
Theme of the fashion show,,,!

Time passed by so quickly and it was now the production fashion show ceremony,

Many could not believe that Knight's clothes line empire was capable of doing that, this type of ceremony has never been held in nation A.

Everybody knew that because of this Mysterious designer Gold that was why everything was possible for the knights, but who was this Gold?

Apart from admiring her designs she has been a role model for the up coming fashion designers and models, , the has installed positive view in fashion industry, 

And today almost every young model came here, famous designers were here, rich families were here, 

Famous models came, princesses and prince, the royals, masters from different angles came, 

This was going to be fun and everybody wanted to know who this Gold is exactly, 

"Sister are you okay" Tasha asked cause she could see that Eileen was narvous 

"Yes I will be okay, this is my first time, being in such a limelight you know most of the time Joylen was with me,

But you see this is me being called as the number one model and the best model for your brand, Tasha, am narvous" she said

"Relax we will be there with you and I will be the second female model and Roy will be the male model okay among others" Tasha tried to calm her down

At the same time Addah her sister called her "hello, sister I wish you all the best after class I will be watching okay" 

"Yes" she replied

The ball room was filled, to the brim one could tell that the seating arrangement done here was the perfect one ever,

The ball room compliments the collection and vision 

Of the event the designs reflects the working experience of this mysterious person for the past few years in this work as a designer and as an artist

The room radiated Gold collection and brand into a new light, the guest were satisfied with the arrangements and how hospitable were this people it was almost close to almost perfect

The theme of the collection is

*Heroin and Villains Fashion show* 

This attracted the attention of so many people 

"How can someone showcase all this at once, heroic fashion shows always happen but villains it is very rare for it to happen" one person said

"This designer is extra ordinary I can't believe this"

"The room is to tell you that this person has passed in the hands of both good and bad" the flower decor were complimenting the warm light that covered the room

This people could not help but wonder if this person is human or sort of some immortal

Jane made sure that the invitation card was sent to Audrine from the Carlos, that is the only family member that made her realize the truth and the way of light she played a very significant role in her life though she is not aware of it

Audrine has not been into this kind of occasion she is just a country pumpkin but when she received the invitation letter who else can she think of apart from her step sister that ever since they separated she never heard from her

She use to think that maybe something bad happened to her but now she was overwhelmed with joy that she could not think straight

"My sister became this successful and now she is rich, she is the best designer Gold, she squats down and cried all tears out" "omg Jane! I didn't waste my savings I wish you a happy life forever, now am also a nurse and I have my pharmacy I hope we will have a meal together" not knowing that the card she was holding was a golden card and they were only 5 golden cards

 Audrine's, old madam Linda, and the first friends Line, Shasa, Olivia, she was taken to this room, she could not help but cry the cloth that she was wearing 

Can cost almost all her fortunes and can't buy it 

Old madam Linda approached her and asked "young lady why are you crying what is the matter"

"Aah!aam aahm, am not crying am just happy that my step sister is successful, do you know that she sent me this card, and this cloth, this heels,  

Why can't I cry, why can't I be happy, s my step sister suffered, she never went to school because because she was stopped to, 

When we broke out of home to escape her, I tell you I never heard from her, I thought that something bad had happen to her

I blamed myself almost everyday and swore never to forgive myself

But you know what I will never regret those moments that was the best decision have ever made

I love her very much" she said and hugged old madam Linda

What they didn't know was that everything they said was reflected in the whole ballroom

"So you what to say that Gold didn't go to any school?" Old madam Linda asked

"Yes she didn't go to school but I gave her my laptop back then we were 10 years old, my mother who was her step mother forced her to stay out of school and become a house maid, she was to seat only when she was told to, 

She,, eat, the leftover food left by us,,, 

That is why I decided that I was to come home late, and share my food with her and all the money I was being given I saved it

And one day when Jane said that she wanted to go do her fieldwork in real life I could not bring myself to understand

Later she told me that she school in South Africa university school of designs and she also studied textile production, I could not hold on but to find for away to pull her out from our house

Old grandma, am really happy" she didn't know why she was saying this maybe because she has been keeping all this pain in her heart and dare not to share it with everyone

"I don't know why am saying this but I feel like a heavy weight have been lift off my shoulders,, am happy now" she said

In the ballroom an eemce

Walked to the stage and said 

"And that is the biography of Gold since childhood, many of you have been wondering who gold is, believe me you, will be surprised if I tell you that you maybe at some point met her?

She is just this simple lady, that doesn't care much, she is a plain lady that doesn't care much, , 

But behind each and every successful person there is this positive part and negative part that pushed them up the pyramid

Ladies and gentlemen I want us to welcome the three most close people that has been with Gold throughout this journey of like that is full of bad and good people" rounds of applause filled the room as people were waiting for this beautiful figures

The first person to step in was a tall gentleman of about 6'3 inches tall, this man by looks was beyond perfect he is charming, alluring and he has a hair of nobility around him, when ladies saw him, the uproared, he bow his head as a form of greetings and walked back

Now he was not a line but with a lady and an old lady  this lady by looks only is a seductress, gorgeous can not describe her she is 5'9 inches

This old lady though looked familiar, Tasha who not so many people knew, and Roby were supporting the old lady

""Ladies and gentlemen I here by present to you this wonderful and beautiful people , call them blessing as Gold herself address them

They are the real backbone behind her successful journey

Mrs Linda knight of knight corporation, Miss Tasha Young of Young international group, and lastly MR Robinson Qin of Qin corporation and group of Technology

Don't be surprised Me Robinson is the third prince of Glonover kingdom son of king Qin Chensang and queen Qin Li"

When people heard that this gentleman on stage was a noble there brains were threatening to storm out, 

"A prince working for someone? Who is this lady?"

Colin Fernandez , George Feller and Jeffrey Parker could not believe there ears and eyes, 

The biography of Gold , second her employees are all noble

"This Gold is something else"

"Thank you everyone today is the Dee day for our renound designer to show you her art work of designing and the Pinnacle peak is also under this people 

I can't believe this," he said

"Let the show begin"

The light went drama and the point of focus was on the entry of the runway models, first the heroic designs were to come in then the villains

Eileen walked on stage with lot's of confidence,then fallowed by other models 

This models brought the Gold collection to life as they created them.