
Liam face of disgusts ,,,!

"stupid woman, what is wrong with you?" Colin shouted

"What exactly did I do wrong, that made you kidnap me here?" She was crying

"Sorry mamaa, am sorry I don't know how to handle you but believe me you wronged me terribly didn't I promise to let you go? 

I just wanted to be with you and hold you in my arms to make sure you are safe and sound, I want to be with my kids but you told me that you have another man

So why can't I be jealous, why can't I follow you here

Have never begged someone in my life but here I am begging you" he said 

He didn't want to see her cry or shade a single tear drop,,

"Then tell me what do you want from me, tell me why you kidnapped me here, I have a family and my children they are worried do you know that?" 

"Yes I know but I want to be with you and our kids, and if you don't want to be with me then allow me to be with my kids

I promise don't run away from me" he said you could feel sincerity in his voice and eyes

"Colin, let me go to my family,,," she said

"I will take you there" "that is the soul reason why I came back here in UK, I haven't been into this place for such a long time and my senior is also staying here so I will be staying for sometimes before going back" 'my senior is your biological mother mamaa,,, I hope some day you two will be United again, she really loves you

I wish you knew you gave birth to triplets my dear soon you will know' he thought but could not bring himself to tell her all this

"Boss breakfast is served, madam breakfast is ready" the maid said

"Let's go grab something it's noon already, then your family is a crazy one let's go grab something before, going to your family" he said

With that Jane went on and served herself breakfast, Colin insisted on feeding her this is something she had no choice but to accept

Colin fed her, and she loved the feeling of being treated with love, she didn't know what was happening to her heart but one thing for sure is, she was starting to like the gentleman treatment

She had forgotten, that this same man was a monster to him some few minutes ago? 

"There is something at the corner of your mouth" Colin said and Jane gave him a puppy like eyes

"Hahaaa, don't move" he said and went closer to her, she thought he was going to use his hands to remove the day but he'll no

He kissed it

"You, Colin you are a cheat!" She said pushing him away

"It's not like we have never kissed' before, have kissed your...." He was cute off

"You,,,,,!" Jane rebuked him for whatever he wanted to say next

"Hahaaaa, it's okay" he said

The breakfast was over all the maids were surprised to see there stone hearted boss this happy, like it was strange

But who is this lady if number one beauty' of A nation could not afford to make his heart melt, 

They wondered what type of charm this lady had on him

"Did you see that?" 


"Didn't you see boss laughing and smiling?"

"I saw it, "

"Our almighty God of war, cold as ice block, arrogant and aggressive heheee, heartless 

Can smile,? That only means one thing,,,"

"Which is,,?"

"Boss is in love...."

"Men like him can never fall in love cause when they do, they sink in it and that can alert the enemy 

There love is always there weakness"

"Tooo bad but I think, this lady to is no simple lady, didn't know that

A wrestler lovers his fellow wrestler and God of war love his fellow goddess of war?" 

"Why didn't I think like you before??" They said

",I just hope she won't break my masters heart"

"Me too, but I have a feeling she is a cool person not arrogant and the rest"

"Stop gossiping around or should I tell the boss that you are tired" the guard said

Meanwhile at the Sanchez*** 

"No one is allowed to laugh or smile, no drinking of water, I repeat let me not spot anyone around anything doing nothing about the search of my niece" the first son said

"The old grandma was almost running mad, how can someone come inside her house where security is everywhere and kidnap her grandchild?

Without making any mistake she was almost fainting

"Are we too nice to this security that made them to relax? Someone came here to our Villa, opened the three gates main door and took my grandchild away 

And you didn't realize any suspicious movements 

And you want me to still keep you What for?" She could not contain anger in her

"Meaning if someone was to kill us yesterday all the Sanchez liniage could have been whipped out  just like that?

Son's am not safe anymore we are not safe anymore

My granddaughters my grandsons my great grandchildren,," she was wipping non-stop

"Great grandma, don't worry mommy will be found, she will come back to us" Liam said

"Yes grandma mommy is full of martial arts she can take down many people trust her okay, I wonder how badly those stupid people are injured" Finn said

"What did you say?" Every one stunned that Jane was a martial arts expert with how weak she appears to be

"I said mommy is a martial arts expert, she is strong hahaaa, next time don't let mommy fool you," Finn said

"You can confirm from Liam if you think that am laying" he said everyone turn to look at Liam at once he only responded by saying


"But that can not stop us from thinking about her, she was just one person and many men, my granddaughter is suffering out there yet am here doing nothing,

I didn't realize how incompetent my guards are military guards" she signed

"Grandma, am fine, am here" a voice came from the door

Everyone thought that Jane's voice was playing tricks on them except for the twins, there eyes lit with joy but soon disappeared immediately it appeared from Liam's eye when he saw who was next to his mother

"God of war????" Old Mrs Sanchez could not believe her eyes

"Grandma are you okay, this is just a young man, god of war might be an old person now, the Colin is no5 this young" third son said

ThankTyou, how 

dioyou get my yogra? Thank you come Jane let grandma check on you if something happened I was not going to forgive myself" she said

"Helloo, everyone am Colin Fernandez, actually I was the one that took Jane from home yesterday night am sorry I didn't mean to" Colin said

"What! You sneaked into my house and came out holding my aunty then you come here to brag like how our security is poor?

Grandma I told you to let me make other robots like robot number 5, you said you don't need it" Seven said

"Now see Grandma, some people like him can not be stopped by anything in this life" he added

"Sure, seven is right security purposes should be increased for some gangsters not to gamble with our life anymore and proof how they are professionals" Liam said looking at his father directly this son doesn't like his father at all because of what he did to his mother

"Liam, have you realized who  is?" First grandma asked

"Just some common thug , why think of who he is,,,?" He said, not even thinking of his mother

"Liam, where did this attitude came from"

"First grandma ask him to leave this house" he said

"I don't care who he is, god of war, I don't care " he said

"Brother, this is our father what is wrong with you, can't you accept that, we are young are we going to be raised in a home without a father? For the rest of our lives" Finn said he wants to have a father

"Fine if you don't need one then I need one" he said "see seven has a father, mommy has a father can't you see it's only us who is fatherlesss?" He said

"Hahaaaa, he is our father you don't want to be raised in a family with a father figure?

Brother Finn, since young have you ever lucked a thing because you don't have your Father? Hasn't mommy made sure we have it all, growing up didn't you always saw how 

Mommy most of the time was sad did you here that day when she cried in pain because of this man,

Finn we are seven now we can take good care of our mommy, cause let me tell you sadness is all he is gonna bring home" he said