
The third child survived...."Xavier appearance,,,"...!

"am sorry all of you were in danger because of me, am sorry I was left with no otherwise, 

My three friends died in the  process of hiding, and it forced me to hide and find some allies, 

My friends whose families were ruined by him, we all came together and formed a group and together we fought for our freedom" she said

Everyone was crying some tried to figure out, how she was hiding from one country to another from one nation to another.

But this is what they dare not think , it was scary, all of looked at her into another light.

There was an admiration into their eyes, how can she be this brave.

"My daughter in law suffered all this while, just to mak sure we are safe, she sacrificed her love just for us, she sacrificed her happiness just for us"   old madam Sanchez said.

She was crying she was sorry, all this time she almost forgot about her beloved daughter in law, 

In the past she cried and cried every single night she spent crying knowing that her daughter  died but actually she was suffering, 

Running from one place to another, looking for most possible ways to survive

"Sister in law,, we are sorry we did not know, you were going through this' things, we could have helped you, we could have supported you, 

We all thought that you were dead, we all thought that we lost you, each and every time we could feel like, someone important was missing amongst us, " the first daughter in law said

"The first time we saw Jane,  we were happy but when she said you left and never did you contact her we assumed that maybe something happened to you but please forgive us" the third wife  said

"We are sorry you suffered alone, you went through all that, you suffered like someone without a family, you.... You....." She could not continue , she could not help but chock in between her words,

How strong was this woman, how strong was this daughter and sister in law how strong was this  Wendy Knight.

"Am fine guys, because of that love that you showed when I came into this family that is why I grew strong and stronger 

Each day it's almost 40 years , 

But look at you, you are still full of love, how can I die, when you all were waiting and hoping for my return after all these years, 

Look at you mama, how can I die if you are eating and getting young by the day? How can I not come back look at you elder sister, you are strong and more beautiful, look at you guys,, 

I had to fight and come back but only after I was sure that all of you are safe" she said

"Heheee, aunty you are strong, I want to be like you, and am going to grow strong" she said princesss could not hide her admiration  towards everything about her

"Thank you little girl " she said

"Aunty you said that one of us has been supporting us apart from you, who is he "" she asked

Just then they recalled her saying that, they were all waiting for her to answer , but she smiled and said

"He will be he...." Before saying "here" a small voice said from the entrance

"Here I am..." He is around 8 years old, but how he look like, them

"Finn?" Someone said

"No he is not Finn, can't you see that he is slender and tallest amongst them?" Fourth son always have a sharp eyes

"I like you uncle" Xavier said "indeed am not either of them but am one of them" he said

"What do you mean by that" the grandson asked

"Heheee, great grandma am Xavier Fernandez, am one of my brothers but am the youngest , " he said with a smile 

"What do you mean, you are the third child?" Seven was the first one to ask.

"Heheee, what I mean is that my mother gave birth to triplets and not twins, it was grandma that saved me and mommy did feele at all," he said

All of them turned to look at Wendy ,

She smiled and said 

" Yes it's true, he is the last born of the three sons"" she said said

"So you mean the third child did not die back then, " seven said "I should have trusted five, it told me that , the child survived but since

You said that he didn't I didn't look much into it" seven added

"Yes, he survived but he was in critical condition,  so I was the only one who could  help him, that's why I took him with me am sorry but he knows everyone here, " she said

"And now they are triplets?" Some asked 

"Yes we are triplets" he said

"And he is the Prince of my Kingdom, he is the heir of my land, and my wealth is under him, together with your safety ," she said

"And does the other two knows about him" fourth son asked

"Not even a single one of them knows of my existence but I have to say that both Finn and Liam knows of grandma existence," Xavier said

"What,, the two boys knows you as their grandma'?" The first son asked

"Yes they do, we could offen meet and sometimes they could get me some video calls when you gathered together, and whenever they could talk about me, they could record and send it to me,

Am really happy," all this time Doctor Sanchez sat at the corner, when Xavier appeared he almost jumped from the seat and calmed down

'it turns out that I have another grandson, this woman that I fell in love with formed her own Kingdom and has power, 

I really made the right choice, but what will I say to her after all this years?

What will I do? " He thought to himself, he wanted to talk to her but he  could not move forward,

His body was trembling he was covered with sweat all over his body

"Then are you planning to tell them about his existence and yours" the grandmother asked

"Yes am planning to do that, am going to do that and I think I should fly back to nation A with my grandson" she said

That night the Sanchez could not sleep, they were all silent not to mention Nicole and Isaac who were left behind by Jane witnessed everything in horror they could not believe their eyes and ears,

Their tears stream down their cheeks, 

Nicole trembled in between her tears she, could not take a single word out of her mouth

"She ... She ... She is truly my boss, she is missus Wendy, did you hear what she has just said

She suffered all this time" Nicole was crying

"Okay hunny, take it easy, so at least we know why she disappeared all this while it turns out that this group of people wanted to whipped away anyone who was related to her, 

In order for her to protect us, she had to hide herself and stay like a an animal" Isaac could not believe

Both Nicole and Isaac were brought to work at the knights when they were 8 years old , that was what took them their, 

But when they reached, the knights could not allow them so they took the two of them to school of which they choose school of business administration...

They choose this since they wanted to give it back to them, but it didn't last after some times their lady boss who always taught them, disappeared on her birthday, so they saw how the old madam was sad later she adopted both Isaac and Nicole to honor Wendy but she allowed them to marry if they would fall for each other by chance.

It was true they lived by the knights they saw it all how both the first elder grandson and mother knight got depressed by her disappearance.

"So she is truly alive I didn't see and hear it wrong" she asked

"Yes you didn't see not did you hear it wrong" Isaac said

With that she walked step by step and tapped her shoulder

Wendy turned slowly and asked


Like she didn't recognize her at all

"Big sister...?" She called then paused "it's us, Nicole and Isaac" she said pointing at Isaac

"Aaah.. little bunny's what are you two doing here?" She asked

"We are here on behalf of young madam Jane"she said

"Oooh, you have grown up and you two are you?" She asked with a teasingly

"Yes we married recently, we are husband and wife" Isaac said

"I always knew it am happy for you, for staying by my family all this years I have a gift for you I will give you one of my company you will own it till forever it up to you whatever you will do with it will have nothing to do with me" she said and hugged them, 

She didn't give them reasons to reject her at all