
Wow,,, this cool, girl your are the best!

"Girl, do you want to say that you are done with our dresses,?, How first, okay we will come over and check them out,," Shasa said

I can feel that they don't trust me, they think that am just an ordinary designer, let me wait and see the surprise in their faces, if they won't faint then it's not me Jane.

Few moments later**

"Hey, girl we are here, if am not going to be satisfied with the designs then I will just try to order this four from Gold design, though the designer is mysterious and Unknown," Line said

"Sis, I heard that not even her fellow employees knows this person whether the person is a he/she, " Olivia said, 

Wow so this people have been meaning to meet me, and they are even trying to track my where about? This is interesting

"Hey, I have hired news reporter to monitor each and every person, and that person with complicated designs will be him/her" Line said

"Hahaaaaa,,," so you are following a person with complicated designs and every person in that building is putting on designer clothes

"Okay, it's enough here are your clothes you can try them if there is a problem let me know, go upstairs that is my Mama's apartment"

"Okay girls let's go"

This ladies did not check what was inside, I bet they are still not aware am waiting for them to come or start shouting.

"Uuuuuuuh! Mama Mia,,,"

"What the hell!!!"

"Does this lady  wants to kill us,,", "Janeeereee,,! Come here you have to explain this to us, how did you get this designs that were posted yesterday night by *gold* , do you want us to go to jail by taking the same design and giving us" the girls could not still rap their fingers on it

"Hey, ladies that is because 'gold' is my dear Jane and here is the video of how your clothes were made" old madam said

"What! You are Gold" they said in unison.

"Yes I am,,,"

"But why are you staying here you have lot's and lots of money gold your are a millionaire" Shasa said

"That is because this child has refuse to leave me behind she is insisting of going everywhere with me" old madam Linda said

"Wow, so you are Gold, my famous designer with mysterious and Unknown background?" 

"Heheee, am truly lucky thanks for the day we admired your set of clothes""

"Those ladies that always look down on us because they are models will see this time round at the Knights. Corp anniversary party,

We will steal the limelight" Olivia was truly happy

"Yes hey gold you have to come with us okay"

"Sure I will but do not expose my identity okay"

"We promise we won't, but we will spread the rumours that designer gold is around*" Shasa said

"Yes, our besty is the best!!!"

We all get ready and prepared to attend the party, I called my driver to come over and pick us the two of us were to use my car,