
Jane and Joylen's meeting,,,!

"no no noooooooo! It's impossible!" Joylen shouted

"What is impossible, Joylen kindly tell us" younger brother said

"That kid, it can't be him right? He is marely a seven year old boy, he can not do that right?" She was confused she could not place her figures on it

"What kid?" 

"Today, those kids that appeared on the internet you know them right?

I met one of them, and scolded him, after which I called there mother names, 

But that kid tricked me and asked me what my name is and I replied, 

Then he removed his laptop from the bag he was holding then started typing at a high speed, for the first time I met a kid so impressive on laptop

But after he was done the kid said that he prepared me a gift didn't take his words serious so I didn't bother with him" she said

"What? " " It can't be a kid the person that aired our company's information can't be a seven year old boy, that is the most stupid thing have ever heard of"

"Not to talk of a seven year old boy" 

When they were busy talking, Father Wade's phone called, checking on it it was a video call

"Hello, who are you?" He asked

"Hellooos!" Cute little boys that look exactly like Colin were on the screen

"Hey, grandpa and grandma, Hello uncle's we were not aware that you people are really handsome, hey

Let's go straight to business, you see my brother and I are the soul reason behind your company bankruptcy, if you don't believe we can post this one out" they showed them the documents.

"Cute kids how did we offend you,," Mrs Wade talked to them

"Grandma you are cute, but this lady called Joylen Wade she insulted our mother!

Do you know the consequences if we tell our grandmother? 

I know you don't know, you, plus your entire generation can be whipped out of this Earth surface including the fourth coming generation" Finn said

"She called our mother goddess, a "bitch" do you know that she can't live even for a second? "

"Another thing stop forcing our daddy to marry you okay, our dad is better off with another lady except you, okay,,,!" Liam said

"Kid's we are sorry,,," 

"Okay, okay,, but your company must partner with the knights if you want to go back to business " Liam said

"What? Are the two of you related to the knight's?" Mrs Wade asked

"Nope, we are not, but that is the best company that can help you byeee"

"And young Miss look for our mommy and ask for forgiveness or else!" The cut off the line

In side a small room this two kids give each other a thumbs up.

"Our mother must be respected and Even that father of ours must respect mommy or else we can't acknowledge him" Liam said

Back to the Wade's**

"Mommy, I can't believe that those kids were the ones that bankrupt us, they are pure evil just like that father of theirs,

Heheee, blood is thicker than water, even his kids are cold hearted at a such a young age,,," second brother said

"You didn't see the eyes of that most silent one, like he wanted to kill us and drink our blood,

Hehee,who is the woman that raised those two evil kids? She taught them only how to be evil?" Father Wade said he still can't believe that of all the bigshot, his business ended up being destroyed by two seven years old kids,

And that is because his very own daughter, called there mother "bitch"

"This is a lesson to all of you, now see what your sister has put us into, she went out there started shouting at a young man, who doesn't recognize the other party as a father

Then now see, the result? Not everyone is a begger and not everyone is a weakling and most people are powerful,

Did you all heard that, there grandmother can whipped out our generations ? And bassed on those kids skills and mindset they are from a powerful family" father Wade said

"Daddy am sorry I didn't know I was ignorant, I got carried away, like I thought that they were easy to deal with,,,"

As they were talking Mr Wade's phone called again it was the same thing, video call

"Hello,, this is Wade's residence" he said

"What the hell!!, Who told you that I don't know?"  Xavier shouted , out of the three he has the poorest temper

All the Wade's jump off their seats, Mr Wade's hands shake from fear, 

"Kid who are you?" He asked

Because this kid was putting on a golden mask, and a royal blue outfit, like a prince and seated on a royal chair, he automatically knew that this kid is royalty,

Hahaaa sorry guys, but his insinuation was. Very wrong,,,

"You ask who I am? Where is that stupid daughter of yours?" He asked

"She is here " " put on the loud speaker"

"How dare you insult my birth mother!  You know what? they might be very polite but not me so I tell you this watch out, you might disappear at any time" Xavier talked slowly like an angel before he ended the phone

When Xavier was told that some unknown lady had pushed Liam down and insulted his mother, he was fuming with anger even though he knows that, they are not aware of his existence but there security is in his hands

Let's something happen he will forever blame himself 

"I want that lady kidnapped and brought to a seclusion I don't care but that area must be an extremely cold area, , for insulting my mother that is her punishment no food no water , 

Let her forget all about it, then kidnap her" He said for the first time he has talked more than ten words.

"Will be done as you say young lord Xavier" the second in command said

"That's my grandson, your family first okay?"

"I get you grandma, thank you" he answered

Back to the the Wade's**

"My daughter, who did you offend those people are royalty and they are too powerful can't you see the mess we have gotten into? 

Because you can't control your mouth and that bad temper?"

"Daddy, am sorry I didn't know? "

"Sister you are funny, must you offend someone to know?" He asked "must you be rude to know, and for crying out loud,ever since you started this marriage thing with Colin

Has he ever talk about it? Does he live you? Has he ever look at you the same way a man looks into a woman? My sister wake up, 

And if you insist on marrying him you will suffer in that marriage" elder brother said

"No I love him as long as he is by my side am willing to be by his side, 

I don't care if he loves me I don't care if he won't look at me the same way, am willing to suffer by his side, and you must help me get him, it is him that I want " Joylen Wade is she crazy? 

Even after being told to stop the dream she can't? Joylen loved Colin was this love or an obsession?

"Mom and daddy, talk to your daughter before she gets crazy, "

"We can see the effect of spoiling her we are the roots of her problems, therefore we must the same people to help" young son said

"Excuse me masters the designer is here" a maid said

"Okay daddy call Colin to come here or the mother" Joylen said

"Okay" though father Wade was not sure of what to do anymore

"Colin the designer is here and the photographer is here too, come and start planning for the engagement" he said and ended the call

When Jane entered the living room, everyone froze including Joylen, who always see herself as the most beautiful lady in nation A, she realize that she has been lying to herself.

After a few minutes the first person to react was elder brother to Joylen

"Welcome designer Zero, pardon us for our misbehavior just now" he said

"It's okay,," she said when second and young brother heard of this they staggered almost falling from this ladies voice

"How sweet,,, I can not need anything if she becomes my woman what a beautiful lady I am in love second brother" the third son said

"What love? This lady is far beyond your league go and play outside"

",But love has no boundaries right" he said

"My daughter have a seat, let's wait for my son- in - law to arrive" Mrs Wade said

"Joylen, bring her some coffee okay"

"Okay mummy" even though Joylen has always interacted with people from rich families before 

She has never felt this kind of soft skin from anyone before'

But eldest son who greeted her said,,, "I must say that your skin is far too soft"