
Am a mafian......!!!

"hey, you can't stop smiling , what is it, I guess somebody is in love" Monica said

"You won't understand it little girl, " he said

"Why can't I understand brother I might as well help you propose to her you know" she said

"Darling sister she accepted to be my girlfriend you Know and her uncle approve of us tje problem is I don't know if her family Will accept me, " he said these are things he has to be worried about.

"Brother you are too fast, I didn't expect that from you, but it's cool that step is cool." She said

"I don't but i feel like I should be with her all the time like am finally realizing that she is my everything she is all that I want" he Said

"My boss will be proud if I tell her this for sure" he added

On the other side 

"Hey sister I saw, doctor handsome holding your hands towards uncle's office, after which you are all smiling " she said

"Hey, you are still young you won't understand, " she said

"What can't I understand, if I can guess that something must have happened between you too that's why you are smiling,

Don't tell me that you have done it with handsome brother in law, already" dhe asked mischievously

"Hey, rotten kid stop thinking like that you are still young,,,," Helly said she could not help feeling shy

"oohOooo, oooh sister I did not, say a thing I asked, but how I see it something happened and am right this time, round

 Am going to tell grandma to get ready for her new great grandchild, who knows they can be 5 this time round, oooh my goodness our family members are fertile so am sure yours is going to be awesome" she said walking and circling Helly

"I didn't know that my own blood can misunderstand me like this" she said 

"Then tell me, how about it" 

Well, he asked me to be his girlfriend, I could not bring myself to say no! Even if my inner self wanted me to say no,, 

I found myself saying yes, and that too infront of uncle" she said

"Oooh my goodness, sister this is really cool this is good, if grandma hears of this am very sure, she will call for a celebration" she said

"I just feel like their is something about him that I will regret in the future" she said

"Well you should enjoy the feeling of being loved as of now,you should enjoy how cool it is for someone to be loved, that way you won't regret it even if you realize something about him in future

And do not give him, reasons to feel inferior to himself, love him sister I can feel like he loves you and very much,I don't know him but we like him, as a family make yourself happy" she said this to Helly 

Who was looking at her in disbelief, how come this, little devil knows much about love

On the other side of doctor Sanchez office

"Doctor you sent for me?" Joshua asked

"Yes I called for you, "

"The patient to be carried on surgery, will start at 8:00pm I need you to be mentally prepared the following are the people who will help you" he said ,

"Okay boss I am mentally or and thanks for arranging this for me" " he said

He went to his office and called the assigned doctors, amongst them was Helly, he could not help but look at her, 

wanted to hold her hands and kiss her, her pink lips were doing him injustice, 

After a brief meeting , the four doctors were ready to go out when Helly heard him call

"Miss Sanchez, please I have something to tell you" he said,

"Okay" her lips curled up, does he want to tell me how much he loves me or something

After the rest he closed the door and could not wait anymore he pushed her on the wall and kissed the hell out of heThank

"Thanks for accepting to be my woman, for sure I will love you and cherish this Time that we have, for sure I don't know just the feeling of you being around me is making me go crazy, how can I help this,,,

After the operation, I would like you to meet my adoptive parent, , how about it" he asked, he wanted to tell his boss that now he understands the feeling of love

Thi feeling is too crazy, you can't think of a thing you can't resist when it's pooling you, you can't sleep when thinking of this particular person.

"Helly, now I understand, the reason as to why my mother supports those that are falling in love, 

She must have really loved her husband, all this years that have been with her, she always say, the reason as to why am smiling is because of the live that he gave me', it's true because of your love I can smile anyhow" he hugged her once more, what he did not know was that Helly's face turned immediately he mentioned her Wendy, 

'she loved uncle that much' , "she must have been strong, did her husband died?" She asked

"No, he didn't and I think he might be alive somewhere, , for us staying away from those that we love those days was only the best thing we could do, 

For use not to endanger their lives,

My boss, she has always smile no matter what, she only answer she could was because of love nothing more" he said

"I love it when we experience this love together, I have lot's of secrets, that you might not like about me but one thing for sure is that you will always be safe and I love you" he said

"Can you hint me the biggest secret within you that you can't like anyone to know except me, if you tell me this is aware it will be within me and you" she said

"Are you sure you want to Know, about me" he asked

"Sure " she answered

"It's not something to be proud of, you might hate me after this " he said

"Just tell me it is up to me to worry about it not you" she swhat does he take me for have traveled all round the world treating people have meet people with dark , history and past 

"I am a mafian" he said he could not look into her eyes

"So that is what you can't tell me? Hey Mr Joshua I know about that, the moment I saw you, 

You gave this cold side of you that surely showed that, there was something about you that was quite strong 

The cold aura that you emitted from your body, clearly showed that you were no ordinary person, so don't worry I can't judge you about it" she said

"So you are not going to see me as a monster? Or like some sort of sinner or something? " He asked

"Yeah, I won't cause love and care support is what brought us two unknown people together"   she said, and hugged him

"Thanks Helly for loving me even though we have just gotten together today, but please it feels like we have Kno each other for such a long time" he said

"Hey, I will always love you and am ready to take you home, cause even if I keep it here, they are already know one of my cousins was here today" she said

"But I will introduce you to my mother first after which I will go to your place, how about that, my biological sister knows you already"  he said, she didn't know what to do for some times was he seriouse now she was going to meet this historical aunty for the first time.

"Okay, if you say so" she answered


"Helloo, ghost, we have a problem it seems that your daughter is trying to truck those that are protecting Eileen and Addah, Queen's kids" Thunder said

"How is her findings so far,?" She asked

"She has traced her to us and to you and even Echo, she has find out that Echo and Queen were part of us and now they are looking for Echo, but for some unknown reasons they think that Dragon is the person" she said

"Allow them to find the information that she is looking for, just don't let that stubborn daughter of mine to trace our location , we are to remain hidden " she said

"Okay boss that is said I will take it in, we will remain hidden, but forgive me but your daughter is as stubborn as you"  she said and hugged up immediately

"That was too close, that crazy boss could have fired up on me, am lucky to have hugged up immediately ,but that is the truth how can this family contain genius from the eldest to the youngest" she signed