
King got married to Addah....?!!

"how dare he abandon me for her, and that woman is not she Zero the lady I welcomed to be my designer now I understand why, 

That lady reacted that day? She dared to slap infront of Colin but Colin didn't even say a word he broke up with because, he met her," Joylen Wade was burning with range

"Sister stop it all along, Colin told that he had someone he liked and lived, but it was you who insisted on marrying him

When you planned on getting engaged did he support you? Was Colin even aware of everything you did,,,?

To make the matters worse you planned on even killing his kids 

Do you think he didn't know? Let me tell you Colin is someone you can't offend , look at his new identity, do you think everything you did was hidden to him? No little sister, it was not hidden enough he chose to keep quiet to give you time"  her third brother said

"No,,, he can not have another woman if not me then no one else am the only woman who is suited to be with him am his wife " she said like a crazy woman

"Stop it sister,,, can you compare yourself with that lady? She is not just a knight but she is a Sanchez, her children's sun names are Sanchez can you afford to offend such a family,, 

They are almost ruling half of the United Kingdom's economy, 

Do you get it, this lady, is Zero, she is Gold she is the powerful daughter of the knight's, she is controlling part of the economy too 

If you don't know I heard that she is Wendy Knight's daughter with a foreign man from the Sanchez, 

When I first investigated her I didn't get any information about her that is why when , I relied on one of the knight's to get the information but it was not easy to get it" the second brother said

"So dear sister here is another information is here, despite the power that Colin had he could not find her all this years think twice

And that is why Colin kept himself from ladies think of his life before you met him, it was because of her that you met a changed Colin it was not because of you but because of her" her third brother said

"I don't care I have lost everything and that was after she appeared with those two bastards, I want Colin only him,,,

And if you my brothers can't help me get him I will go for him by myself" she said

They could not really stop her do anything,,,

"Do not be silly, do you want us to loose everything? Remember because of how we pumpered you, that's why we are here

Remember that her kids those two are the same kids that exposed our secrets and made us baggers

So don't do anything stupid again or else you not have any other place to go!"

"My daughter your brothers are right please do not invite problems okay, stay away from them and see even King is there,

My daughter that young man loved you very much, what I didn't know was that he was friends with Colin, 

But this is the time to love him back, 

Can you heal this young man's heart dear daughter", her mother wanted her to be happy but to her she saw another room to get closer to Colin, so she promised to use king to get closer to Colin

'i will get what I want I have to be with the only man that make me happy, King sorry I will have to use you to achieve my dreams' she thought

"Okay mommy I will listen to you if Colin was not met to be with me then I will love king with all my love " she said but this was all a lie

Her brothers felt like a relief, that night the Wade were happy and ate there supper together but Joylen's mind was how she was going to get closer with Colin and have him by herself, 'that bitch of a woman must die if she dies then I will have Colin cause he will be desperate to need a shoulder to lean on I will be there for you my sweetheart' she thought and smiled

She even chuckled that made everyone's gaze on her

"Heheee, sister are you finally realizing how you are going to be with him?" Her second brother asked

"Stop it sister, is stepping on a new life with a man who truly loves her, she must be happy to feel the warmth " third brother said

"My daughter always remember this don't waste your time on things that are not always yours, you have to be happy

Love that gentleman with all your heart he is a good person and he has been waiting for your love all this time,

Please love my son for me, my daughter be happy we are your family we will always wish for your happiness no matter what" she said

"Yes beautiful your brothers want you to be happy, look at you now I hope you are ready to face the"he said 

"They were all happy and both retired to their rooms for good night sleep , she kept on thinking of how that lady was smiling and those two kids were happy, the smile on Colin's face that is something she had never seen before no way he is only allowed to be happy with me but no one else

"I want you to tell me where King is I want to talking to him personally, 

I need to say sorry to the things have done to him please, I feel bad I just want to lead a happy life, I need him to forgive me and, for me to be really happy in this life" she said

"Okay, if he will come I will tell me and get back to you" 

"Okay, thank you" she pretended to be crying the person on the other side also felt like she was truly sorry and was ready to tone for everything she had done to their boss

"Good moves Joylen after which I will use his weakness to pin him down" with that she slept

In her dreams she saw herself with Colin and him with then at the show of an ocean busting in the beach

They were happy and two lovely couple, they even had a daughter who looked exactly like Colin,, she could feel the Laughter from him

But something happened She saw that woman with three grown up son's immediately Colin saw then he moved to them, 

The more she called the more he went further and further away from each, until he disappeared with them holding hands and laughing he even kissed her in in the dream

Even her little girl left with that woman

"I have to kill the three of you for me to be with my Colin and King you will be the bridge" she said

She then received a call

"Hello,," she said

"Helloo, Miss Joylen, my boss said he will meet you by 19:00 am sure be there on time" 

"Isn't this his place?" She asked

"Yes,he has been tired so he will need you to just visit his residence hope it will not be a bother to you" he said

"Not at all I will be their" she ended the call 

She didn't know that it was 8:45am when she woke up now she has to put on the most seducing attire so far,

She confirmed with her mother, and yes she was good to go, she wasn't aware of what awaits her and not even the man told her anything

She arrived at the Villa she was surprised not even Colin's Villa was this huge it seems that it has a history

Such places are for noble people not any other person can stay there

"Hello, can you tell King that Joylen Wade is here to meet him" she said

"Sorry madam but not unless the madam of the house gives an order not even prince Brian can allow you in" she said

"Who is prince Brian?" She asked at the same time a voice came from inside

"Mercy who is their" "my princess , it's one woman Joylen Wade" she said

"Ooh welcome her in your master was expecting her" Addah said from inside

When she walked in she was astonished to death

"Addah?" "Yes Joylen how are you big sister?" She greeted

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"Ooh, my husband came back yesterday so I came to accompany him, sorry big sister my marriage came as a surprise and very first I didn't have time to welcome you not even my sister attended my wedding day" she said

"Good morning wifey" king said as he kissed Addah 

"Good morning dear husband, your friend is here who is my big sister" she said

"I know" he answered