stairs and found themselves in the living room. The two walked into the kitchen then a moment later Gaius grabbed a dog bowl for Zwei.

He then filled the bowl with dog food and turned to begin preparing breakfast. As he did this, he thought back on his past life, a life that only Summer knew and no one else. One that he couldn't exactly tell his daughters, especially Ruby. With a slow inhale and exhale, he centered himself before getting back to cooking breakfast for the girls. It wouldn't be long before the sun shined through the windows. He heard a door opening upstairs, not long there were footsteps heading towards the stairs. Gaius did not grow the curiosity to turn and see who it was.

His eyes remained on the cooking at hand. That was when he heard a male yawn, before someone spoke. "You gotta teach me how you wake up so early Gaius, I'm not even sure I could even wake up that early." A man said, and before long he got beside Gaius then leaned on the nearby countertop. "I'll teach you how once you start waking up the girls, Tai." Gaius reprimanded, then got a slight sigh from the man. Tai was an average builded blonde haired man, he had a charismatic smile plastered on his face. Though his hair was bedridden and unkempt, showing that he had hardly cleaned himself up.

"Come on, it's too early in the morning to wake them up."

"Yang is graduating today, and Ruby wants to head into Vale to look at one of the Dust stores."

"It's kinda scary how you can remember all of that."

"It's called being a father, now please go wake up the girls or you won't get breakfast."

"....You're evil, you know that?"

Tai moved off the counter and walked away from the kitchen. As he left, Gaius ended up finishing breakfast and was beginning to set plates down. He heard rapid footsteps approaching, one that he knew all too well. Quickly setting the plates down, his back was met with a tackle from behind. "Morning Dad!" An elated Ruby exclaimed as she hugged her father from behind. Gaius turned around them hugged Ruby back, even giving her head a soft caress. "Morning to you too Ruby, did you brush your teeth?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Open your mouth."


"Open. Your. Mouth."

Ruby did as ordered, and Gaius saw that she didn't actually brush her teeth. With a risen brow, and a stern look he shook his head at the girl. "Go brush your teeth, and only then can you eat breakfast."

To this Ruby pouted but did as Gaius told her. As she trudged back up the stairs Yang came down and sent her stepfather a beaming smile. "Hey Gaius." She called, and Gaius returned her smile with a warm one. "Why don't you make sure that your sister brushes her teeth?" Gaius questioned, and immediately Yang tried to dismiss it. "Well I can't be there for her all the time, some times she's gotta figure it out on her own."

This got a stern glare that made Yang freeze up. "She is your sister Yang, and you can be there for her when she needs you. I am the one who won't always be there for her, remember you're still young...I'm not." Gaius reprimanded, then let out a sigh before heading over to his place at the table that he set up. Yang sent a saddened look at Gaius, she wasn't sad because of what he said. She was sad about having to hear him speak that way. He was as much of a father as Tai is to her, considering that he was her stepfather. Ever since her mother's passing, Gaius has lost some of the light that he had.

As Gaius sat down, he watched as Yang sat on one side of the table. Then Tai soon joined them and licked his lips once he saw the food that was prepared. Not long after, Ruby came bolting sown the stairs and just about jumped into her chair. The group soon began to feast on their breakfast, it was silent for but a moment before Ruby looked to her father. Her mouth was full with eggs and bacon, trying to say a muffle of words. "Chew and swallow." Gaius stated, not having to look at her as he ate elegantly. Ruby soon did what her father said, then began speaking once again. "Can you come with me to the Dust store after I get out of Signal later dad?"

"You want me to come with you?"

"Yeah...you haven't really left the house in a while."

"You make it sound as if I am just sitting here like an old hermit."

This prompted Tai to comment on Gaius' words with a sporting smile. "Some of what you say around us makes it sound like you are an old hermit."

Gaius sent a look at Tai who put his arms up in surrender before going back to eat. A sigh left Gaius as he looked to Ruby now, seeing that she was giving him a hopeful expression. With a smile coming to his lips, he slowly nodded. "Very well, I will come to Vale with you."

This got Ruby to jump up in celebration and run around the table to nearly bear hug Gaius. A chuckle left him before he returned the hug with her. "Alright, alright, finish breakfast and get ready for school if you plan to he a future Huntress." Gaius reminded, and watched as Ruby quickly ran released him, shuffled the food into her mouth, then run upstairs. Tai, Yang, and Gaius acted as if this were completely normal as the three of them finished their meal. Yang soon left from the table and went upstairs to get ready as well. Though, a deep breathe left from Tai, prompting Gaius to look at him. "Can you not be too hard on my daughter?" Tai asked, getting a raised brow from Gaius.

"I'm not being hard on her."

"You scold her every time she acts irresponsible in your eyes."

"Tai, she doesn't act responsible and doesn't fear the consequences that what her actions may be."

"That's called being a teenager, haven't you been a teen before?"

Gaius fell silent, looking away from Tai as he thought about that question. He closed his eyes, trying his best to not remember his past life. "No, no I have never been a teenager", Gaius answered slowly, "I have never known the touch of a mother, the embrace of a father, or the warmth of a family until now. Excuse me..."

Tai watched as Gaius finished his breakfast and rose from his seat. He then walked out of the dining room and towards the back door, heading outside. The blonde haired man stared after Gaius with a frown, unsure how to respond to that. He didn't truly know what Gaius' childhood was like, from how it sounded, it seemed lonely and harsh.

Gaius sat down in cris cross style and placed his palms onto his knees. He stared out to the wilderness that surrounds his home, then slowly closed his eyes. For a moment nothing happened, then his body began to levitate off the ground. He rose up to four feet off the ground, seemingly meditating. As he did this, a memory emerged, one that he had hoped not to relive.

//Flashback, Twenty Years Ago\\

Gaius opened his eyes and stared into a red visored warrior. With a twirl, he spun around and held his hand out. He sent an invisible push at his adversary that sent the warrior backwards and off their feet. As he turned around he found two more of these warriors, and saw that they ignited blades of light at the tip of what once was empty spears. The individuals were clad in black armor, armor that made them look like knights, if it weren't for their intimidating factor. Gaius was covered in a sweat, and had no weapons in hand at the moment.

That ended, when he called upon an invisible force that sent a handle with no blade to his hand. The moment that he did, he started taking deep practiced breathes. He was trying to calm and center himself as the armored warriors circled him, their blades pointed at him. Once Gaius was centered, he pressed a button and an emerald blade spewed out of the handle reaching up to thirty-seven inches in height. He then went into a stance, one where his blade was raised above his head, and waiting. The first to make a move was the armored assailant whom he had sent flying backwards. Their blade came at Gaius from behind, aiming to pierce him through the back.

Gaius sensing this, immediately jumped into the air, allowing his adversary to moved below him. Then he brought his blade down, and cut the man in two vertically. This was when the other two armored knights came at Gaius together, both shoving their weapons at Gaius. He easily parried both as his feet touched the metal floor beneath him. Then he started to back up as they both continued their assault on him. One would go for his abdomen and another for his chest. They continued with rapid succession, never stopping until a glancing blow nicked Gaius in his shoulder. He almost hissed in pain, gritting his teeth before jumping back to gain distance.

The clothes that Gaius was adorned with were torn and scorched. As if he had come through a burning house. He had several flesh wounds, each looking to be recent and cautirized. Both of his eyes were perfectly fine, no scar on them on either of them. Before he could catch his breath, both black armored knights outstretched their hands and sent a combined attack at Gaius. The invisible push sent the man off his feet and into the wall behind him. The moment that his back collided with the wall, a groan left him before landing back on his feet and his weapon raised. "Damn it all...master would be disappointed." Gaius uttered to himself, before moving his blade to block a downward strike from an incoming attack.

One of the knights had rushed at him, but they opened themselves up to be attacked by Gaius. With a slight of hand, he drew a strange looking pistol from his hip. Then pushed it right at the knight's visor. In a single second, he fired threw shots into the man's visor, shattering it and ending his life. Gaius then rolled forward over the falling man's corpse. He had narrowingly dodged a finishing blow from the last knight standing, who came at him nonstop. While Gaius was on the floor, he turned and raised his blade to parry another blow aimed to stab into his face. Then blocked another that would have stabbed into his groin.

As the knight prepared to send another stab at Gaius, he kicked the man's knee and made him fall down onto it. Then with a precise stab, Gaius shoved his blade right into the man's visor, embedding the tip into his head. For a moment he stayed like that, before withdrawing his blade and let out a sigh of relief. Just as the knight's body fell dead, Gaius rose to his feet and surveyed the area that he was in. His eyes landed on a metalic environment that he was in, one where it was almost dimly lit. As he surveyed his location, he saw numerous white armored men along with those in black armor as well.

They numbered to be over two hundred corpses laying on the reflective metal floor. Each having a hole in their armor, severed limbs, dismembered body's or just laying with a broken body. Gaius finished his surveyed then faced forward to find a bridge leading towards a cylindrical like object that it was connected to. With a resolute expression, he stepped forward, walking towards the bridge. It was narrow, with a metal railing to keep others from falling. The moment that he reached the halfway point, he stopped dead in his tracks as he felt cold....

"Impressive...most impressive." A deep cold and almost robotic voice congratulated.

Gaius had never felt this cold in his life, as if a pressure had been suddenly dropped upon him. At the cylindrical object, the door swung upwards to reveal a tall dark cloaked and armored man. The soulless eye holes from his helmet affixed themselves onto Gaius as he took a step back. "Come Jedi, show me why you have come here..." The man taunted, one that Gaius had hoped whom he would never encounter.

'Vader...' He thought with dread, then looked past the man to find a small child in some form of contraption unconsciousness. She resembled Gaius quite a bit, though she had golden blonde hair. Gaius locked his eyes on Vader's soulless ones, then raised his lightsaber upwards. Vader took out his own hilt, and ignited a sinister scarlet blade. The two stood opposite to each other. Neither one moving from their place, until the girl within the chamber behind Vader spoke after awakening.


//Flashback End\\

"Dad?" Ruby called, causing Gaius to open his eyes and looked to her. She was dressed in her black and red dress along with her weapon on her back. A worried look was on her face as she stayed up at her father. Gaius gave her a reassuring smile before moving his legs to stand up. "Sorry Ruby, is there something wrong?" He questioned, then realized that the sun was slowly setting. Gaius had been meditating for this entire time, unaware of the time. "Yeah, just wanted to ask if you were still planning to head to Vale with me."

"Of course, Ruby, just let me go wash up and get dressed and I'll be right with you."

"Okay dad."

Gaius placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair up, making her pout at him. Then he turned and walked inside of the house, moving to his room to get dressed. As he did, he failed to notice a worried stare being sent his way by Ruby. She was worried about her father, worried that something was wrong with him. He may smile and act like he normally did, but she could tell by that look in his eye. The man was troubled mentally, and she wanted to help him no matter what.