
A beautiful ending ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❤️❣️?......!

"ooh my goodness where are they, the groom the bride and the triplets? 

And even Wendy, why are they not here yet" old madam Knight was loosing it.

"What is happening can it be that the two got into some kind of trouble, or do you think someone is courageous enough to kidnap this  terrifying family,

I can not help but imagine how that person is going to die"  someone who is somehow understanding the situation said

"Do you think that with the security around God of war, someone can do that???" Someone asked

"Then how will you explain what is taking them long,..." Another person

"Or did the bride escape with the children, have you ever realized that there is another secret child that we have never seen before and ,,," the person was cut off.

"That can not be the case that woman was crazily in love with our president, do you Know that before , our president was the one taking her some lunch home

But for some unknown reasons, this woman started bringing food to our boss, breakfast our boss is taking it two times, one at home and the other one is office breakfast prepared by our madam specifically,

Then lunch, a powerful lunch, after which, he takes some naps, as our madam help in handling afternoon work, 

Immediately he wakes up,  a cup of healthy coffee, and madam hands over the work and go home to the kids, 

Tell me has anyone of you rich women treated your husband's like our madam?

When our receptionist tried being stupid to her on her fast day on come visit our boss, 

Do you Know what happened?" She asked them

"We don't know you tell us" they said

"She laughed, then said 'tell me Katherina, are you trying to block me from seeing my boyfriend or something' then the lady said

'with due respect Miss we don't allow random people coming to our company in the name of girlfriend ' she was bold enough

The next second, madam laughed and said 'i Knew this was going to happen but, I didn't come unprepared' then made a call ' baby boy, can you unlock your father's company door for me sweery' we were like 

So this is our future madam, but then a slender figure appeared out of nowhere, he was dressed in a prince outfit from head to toe , and said, do not stress yourself princess, and with his wrist watch

He unlocked the door, our receptionist shouted, 

'you how did you know how to unlock our company doors?' 

'woman I advise you not to dream of seducing my father with that stupid look, and go change into ' before he could finish a group of bodyguards came in with dresses and make up remover,

I tell you that day that woman was dressed in shubby clothes, and that young man was neither of the two, he is taller than them like he is the eldest, but he look more like madam ,

tell me who can go against madam and do you think madam, can run away, she can't those people are in love like humans and Jesus" she said

What she didn't know was that everyone was listening to her story, and they all envied the two couples, 

"Heheee, that is not enough, when Joylen Wade wanted to mess with our boss son, I was the son back then that made the Wade's  bankrupt, and it is believed that there is this son that is a Prince somewhere,

so do not mess with this family they are more than what you can see or think of" everyone looked at her in fear, how strong is this family?

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen let's all prepare to welcome our bride and groom" This time round it was Jackson who said this.

"Why are they coming together, shouldn't the groom come first?" Someone asked

Jackson was helpless

At that same time, Joylen Wade and third master from the Young family stepped in

"I hope you are okay" the young man said

"Hey darling am fine, why would I not be fine, and those things happen years 2 years ago, I can only see him as a brother and her as my sister in law, I respect her very much and because of her and my two sisters I changed to this better person" she was honest and happy, 

She found true love in a man she rejected before and now, 

They are now a happy couple, this man gave her a family and her in laws loves her despite her past, yes she did not hide,

Her past from them and that she made them trust her whole heartedly, therefore all thanks to them, 

Her brothers are there to support her, and her friend Eileen and Addah are all back into her life.

Through them she realized how an angel. Jane Sanchez was and reasons why people around her fall for her, she realized that she is not half of that woman, 

This is someone who build her wealth right from the scratch by herself a sefl made Billionaire, this Jane is truly worthy of someone like Colin , she has no other match apart from Colin

"Dear husband this woman called Jane, is Worthy of someone like Colin and I admire her the most, there is nothing important as peace and love, 

I admit I wanted to be a wife of a powerful man but I was wrong peace and love are more important than power, now see how peaceful I am, 

See how stunning I am, all thanks to you darling if my baby is a boy I will name him after you" she said kissing her man.

The third son of the Young was happy and kissed the love of his life back, 

What is more important in this world other than love, he loved this woman and worked very hard to give her everything, this woman changed a lot and Even started her business from scratch and now is one of the self made millionaires all thanks to his sister and her friends.

That same time, the bride and the groom walked in together with their children, the three of them, 

Liam, Finn and Xavier who is the youngest but the tallest you might think that he was the eldest son

"Welcome our groom and bride of the day, welcome our young masters,..." The emcee said

A song of love was played this song was sang by Wendy Knight when she was 21 years old, this song hit back then till today, 

Everytime people could hear this song or watch the video they could shade tears how a young beautiful and respectful lady like Wendy disappeared, 

But today again they are listening to this song, she is truly Wendy's daughter

All the old women around were moved to tears all Wendy's age mates were moved to tears.

But just then Wendy walked out the curtains singing this lovely song coming towards her daughter, she took her to her husband doctor Robert.

The two held her to the alter, Colin was held by his grandfather and mother, cause that is what he wanted, their children were led by their grandfather.

Behold it was a beautiful sight to see, photos were being taken from all corners.

"Wooow, so Wendy is still alive, and more beautiful she is not even as old as we" 

"That actually explains why her daughter Jane appeared, and she is a mixed trait, she is beautiful look at the father they are the Sanchez" another person said

"Heheee, good things comes to good people you, can't imagine that in highschool, this woman never degraded anyone despite her being rich and self made millionaire at her younger age, she is an angel before am happy that she is still alive" someone said, 


"Good afternoon everyone we are happy that you all came out of your comfort to wish us a happy family, most of you have billion dollar business to take care of, but you are here, thank you all, 

My husband and I have married and here is our certificate, we got it earlier today, 

Am going to introduce my three children to you. Or I will let them introduce themselves" she gave them the mic

"Good afternoon everyone thanks to you all for coming here today, 

Am called Liam Fernandez am the eldest son and the greatest Hacker. L, and the co- owner of  Finliam company, thank you" 

"Good evening everyone thank you all for coming to this joyous occasion of this two big heads in love, do not worry 

This is the time to say anything and everything you want to say, 

I Know my father has a straight face my mother she is like a doll, but ...

Am Finn Fernandez the second son to the love birds, 

Am the greatest designer after mommy and grandmother am designer Fowl, from Finliam company, and many more, , than you everyone and enjoy the day" he said

"Hi, everyone," he was very cold and with sharp eyes

"Am Prince Xavier Fernandez, not a royal blood exactly but  I own my highland not illegal but know by the government, 

Am know as Master P, the owner of Xaferd security agency 

And am the third son am the youngest among the triplets, you all don't know me cause have been staying with my grandmother, 

It was supposed to be RUTHLESSS BILLIONAIRE UNKNOWN TWINS, but my coming has changed everything to RUTHLESSS BILLIONAIRE UNKNOWN TRIPLETS, he said

Oooh no,,! Am happy to meet you all enjoy yourselves" he said

"What, I want one baby, they are his kids triplets "

"Wow... This is cool" someone said

"Now everyone join the dance floor"  "uuuuu" 

The party was cool, everyone wished them many more great children, Addah could not attend the wedding cause she delivered two days ago,

, but she was watching her boss and a sister get married in the craziest way wedding somewhere else whereas the people were waiting for her somewhere else...!

She smiled "this woman is crazy plus her husband" she was happy for her.

Joylen was happy, she wished him and her Happy marriage.

The Green's the Sanchez , the Knights and the Fernandez, the Young's and the Wade's gathered together 

And on this day the Wade's were given their company back, 


Thank you all and lots of love 😍😍🤩💕💕💕😍😊😍🥰🥰🥰😘😘🥰🥰😘😘🥰😘😘😘🥰🥰😘😘🥰