
Even a fourth year can't do the questions,,,,!

"they won't go easy on you son" she said, wondering what has gotten into his son's mind

"Mommy, am not expecting them to go easy on me, mommy don't you trust me?" Liam said

Jane's heart ache, though she said that my son will realize the importance of kindergarten after this

"Mommy, can you trust brother for once?" Finn said

"Okay my babies mommy trust you "

After sometime they arrived at the administration,

"Good morning, am Miss Jane, am here to see the principal of the school is that possible" Jane asked

The teacher was in no moods of talking and asked " and who are you to meet the principal of number one middle school,,

Do you think our principal is someone you can see,,,?

Furthermore you are not a parent in this school, " 

Students in number one middle school are all coming from rich families with strong background, Jane dressed simple not as elegant as those parents , so automatically made Teacher Alphonce that she not a mistress from a rich family

"Is this how the stuffs in this school address the visitors? Is this how you judge people ? Bassed on where they are coming from? Mmmh

I don't want to waste my time here " she moved her phone and called the principal directly

"Miss are you, lying who are you to have our principal's number, sure have seen shameless ladies but you top them" he said

"Aaam, Mr may we know who you are?" 

"Am Mr Alphonce, department is art,,,"

"Really???, But why do I smell like you are more like a rats veterans"Finn said

"You,,,"just then the principal came in sweeting

"Am sorry senior Jane I kept you waiting" he said even the teacher who was there got stunned

"Junior, one of your teachers called me shameless what are you going to do?" She asked

"Who dare to call my senior shameless"

"Sorry sir sorry I didn't know, 

She is too plain so I didn't recognize her as a figure am sorry"

"Are you trying to say that in this school, you only recognize people by there dressing code?" She asked

"Sorry madam I didn't mean it"

"Teacher Alphonce do you know who this lady is, senior show him your card and let him reflect on himself after being fired"

Jane slowly pulled a black card with 7 eagles meaning she is the top most scientist and best know doctor the mysterious doctor with high achievement so far,,,

"Am sorry, I failed to recognize such a figure"

I"I will deal with you later" the principal said

"Sorry Miss Jane for my staffs behavior" he apologized again

"It's okay let's go in I have something to ask from you" she said

"Go on if in my possession I will do it" he said, and Jane look at her two kids and smiled then turned to the principal

"Then, someone here is looking for death wish can you help him accomplish the wish" she said all smiling

"Who dare do that,," principal

"Relax that person is my elder son, here, he doesn't want to join kindergarten , so I want all the physics and mathematics teachers to come here I want the to set questions so that this son of mine will understand the importance of kindergarten," she said this time round she was serious she wanted to scare his so , but to her surprise the seven years old Liam, was smiling his eye lit up with happiness

She narrowed her eyes

"And principal I request to do my exams in the opening I don't want my mommy to suspect me or any other person " he looked at Nicole,

"Son don't regret this" 

"I won't and if I fail is a wake up call for me, so mommy your little boy will not fail,,," 

"Hey I need biology and business papers okay" Finn said

"Aaah, you too, ?" She asked

"Yes mommy"

"Principal I gave birth to crazy beings for give me"

"Mommy we are serious okay, so Sir call all the teachers let's start the exams outside and we need every student present to witness this" Finn said

"Believe us mommy for once okay, we promise if we fail, we won't talk about the UK again in future,but if we pass we will join class 1 of this school" Liam said

"And you will buy us what we will want" "okay mommy promise" she said

The principal announced the interview that was to take place in school, but the details that was missing was that the students were actually seven years old kids that were actually fooling around

Expensive cars drove in school, that includes education officers of nation A when they received the call that the mysterious famous doctor Betty was here, they dropped whatever they were doing and came

"Principal Federica, I , immediately I received your call I had to come" great master of physics said

"Principal, is there any student that made you summon us?" Master of mathematics

"Sorry but I called you on Doctor Betty's behalf, she has some crazy kids that don't want to go to school therefore, she summoned you here to teach this kids of hers a lesson

The kids are seven years old each they are twins, but this is the deal, you must not go easy on this kids

Set the most difficult questions as you can,make sure when they see the papers they can't do anything but sleep you get that"

They could not help but wonder did they come all the way from there work areas to come and make things difficult for kids that don't want to go to school? Seven years old kids of that matter,,,

Is it worth there time... 

"Let's get to work remember don't underestimate this kids after knowing that there mother is Doctor Betty" the mathematics master said

"It's okay I understand now" oooh, this kids must be smart as there mother in that case they have to set questions that will send the two kids to dream world

The school forum was in buzz,, everyone was asking who are these two masters of study that made the education officers to come to there school just to set them question

"I don't understand it, then it must be, Calder of class one, that boy " someone said

"You guess it right but Calder is in class and he said that he is not the person"

"Aaah,,! Then who can beat our God of study"

"This has just increased my curiosity of seeing this person" 

"If there is a person that can defeat Calder then I will call this person daddy for sure" one lady said

"Girl be ready don't go back to your words"

"Do I look like am joking I will call him/ her daddy" she repeatedly said 

"Then we will look for you we know you are in class 3 so don't worry we will come for you" the school forum went on and on most placed some bets 

The exam time has arrived all the senior students were called out and each was handed the paper to see if they can tackle any and those that could do it were to Join the interview of the two kids

But only two students found it worth trying the questions in the paper were too difficult, even for a fourth year students 

So who are these seven years old!

"Okay everyone the two contestants will becoming in, the first contestant will be doing mathematics and physics the second contestant will be doing business and biology

Now everyone kindly create a space for Finn Sanchez and Liam Sanchez" the Dean announced, there was no Sanchez in Nation A and the well Know Sanchez were from the UK not unless this two are coming from poor families

"When the two kids walked in some senior student rushed to them immediately

"Cute kids, what are you doing here are you lost where are your parents let me take you to them" she said

"No!" Liam

"Actually, am Finn Sanchez and this is my brother Liam Sanchez

And we are in the right place we are here for the interview" he explained

"What! You two" everyone in the hall was surprised they looked at the papers in there hands then at the kids

"Are you joking?"

"Let me see,,"

He was trying to check if this kids were not joking but the seriousness in there faces made them realize it was no joke

"Kiddo, how old are you"

"Ooh we are seven years of he is my elder brother a head of me with 25 minutes that makes him reason 1 second per question as I take 60 seconds to load a question"" Finn said in other words his brothers IQ is higher than his by 30

At that time the serious faces stepped in and said

"Please it time the four of you settle for the exams everybody that is not participating please stand aside and no noise"