
RWBY: Dungeons

Ruby Rose has always dreamt of becoming a huntress ever since she was a child, but, at the age of 3 she found out that she couldn't unlock her Aura like the other kids. Once her parents found out they gave her the cold shoulder and her big sister Yang used her as a punching bag, this was the norm for her for 2 years that is until her fifth birthday she suddenly appeared in a place she didn't know with a screen hovering infront of her face. [Welcome to the dungeon, please enjoy your stay] Will she survive or will she perish? that remains to be seen... Fucking Christ I hate Synopsis

HiatusAuthorEuclid · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 3

"Kiikii" A small green being with red eyes and sharp teeth sounded out, it was watching Ruby a distance away from it with it's saliva flowing out of it's mouth, behind it was other beings just like it numbering around 30 as they waited for the first being like obedient dogs. They were about to charge when their shadows started trembling as it bound them in place,the next thing it knew it's head was cut off.

Ruby was unaware of this as she carefully trekked the forest. It has already been a few hours since she left the room where she talked to Lucifer and had arrived here, the sight of a forest surprised her then she put up her guard. She would not let what she experienced happen again.

Going through some thorny bushes she arrives at a open space like the one she found in the forest of patch just without the mana script as Lucifer called it, in the clearing she noticed something on the corner of her eye and walked over to it.

Infront of her is a jelly like thing that hops around, it was colored blue and was half of her height, fascinated she poked on it and felt it was quite soft, "What are you mister...miss thing?" As she kept on poking on its soft surface it suddenly popped earning a squeak from Ruby.

[Congratulations to No. 001 for killing your first monster (Slime), EXP +500]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[Updating stats... Update complete...]

[System of Dungeon No. 445's Beta Tester]

Name: Ruby Rose

Age: 5

Title: <Chosen One> <Silver Eyed Warrior>

Level 4 (Exp 0/800)

100/150 HP

100/100 MP

120/380 SP

STR: 12 +

AGI: 40 +

END: 43 +

INT: 23 +

DEX: 53 +

VIT: 28 +

Stat points: 15

The system's monotone voice said as Ruby stared at her stats, "I leveled up? But I didn't kill anything all I did was... Touch mr... Slime" She realized she had killed the slime from before amd suddenly felt sad for it, "I'm sorry mr. Slime I didn't mean to kill you" She looked at the last spot the slime was located and bowed.

She then looked at her stat screen and saw that her parameters have plus signs beside them, she touched the plus sign next to strength as the number turned to 13. Moments after she suddenly felt like she had gotten stronger and it excited her, without thinking she dumped all her stat points to strength making it become 27 points in total.

A feeling of power surged through her body, now she wasn't going to punch a tree. No no that would be idiotic considering her strength is still below what normal adults usually have, she then dusted the dirt off her rag clothing and continued to walk in a straight line.

[Quest Alert! Find civilisation:

Being new to the dungeon you are to find a place to stay for the night, find a place where you can rest.

Reward: 100 Exp

Time Limit: Until Midnight]

The screen said on her journey as she nodded, "I accept" she said as the screen vanish from her sights, she looked at her SP and saw it was only 98 out of 380. 'I have to find civilisation fast' She thought as she hasten her pace.

Eventually she saw smoke in the sky just straight ahead as she quickended her pace to it, once she arrived she saw people with black hair walking around the village. Her tired body welled up with energy as she walked to the black haired people, "H-Hello!" She called out alerting some adults that was passing by.

They gasped as they became guarded, "A human? In the dungeon, I thought this dungeon wasn't going to appear in Remnant yet" A young man said confused at the sight of Ruby, another man beside him walked forward and knelled infront of Ruby and smiled softy, "Hello child, my name is Tyrone of the Crystal tribe, can you tell me who you are?"

She took a step back in surprise, this was the first time someone willingly got closer to her aswell as be kind to her, "A-ah m-my name is R-Ruby" Tyrone smiled at the cute Ruby and pat her head, "Hello Ruby, can you tell me how you got here?" She then tells him about everything as Tyrone finally understood why she was here.

"I see a beta tester huh, it's good that you're alright Ruby. I'm pretty sure you're hungry so let's go to my house to get something to eat" Right after Ruby's stomach growled as Ruby blushed in embarrassment, Tyrone chuckled and looked at the young man behind him.

"Jake, tell mom to prepare an extra plate for Ruby, starting today she will stay with us until she can protect herself" Jake nodded and ran off to their house, when Ruby heard Tyrone say that she will stay with them caused her to panic, "No no, I would be taking advantage of your kindness if I stay. I'll just sleep in the forest"

Tyrone looked at her seriously and placed both his hands on her shoulders, "absolutely not! You are not sleeping out in the woods young lady, you are staying with us and that's final" He said, her chest felt warm when hearing those words as tears developed on her eyes.

She smiled gratefully at Tyrone and hugged him, "Thank you" She muttered as she fell asleep on Tyrone's body.

[Code 001 has used all her SP and currently unconcious, auto accepting rewards]

[Rewards accepted...]

[Code 001 has completed quest <Find Civilisation> before midnight rewarding 100 Exp]

[Code 001 has completed secret quest <Family Acceptance> rewarding 200 Exp, 10 reputation points in Crystal Tribe, and Inventory]

"Let's go home" Tyrone muttered to the sleeping Ruby as he carried her to his house, "Young Chief, is that the beta tester?" A old man said as he nodded, "Yes, she will be staying with us for now until she is ready" The old man understood, who in the right mind would send a defenceless child into the woods, "I'll inform the rest of the tribe, I'll be on my way" The old man turned around and left to tell the others.