
Colin's realization of who the mother of the twins is....!

"Blue, Draco Thunder, I want that woman to be sent into snow highland no food no water until I say it's enough" Xavier said

"Young Lord are you sure she will survive it?" Blue asked

"Make sure she doesn't die or faint, she is not allowed to die no matter what!" Xavier said

"Mr that is for your girlfriend messing with my mother, and you I can make sure you suffer 

And this let no one know about it not even my mother or brothers they are not aware of my existence, so if I hear or see you closer to them kiss your sisters good bye" Xavier said and ended the call

"Colin, was that Blue from the UK the boss of Asian Mafian together with Draco?" Jeffrey asked

"I think so" 

"Don't think so man it's real that is them, " George said

"Who is the woman you impregnated,,,? If one of her son's is called Lord and Blue is given orders by him meaning he is your boss,,, who is the woman you impregnated?" Jeffrey said slowly as he close his eyes

The matter of Colin and his children seems to be an headache than they thought

",No wonder this kids  are extra ordinary, you know they are arrogant and full of power, they like to rule not to be ruled, Colin your kids are coming from a huge background" George said

"If they call that little boy Lord and Ghost is the grandmother meaning 

The lady you impregnated is the daughter Ghost was talking about" George said

"Colin am done, you are done, Colin we are done!" Jeffrey shouted

Colin narrowed his eyes, the reality hit him hard that he didn't know what to do, he took his cigar, the light it, took in three puffs and stand at the window facing nation A and released a strong breath

"How did I get myself into this mess" he said softly

"No! What are the kids doing in nation A? And who is Ghost's daughter? That should be our question" George said

"Can you recall when Blue and Draco came here 7 years ago?" Colin asked

"Yes I recall,,, oooh my God!" George exclaimed

"What is it you two?" Jeffrey asked

"Ghost's daughter is Gold, and Gold is Zero and Zero is the mother of your kids,,,Jackson tell your secretary to bring as hot coffee" George said


"Colin, can you buy me another sports car, I have done the thinking"

"That's why when we talked about the kids that day Ethan walked away on us!" Jeffrey said

"Definitely,,"  Colin said

"Then how are they related to Ghost?"George was confused again at this point

"When Ethan introduced Jane to us or rather Gold to us, he said Jane is his aunt's daughter Wendy,,,

And if I remember correctly this Wendy Knight disappeared after her birthday, and there was no trace of her death,

Later Gold appeared from no where and old Mrs knight who abandoned her home for almost 17 years came back home

That time was when your three sisters met Gold, then she disappeared

Can it be that this Gold is the same woman with fake identity? Yes! She is

When it was the launching of Heroic designs and villain designs a lady appeared and read this Gold's biography

This lady said Jane's mother left home to Unknown place, it was not know whether she died or not, this this fear made her seal her identity from fear of the father later it was revealed that Jane was not this man's daughter that is why he mistreated her

Now it was your engagement Zero came, twins were spotted at the airport, Ethan also appeared on the same day after so many years, then your grandfather got treated heheee, Colin, then you have just learn that they are triplets not twins? But this cold blooded son is saying his mother is only aware of the two but not him? 

Meaning the third child was taken to be the heire of the underworld Kingdom,,

Colin your fate is more of a night mare!" George said 

All this time Jackson listened and could not say a thing 

Colin was rubbing the imaginary sweat from his forehead, this is an headache, even his first plan to threaten the mother of his kids with money, and power were nolonger existing on his mind

"To Ethan's, let the guards drink the coffee" Colin said he picked his blazer and stormed out forgetting about his friends

", What is wrong with you men,,! " Jeffrey

"Are we not going to talk to our friend who has now become our in-law?" Jeffrey said

" I don't care all I care about now is meeting this man and ask him why didn't he tell me when he realized that I had kids with his sister!" Colin shouted

The company went on an uproar

"What? The CEO has kids and that with another woman?"

"Did hear his voice is like he was about to go on a rampage!" 

"He is not a Lord in the business for nothing"

"Go back to work, stop wasting time or should I tell the boss about your  gossip"

At the knights construction company, 

"Ethan why didn't you tell us when you realize that Colin was the father to your nephews?" George asked

"What? That man you call a friend is not my friend let me tell you something, he slept with my cousin then, offer her$1,000,000, like a whore! I mean who does that after taking her innocence

I don't want to see you people"

"We are sorry, do you know how long he looked for her? Do you know but your cousin didn't want us to find her"

"I don't care let me tell you if my cousin realize that you are the father of her kids she will sell her life to the devil than to be with you in this lifetime" Ethan said

"Brother ! Brother! Do you know what those two idiots of mine did today?" She was too excited

"Ooh sorry byee am going to meet my friends let's talk later byee"

She left immediately without saying anything

When Colin saw her leaving, he was stunned, she actually talked about her kids? Mmmh

At the knight's designing company**

"Miss Tasha , Mr Roby and Miss Eileen you have  visitors" the secretary said

"Okay we are done, let them come in" Tasha said

"Miss, they said they are going back if you don't pick them" the secretary said

"Okay I will pick them up" she walked towards the door and open 

Immediately she was welcomed by two cute boys, that is Finn and Liam

"OMG, my babies are here hey, Roby come help me carry my boys ,

Hey my cuties are you okay, did you travel safe, where is that ugly mama?mmh it doesn't matter let's go in we are closing right away" she said she was happy

"My cute babies" she shade tears " did mommy told you that godmother and God daddy were waiting for you two,, let me tell you this nation is all yours okay" she said

"Aunty relax okay, relax actually, we come here with"

"So my friends have really forgotten about me?"an innocent timid voice said

"Jane?????" Roby asked

"Is this how you welcome a friend ?" 

"Hahaa, you I will kill you, I will beat you to death you didn't tell us you are coming then you expect us to be happy?"

"Babies what should I do to her"

"Because mamma is pretty you can only get mad but do nothing"Finn said

"You kid you dare defend her? I will slaughter the both of you" hahaa, they were running inside the office like little kittens

Eileen was surprised to see this side of her big boss whom she had never met, apart from her being kind to them she doesn't know her that much

"Janny, why didn't you tell us you were coming ?" 

"Hey sister, I wanted it to be a surprise but I came some times back just that I was too busy so I wanted our meeting to be free from any other problems you know forgive me okay"

"Okay, have you pay grandma visit?" Tasha asked 

"Yes I have, and my Greek God is also around when he disturbs you my Greek God is around" Jane said

"Elder how can you say that, am a noble man who loves his fiance, and to top it am a prince don't forget I can build her a castle

Stall all maids for her, make sure that in this life she is a queen to the next life" Roby said bragging

"Hey Uncle are you are real prince?" Liam asked cause he has a friend called Xavier who is a noble not knowing that the Xavier he knows is his younger brother

"Yes boy, I will take the both of you to my homeland one day if I will be wedding your aunt Tasha, what do you think"?"