
Crazy Wembley's,,,,!

"son tell us why are you home today" father Wembley said

"And can't you tell that our son is very happy today I think something good will come out of it" Mother Wembley said

"Yes, brother tell us am tired of waiting already,," Cassy said

"Aaahm,,, aaam,,,  I have fallen in love with a beautiful lady, and I want her to be my wife,,," he said, running his hands through his hair

"Hahaaaaa, wife am full already , son thank you, ever since you were born this is the very best news have ever heard from you heheee, wife an blessed" master Wembley was too happy

"Son when are you bringing her home, I want to see my daughter in law" the mother who could not hide her happiness said

"Aaaaam, the thing is I have just started courting her, she doesn't know me and haven't see me daddy, cause this lady doesn't like men and don't date, a am afraid she might say know to me" he said

"Aaah! Brother that can't happen, let me tell you give me her contact heheee, I will make sure she loves you whole heartedly and we will love her so so very much

I can't wait to have a sister in law" she went and hugged her brother tightly

"She is a model at knight's working under Gold Empire" he said

"Wait brother are you talking about my number one beauty'?" She asked

"Yes sister" 

"Yeahhhhhhhhh....! I knew it brother can't disappoint me,,," she shouted

"Wait do you know her?" The two asked this old parents were confused

"Yes, papa, mama, do you know that this lady has been in this industry for almost 13 years and has never dated in either private or public? Has never had scandals with any of her work mates except for Joylen Wade who wanted to tint her image,

So big brother if you ask me I really like her congratulations! 

Can you believe it hey! Everyone today every member of this family will eat together with us on this table it doesn't matter where you are working,my brother has gat a wife 

It's gonna be marry , heheee, call everyone and let's eat together tomorrow, am going to buy each and everyone a gift for keeping my brothers mind healthy  with food sweet food" Cassy said

"Heheee, my daughter you are right we should celebrate and pray at the same time, tell them to buy candles

Who knows maybe your brother has those ancestral spirits from your father's might fill him with some dirty this daughter go too!!" The mother said

"Aaah! Wife since when did my ancestors became afraid of beautiful ladies, didn't you know our history

Seee? You  have been married by me for many years yet you don't know , ask around my ancestors would see beautiful ladies around

And marry them immediately wife didn't I do the same now this son of mine must be behaving because he gat his from your side, I can't be wrong" Father Wembley said

"Pffff" everyone present 

"Daddy mommy can't you even help me reflect on how to win my future wife's heart? Heheee, am unlucky" he said

"Son you are not unlucky just come to my study I will tell you how I won the golden girl of those days heart it's very simple" he said

"Old man are you tired of living this life" 

"Heheee, everyone come let's celebrate together I know brother won't fail me okay" she said Cassy was very happy, Happy that she could not help hide it

"Yes everyone let's celebrate this is the best news my son has every brought home"

The house was full of laughter and everyone was happy this is the first time they are having a meal in this house together and with their masters heheee, 

This masters it was just a celebration but to the workers here, it was a a jackpot win

How can they be sad the guards at the gates were extremely happy, this is there first time staying in this house for more that 20 minutes, they were happy and they are without caring for there manners

'this family is sure a blessing, they are always happy, even the young Miss of the family that are always believed to be rude but there young Miss not rude to them and has never seen them as a maid

Rather she always saw them as a family and friends always engage them into conversation when they are law and when they tired, here they are not pushed to work to there last breath but they work with turns so 

It's like you are working at your home, once in a while they visit there loved ones under their support and care this is rarely done in rich families, and salary here is cool one can say that they can suffer with this family when they will face difficulties than flying away' this is one of the guards

The dinner came to an end and every one tired to there quarters

But gossip is always gossip

"Girl I feel like flying today,we ate with our masters and they didn't care about our table manners heheee, they didn't even pay attention to us  we ate freely I feel like am in heaven already" she was even crying and trembling

"Heheeee, I just hope the new coming young mistress of the family to be a good person a generous lady, I really hope she will not change everything around 

And bring more happiness in the family" she said with a sad expression actually they were all hoping for the same thing

"I hope so, but am not afraid anymore hehee young Miss Cassy is around no matter what that woman will not threaten us" 

"What are you saying are you forgetting who is the master of the house

If the incoming lady is a vixen let me tell you not even her can save us, for sure" 

"Let's all be positive, about everything , let's trust him to bring a good person "

"Okay ladies we have a work tomorrow let's all go to sleep okay, 

All I know is Miss Cassy is going to tell us everything until then we have to assume that we do not know anything okay" she said

"Sure good night everyone" they node each one of them good night and entered there rooms

Though they could not talk about it but they could not stop thinking about it, and neither could they do anything theirs was to wait for what will happen next

Some were anticipating on how hard their life was going to be in this family if the madam is going to be full of even they could not catch sleep

They turn on there beds till morning, but when they entered the kitchen they were surprised to see the old madam and old master in the kitchen preparing breakfast 

"Hey are my eyes playing tricks on me,,,'" one of the maids rubbed her eyes

"Hey there is no trick it's real" 

One of them took the video and some photos and posted online in the WeChat group 

This was fun to watch,,

"Heheee, is that old master and madam? "

"Yes stop being ridiculous can't you see"

"Hehee, who is the idiot that took the photo than going there and help our big bosses"

"Heheee, stop it can't you see how this old masters are in love while cooking , for their family?"

"Sign, I wish I can grow old with a man that I love like this for better for worse"

"Heheee, babes am here come let's build our home together" the chief guard said

For sure he was not joking he has taken a liking on this young maiden since he started working here and he is not ready to see any girl seen Just by seeing her was enough

"Hey, ladies, madam Sharon come help us take this to the dinning table the Breakfast is enough for everyone please take something before doing anything and make sure our security team also put something in their stomach" she said 

"Yes we all love and take care of you you are all our family members okay, do be shy we wanted to do this today,

Our son is bringing his soon to be wife home,so we must be happy" the old man said as they walk out the kitchen

"Daddy, mommy, ! What is happening why is this house very quiet, ? Hehee, 

What? Mommy , daddy you prepared all this food for us?  Almighty God come down today am gonna eat my parents special dish" Cassy was behaving like a cartoon

"Hey stop behaving like this as if we haven't cooked for you before?" The old woman was very shy

"Hey, guys let's have breakfast my lazy brother is still sleeping go wake him up,,,"

With that she dragged three maids a side

"Hey, guys am going to visit my sister in law and bring her home then after that we are going to analyze her personality"