
Old madam Sanchez talks to her late husband.......... Message of joy.......!!!

It was a joyful moment for the return of Wendy to the Sanchez family, they could not describe how things turned out to be ,

The old maid who is now older than Wendy, wept when she saw her, it was a moment of relief to her after seeing the daughter that she fed, 

Since she could not give birth to hers and was thrown out by her in - laws  after the death of her husband, 

She decided to work at the knight's till her death, lots of things were planned for her but she rejected them all, because she realized that

Wendy loved her and she loved Wendy, unlike other rich heiress, Wendy respected everyone, in the residence.

The same thing she saw it in Jane and that's why she followed Jane here in the UK she did not know that this was her chance to, see her lovely daughter

She is as as beautiful as before, she was overwhelmed with emotions, that she trembled with happiness tears of joy were flowing down her cheeks

"She is beautiful she is never growing old " she said

"Boss Wendy, head maids is here" Nicole said

"What did you say, ?" She asked " you mean mama is here?" She asked again 

"Yes as she pointed in her direction" this was too emotional she can not believe that she has not retired what is wrong with her.

She could not help but cry, she can't keep it in, she can't hold it, 

She even followed my daughter to take care of  her and her grandchildren, 

What did I do to mamaa? It's  her time to enjoy, I have lot's of wealth now, how can I allow to work to her old age, she need someone to take good care of her too, she needs to do something , that must be done, she will stay next to her till her old age, this was this old ladies fate, to die and grow old next to her.

"Old mama, you are here ? Am happy " they hugged till eternity,

"My darling daughter you are going to chock me" she said , the love between this two was like mother and daughter , 

To many outside they might think that this was mother and daughter but this was maid and master, in love like real blood.

" Am happy you are alive, old madam knight will be happy , your people will be happy all your blood are going to be happy, your daughter your grandchildren your son in-law, Wendy mom, 

God has really blessed you and I also give you my blessings, you are loved by your in laws, the love that you left behind has increased you are truly my daughter and my master, I hope your generation will have this happiness till eternity" she said

"And you too mamaa, from today henceforth, you will relax and you too will be worked for you too you are going to have your own house and your own staffs


It's time to rest and enjoy yourself" she said

Helly could not help but get closer to Joshua.

"Hey, boyfriend so my aunty is your boss, how come you didn't tell me about this" she asked, she felt like this man approached her with reasons, and actually it was true it was no lie, 

Joshua knew her existence through Wendy

"I knew you through my boss, back then but I could not love, so for me to  love she transferred me to  work here so that I could love you or fall for you, 

Even though I knew maybe you were not going to love me through my cold nature, so I didn't pay much attention to it, but the crazier I became, 

With time seeing you walk to the office was enough for me so I loved you, " he said sincerely

How can Helly reject such a trust worthy man how can Helly get mad like this when. She can see right through him that he is sincere.

"Okay, but I like the plot Aunty made me realize my ideal man, I loved you and liked you the very moment you stepped foot in the Sanchez hospital and that very time I saw you my heart jumped with love, 

 In my heart you are the best you won my heart, though you are a stranger so boyfriend I welcome the whole you in my heart, I want your sister to be my sister in law, And i I have an elder brother who likes her but he is shy and not staying at home who knows we can hook them. " She said

"thank you darling, for accepting me I will love you and I hope your family will accept me , I Know I changed my name to a Sanchez because of my mommy but believe me you.

She approved  of you long time ago" he said though the part of him knowing her long ago was a lie, but 

You and I Know that men will always lie to us women to get us to that point, Hahaaaa.

"Yesssss.......! You are welcomed into our Sanchez family son in law,.... We all we were just waiting for you to propose and to come to us, all this time, before you guys could confess your love and realize your feels towards each other we all had switched you in secret, 

All thanks to God that our wishes didn't go in vein, we love you and welcome just tell us that you have a baby coming let's prepare a baby shower,,," the old madam Sanchez said

"Yes, son in-law though you are our son you are also our in law, wealth within a family has been retained, 

Leave alone that, I welcome you into our family am the third son, and Helly's father, I welcome you, feel at home, and feel most welcomed all the times, you are my son" Helly's father said.

"Yes son am Helly's mother I welcome you into my daughter's life, though love is not as easy as you two might think but I want you to stand by each other's sides. That is why we are all here by our husbands sides, talk for example your aunty, she fought to come back because of love, so you two should be live by her as an example  otherwise I bless your relationship" she said.

"We all have been wanting you to be our son in law, so we welcome you to our family both as our son and as Helly's boyfriend" first son said

"We all welcome you to our family" the fourth son said.

"Hey brother in law, feel most welcomed just love our sister ok, and protect her, but you two should give us, our nephew or niece soon, I wonder which place in UK will open up for the genius child of yours, " Princess said

"I can feel it that my future niece and nephew won't be an ordinary person, then I have my workshop it free and open for engineering " seven said

'what do they mean by they were all waiting for me, was I shipped  by them to her long before?' Joshua thought

"Boyfriend do not think too much, they all liked you the moment you stepped into the hospital, that's when my grandmother wanted you to be her grandson in law, 

And my parents all of them here wanted you to be their son in law, 

And my brothers and sisters both that you can see here and you can't see here, all of them wanted you as a brother in law, " she said

 It was now Joshua's turn to get surprised , ' are these people normal they didn't care about my background but they shipped me with their goddess? I have known godmother to be crazy but now I realize that it came from this family' Joshua thought inwordly

They welcomed the two additional into their family, the night old madam Sanchez , went to her room and picked on of the pictures frames of her late husband the late business tycoon Professor Sanchez, and with tears of joy passing through the old womans eye, flowing down her cheeks, 

There was joy , happiness, peace, love, gracefulness and all sorts of things in her heart, she could not express them all and said

"Dear, husband, I hope I did not disappoint you in anyway, I have lived as per your wish, you wanted me to be happy then I must say that have always been happy...

Our children the six of them has always made me happy, our two daughters have made me happy they married according to their liking and their husbands respects them and love them dearly together with their husbands family members.

Have  always make sure that our children happiness comes first. Our four sons, each and everyone of them, married beautiful wives, and they are not greedy for wealth, or exposure, they bring happiness into this home, and peace, they love each other, 

Our second son, he found gold, for himself though he thought he won't be happy but today his happiness is back home......."