
Jane give Joylen a dirty slap,,,!!!

"thank you"

A few minutes later** Colin came

"Colin come, here is the designer that we hired from the UK, designer Zero and here is the photographer Style.

Hey, guys this is my fiance Colin Fernandez" Joylen was a total different person, it didn't cross her mind thar, she had made there company go bankrupt

"Joylen I have something that I want to tell you, my grandpa doesn't agree with this engagement and if you want this to happen your family will have to visit my grandpa

And Joylen, I told you always that there is a woman that I love, from the beginning but you gave me a dead ear can you listen to me for once?"

"Colin, what are you saying I told you it doesn't matter whether you love me or not my love for you is enough you will learn to love me later,

I will wait I don't care I will just wait for you" she said totally heartbroken but you can easily tell that this lady is not in love but it's an obsession.

"Did I come here to listen to you or I came here to work?" Style is not always a patient person

"We pay you so you will have to wait as long as we want you to" Joylen answered

"Hahaaa, you pay me? How much? If I didn't know Zero was to be here I couldn't have come Joylen Wade

Do you think you are new to me?" Style said

"You know me?" Joylen asked

"Who doesn't know you, if it were not for your stupid powerful family my wife could have been a live, but you, you killed her do you think I came here to see you,

Don't be a fool now I understand you are a psychopath" Style said

"Are you mad I even don't know your wife,, how dare you come to my house and accuse me of murder?" Joylen was fuming with anger

"Okay, can you recall a lady director that you shouted at and humiliated 6 years ago?  While you were filming, a lady that you called a thief and you wanted her to go to jail or pay $5,00000? Then later your bodyguards raped her and humiliated her? 

That lady called Josephine was my newly wedded wife?

You know I was wondering why the death of this lady didn't get into you?  Have realized that the Wade's have raised a beauty but a psychopath" he said

"You, do you want to die" 

"Of cause I want to if not for the baby that was left behind I could have died, but you Miss Wade's you will never be happy" style said and left

"Joylen this engagement has been stopped but if you want to have that rign I won't stop you it's yours you can have it"

" Zero, please forgive us, we will compancet you, for wasting your time and making you come here for no reason again am sorry" Colin said

"It's okay no need am not sort of money anyways I only take what have worked for

I hope you will resolve your matters soon" Jane said

Tears were streaming down her cheeks, 

"Colin is it because of her? Is it because of that woman? Colin answer me!" She shouted

"Joylen what are saying which woman you probably don't know the one am in love with so which woman" 

"The mother of those two bastards,, those two useless illegitimate children of you...." Before she could finish, Zero came forward and slapped her hard across the face and said

"Young lady you are still, young stop wasting your time crying for a man who will not look at you like a woman,,

And don't you ever call, other people's children bastards you are still young" she didn't give her that opportunity to think or retaliate

A person who dared to call her children bastards must be seeking death case

Colin was stunned and everyone, they could not understand why this goddess had slapped Joylen!

"She slapped me" Joylen

"Hahaaa, I wish to call and slap this stupidity out of my beautiful sister"  everyone knew that Jane was right and they all supported her blindly

Was it be cause if her beauty?

"Colin please don't leave me okay I will come and talk to grandpa" she said

"Okay, I will be leaving now, Mrs Wade, and brothers am sorry but I have to go" Colin said and left

At the southern part of nation A at the annex Villa,,,

Colin was turning side by side, unable to sleep, all he could see was his kids, and Jane but why Jane, she in not the mother of my kids so why her?

He could not sleep, so he walked to his balcony and lit his cover, puff by puff the only person he could see was was Jane

"Mmmmh,,,, what a beauty,, " he smiled and assigned to himself to see that woman 

"At Gold's residence* "I can't allow that man know about my kids therefore I have to fly back to the UK, a day after tomorrow, no no that man he is too powerful

He can take my babies away I can't see him, " she said

"Jane what is the problem you look trouble you know a problem shared is a problem solved" Nicole said

"Nicky am in trouble,,," she said passing from one point to another

"See come seat here, relax yourself and tell me, what is troubling you" she said

"Nicky I met that man,,, I met him today" she said

"Which man?" 

"I met, Liam and Finn's father today, and he is yet to get married, they are the same people that hired me from abroad to come and design there clothes" she said

"Oooh, relax, did he recognize you?" 

"No he didn't but he asked me if we have ever met before, you know what at that time, I laughed cause I too didn't recognize him

But I saw a tattoo on him that is similar to that of Liam and Finn's father on him and his voice is the same as to that of the man,, I mean it can't be that similar if they are two different people right?" 

"Yes, " ",9/I suggest you should tell him about the kids if he likes them well and good  you can share the custody of the kids" Nicole said

"Never I can't share my kids with a man that took away my innocence and took me for a whore, never, infact I will go and visit my friends tomorrow then

A day after tomorrow  we will be traveling back to the UK" she said

"What if he finds out, Like the way you are saying he is a powerful man in this nation maybe there are some other things that we don't know, Jane think twice

But as a friend I will help you for now you take them  kindergarten and register there names they need to study" Nicole said

"Yeah, let's go to school I will take my boys to the best school where they need to learn according to their capabilities I don't want them to waste there brains"

"Then Quinn school is the best, sweery I don't need my babies to waste there beautiful brain" Nicole said

Early next day**

"Mommy Aunty, told us about school today"

"Yes my cuties', you are going to one of the best school" 

"I don't find it interesting, mommy what is so fun about it " Liam asked actually this boy has participated in almost all mathematics Olympics in UK has done, 150 test papers, all with a perfect score of 200 

So why go to school? He is a master in physics and chemistry, so why go to school, he has participated in tests for Class 1 in Bahrain school were masters set exams and pick up best mathematicians are selected from all round the world to participate

Under his name Mr P he was the best

So why waste time in kindergarten?

"Mommy then if you want to help this brother of mine take her to class 1 of high school cause mommy he doesn't need kindergarten if he passes the exams then, he needs no kindergarten" Finn suggested

"Mommy I think that can do, but if it's kindergarten mommy, for the first time I will not go to school" Liam said

"Cuties, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Yes beautiful goddess" they answered

"Did I give birth to cartoons or something? Nicole?" She  asked

"Babes , they are your cute kids sweery deal with it" Nicole said

"Then to number one middle school, but if you fail me no going back to the UK okay" 

"Sure madam boss"

Soon they arrived at the gate of number one middle school 

"Excuse me madam, were are you heading to?"

"To the administration office, here is my card" when the gate man saw the card he said

"Sorry madam you can go in"