
Jane's punishment from Colin,,,!

Inside a penthouse*

Jane was still sleeping, she was dreaming that Unknown person picked her from her bed and drove her somewhere else, 

But why was the smell that of Colin, she felt comfortable in her dreams that she wished to stay like that forever

She wake up and rubbed her eyes, slowly by slowly but the decorations here? The designs? The smell?

She quickly open her eyes and look at the  duvet that was covering her it was not hers,, "no,,! No! It can't be true did somebody kidnapped me from my grandma's home?" She mumbled and jumped off bed

"Who brought me here? Am I going to be killed? Jesus my babies, no I can't die here,,, but wait how did they get into grandma's house

That later I have to escape from here" she was looking for her clothes but realized she was kidnapped and has no clothes

She tried to push the door open but could not , "who is here?" 'but this seems like a penthouse? Meaning it's for a special someone from rich background, but how did I get to be kidnapped?' this is something she can't believe

"Oooh, you are awake ,,," a hoarsy voice came from the corner were there were some huge couch, she could not see this person's face but the voice she was sure she has heard it

"Kindly come and open the door, I don't know how I get myself here, I need to leave I have a family they might be looking for me" she said

"Freshen up first you stinks" he said

"What did you just say I smell and you brought me here? Now it's me that is smelling how is that even possible 

You people kidnapped me in my grandma's house under the nose of my family now you tell me into my face that I smell?

Mmh, you know what I don't care if I smell or not just get me out of this place" she said

"I don't think you will like wasting time and talk too much,, it's up to you,  waste your time there or freshen up" he said

She didn't like being controlled by she had no otherwise she had to put up with everything and come out of this place,,,

Still thinking how she has been kidnapped Colin stood up from his comfort and grabbed her by her hands 

You don't want to freshen up, so I will help you do that real fast and that is final" he said and dragged her into his bathroom and dropped her into shower sink!

Jane could not understand a thing was this devil behind her kidnap was he the one that kidnapped her? From her grandmother's house but how exactly that no one realized

Colin, swallowed deeply, when he saw her firm breast you can't imagine that this lady  has given birth to three kids and breastfeed two,,,

He then realized that Jane was thinking of some other things,

He pressed her breast too hard that made her moan she didn't expect such

He then inserted his finger inside her mouth deeper and deeper until she got chocked

Her eyes were filled with tears she didn't expect such to happen she didn't know why he volunteered to help her bath but it turns out he wanted to kill her

"Mmh, woman how dare you escape from me? Didn't I tell you that you are mine and no one else's,,, now you will suffer the consequences of running from me" he said and pulled her out of the bathtub , he made her seat at the edge of the bed

"Spread your legs" he commanded, this is something that she has never done before and she can't do it, how can she start doing that ? Is this person crazy?

"I will not do it, I will not, if you like you can kill me I don't care, who are you to force me to do something that I don't want to" she was crying

"Okay let's see, he opened the iron box that was next to him and pulled out a rope 

He tied her hands on the bed and her legs too,,

"Colin you are crazy what are you going to do to me, what is wrong with are you a psychopath? I promise you if I get out of here you will not like it," she said

"That is if am going to allow it to happen, mamaa, this is a lesson that I Colin Fernandez the most powerful man in nation A is not a man to be disobeyed I tried being nice to you but you didn't listen to me therefore I am going to teach you a lesson that you will never forget to disobey me" he said and Walked towards that box again

He removed sex toys and every tool for sex, something that caught her attention was the oval like object

"This are going to be used on you better choose which one to do prefer,,

You said you have a boyfriend who is ready to marry you I will see if your boyfriend can do this to you too, let me tell you something Jane, my kids will never have any other father apart from me" he said and walked towards her in bed

He grabbed her thighs and dropped his wet lips across them, this made her have goosebumps, her soft palm was squeezing her thighs he inserted his fingers in her and started pushing and pulling in and out

She was starting to have the feeling, something that she didn't want to accept

Just then Colin pulled her up and inserted her tongue in her, he was fucking her with his tongue, licking and sucking and thrusting her with his fingers 

Making her to feel crazy she tried to resist but she could not hold it anymore

"Colin,,,please,,," she could not say a thing she was moaning  louder and louder, she could not hold herself

"Colin please I want you inside me I want you" she was crying

"Mmh, say it again" his hoarsy voice 

"Colin I need you inside me" she was at the peek of pleasure what is wrong with her although Colin had done this before but today it's exception, her body was trembling out of pleasure

"No that is not what I want to hear you say, " Colin young monster had grown hard and was begging to be let out of the pants,,,, he also wanted her badly

"Am sorry I will not run away from you, please" she said "I just want you inside me"

"Beg for it mama" 

"Please Colin am going to cum, please" 

"Not when I tell you to mamaaa" he said and stopped pleasuring her,,

When Jane realized that he had pulled away from her, she was disappointed how was she going to get rid of the heat build in her body"

He untied her hands and said my"unzip it" he ordered


"I said unzip it" she did as per the orders

"Suck it , like it is your favorite" he said

"I don't know?" 

"Hahaaa, suck it or you are done for,,, and at the same time I want you to do yourself you hear me!" 

"Yes, yes" at first she felt weird

She started to suck him, she pushed away her fears and did it like a professional, this made Colin's eye narrow down as he  look at his innocent lady, 

Within no time he started groaning, he held the back of her head and pulled her closer he started pounding in and be out of her warm mouth he liked what her mouth was doing to her

"Jane, I love you, have always loved you, since that night, it has always been you don't leave me again okay" he said while increasing his speed

"Colin am going to cum, " she said

Before she could cum Colin stopped, and walked into bathroom

Jane felt wronged, 'how can he bring me here just to torture me here, playing with my feelings like they are nothing,, ' 

"Get up from there and freshen up or do you want some more?" Colin asked

"Colin Fernandez I hate you! I hate you!" She said feeling like crying how can he make me feel hot and arouse my feelings then drop me just like that do I look like a toy?

First he kidnapped me then now torturing me?' she said almost 1 hour crying , Colin thought that something might have happened to her inside the bathroom

"Jane!, Jane are okay" she didn't answer

"Answer me now or I will break this door, Jane"

Still no response Jane was crying, she felt disgusted by herself, she could not believe she did that disgusting thing by herself , 

'i hate with my being Colin I will not allow you take my kids away' she was scolding herself inwardly

The door pushed open and Colin rushed towards the bathtub and carried her out