
It's a matter of time, I will forget about her,,!!!

"thank you, Mr, but I think you are expressing your feelings, to a dead person can't you feel it that am not human, you even don't know me,

And even if I tell you who I am you won't find me, are you applying for your death wish, I advise you to go and play those words with those silly ladies" I pointed towards some ladies that were drinking

He turned pale, 'look at him, he didn't introduce himself and he has fallen in love and what's to take care of me

Am just a new face in there circle but no weakling, after all those things that I passed through in my father's house 

How can I be considered weak and seen as a weak person '

"Sorry Miss" he said

"Okay okay, am a good person do not make me look like a bad person,, nice meeting you" she said

"Hey, man do you know what has happened to me,," Jeffrey said

 Colin could clearly see fear in his eyes and wondered what has happened to his besty at this point,

"Man that lady is no match even for your sisters she is cruel " 

"Hahaaaa, if you see those cute ladies with a friend think twice man, " George said

"What do you mean are my sisters that evil"  Colin could not help but try to defend his sisters

"No loves,,,," George knew that once he was to call Colin loves he was to drop the matter

Everyone in this circle developed an interest in the lady that happen to reject second in command of the play boys hahaaa, 

This lady is no joke, among the men Colin was unexception, and they only lady is this lady that won't let him find her 

"My poor heart" he said inwordly

"Hey, friend let me tell you that lady no matter how much you think about her, she won't think of you

In fact that lady is plotting your death,

You took her V-card away and paid her with dollars, can't you think of it that lady valued  her V-card more than anything

" Jeffrey said

"How can a mature lady of 22 years be a virgin if not for seft respect and value on herself,,, that lady look for her" Alexander knight said,

"At least I still have a friend" I said

With that Colin left the party,his mind was in a mess,,, that girl if I find her? He couldn't understand why he find it difficult to find a poor girl, I did not know whether the feeling was guilt or like

For the first time in his life he met, a pure and untouched lady 

He lost his virginity at 14 he was this highschool play boy, not even his first love was a virgin how can he let this one pass, 

'Maybe, with time I will forget about her, it's a matter of time' that is how he was thinking

What if somebody could have told him that the same lady with her sisters was that lady?