
The set up was of success,,,!!

"That is cool" Liam answered

Meanwhile at the knights**

"Brother can you answer us why didn't you tell me that, your cousins kids were mine, do you know how I have looked for her

I changed my Playboy ways because of her, I realized how I wronged her please I want to meet her I want us to talk

I just want to be by her side and my kids side that if she will allow me please allow me to" Colin was to his down moments  in the last three days that  his kids have appeared in nation A lot's of strange things have happened

Therefore he want to be with her no matter what!

"Colin as friends I can't help you, I can't also betray the family treasure if you want to talk to her find her yourself which will be difficult those people they don't leave a trace behind wherever they go so am sorry "

"Ethan can't you give us the address or her phone number?" George asked

"I can't when he slept with her, she was pure and didn't it cross his mind that she was going to be pregnant by then? 

When our friend remembered to give her that huge what for? Was it for abortion once she realized she was pregnant? Mmmh George, Colin and Jeffrey I can't help she is my sister I will be protect her

She is the reason my grandma has a meaning to life so dear friends and out" Ethan said

"Ethan how can,,,!" Jeffrey was  not going to joke with this stupid friend

"Will your sisters raise them by herself?" He asked

"Hahaa, Jeffrey so are you trying to say that my sister is a bad mother, hehee, 

Let me tell you my sister is more than the Fernandez, knights, Parker's, and fellers combined so be aware,,," Ethan bragged

"And those two boys, can buy both the Parker's and fellers and Fernandez businesses don't think they need you not unless you are guilty that you missed the chance of being with a great woman next time control it" Ethan did not spare them

"Okay then I have to go am sorry Ethan I will not disturb you again" Colin said and together with his two fellows they walked out

Ethan on the other side didn't expect Colin to drop the matter felt disappointed, 'this bastard can't even insist on seeing my sister mmmh I will have to tell big brother who father if this kids are'


"George I want you to track that woman and tell me where she is staying I can't let them have my kids" Colin said if they think they can threaten a Billionaire like me then that lady has to forget it

Afew minutes later,,

"Colin, they are at the pearl restaurant, with her friends and your sister's too" George said

"To the pearl restaurant, she has to give me answers today"

At the pearl, Olivia, Shasa and Line were looking at the two kids and suspecting something

"Sister am I the one seeing wrong or something?" Shasa asked

"What are you seeing?"


"Sister this kids with Gold,? Don't you think they are very familiar" Line

"Mmh, they look just like big brother Colin,, " Olivia

"The mole, in each and every person's eye is similar to that of brother, the face, the nails, the voice of this one called Liam, sisters is Gold 

The lady brother was looking for?" Shasa asked

"And seven years ago after gold left that is when brother started looking for her,,, and came back with kids looking like big brother" Olivia

"Then the kids are our nephews and gold is our sister in-law,

But am afraid brother doesn't know about this"Line said

"Should we tell brother about it,?" Olivia asked

"We have to can't you see how sister in-law is a beauty and every man out there is waiting to have her and this kids so we have to help brother 

Step one. They have to meet alone"

(Brother where are you come at the pearl restaurant, in room 503) Line said

When Colin received the message and his heart skipped did his sisters realize something

(Hello, Doctor Betty this some that is working at the Fernandez old mansion meet me on room 503 I know you are in pearl restaurant)

After receiving the message she didn't want people to suspect her she excused herself like someone going to the rest room but branched to a corridor leading to room 503

There trip gave each other a look of the mission is complete then Olivia asked

"Kiddo, I know this is not right but where is your daddy is he cute like you?" 

"Hey don't answer her, she has always have this attraction towards handsome  people okay not unless you want daddy to leave mommy"

"Aunty, our daddy we don't know about him, so stop asking he is just some random rich person that took advantage of our mommy okay" Liam answered

"Sorry" this kids seems to hate our brother so much that this haterade can be removed by there mother only

"It's okay it's nothing to be sorry about, after all it was that faceless man to throw my momma away not you so he should be saying sorry aunty " Finn said 

The recording was complete and Olivia wanted to send it but she waited until the end of the meeting , she decided to send it later

"Hey you three trio's, what is your plan it's Jane's birthday on this coming weekend?" Tasha said

"What? , We have to hold the birthday in one of the most significant places ever " Shasa said

"And that is in island Filix at the northern part of this nation, there is a beautiful castle not so many people have been there according to my research so far only, 5 people have managed to go there" Liam said

"Yes, I support big brother and all the prominent people must come including our friend Lord X, we must see him in person" Finn said

"Kids that Island was bought by a certain bad person we tried tracing this person but we could not reach him"Line said

"So aunty in other words you are trying to say that if Unknown person but something this person is a bad person?" Finn asked, how can they be bad people, they wanted to build a castle in that place

For there mother to enjoy her last days there but they were even wanted as thugs, are this people joking? Or is this how police is first in judging people?

"No we don't mean that, but that place has no close buildings around it it has only on huge mansion with it with 3 maids in total the roads there are of high standards but why is the owner not staying there ?" Shasa said

"Mmmh, I get you,aunty are you not aware of a private property? Or something, that is the place where our beautiful goddess will have her birthday held" Finn said

"Kids godfather will help you in that" Roby said

"Uncle no need we had done the arrangements for mother" Liam answered

At the same time Colin had arrived, at the hotel, George and Jeffrey went inside, when the both of them saw Audrine whom her voice is what they have heard and Eileen they were captivated by the feeling of love they could not explain it.

"Hey trio, what are you doing here and who are this cute boys?" George was confused Audrine's beauty,

"How can I behave like this is she that beautiful? OMG, am going to nose bleed" he said to himself

Just then a warm fluid was flowing through his nose 'oooh my goodness it's true am nose bleeding'

In room 503 Jane was waiting patiently for this Unknown person little did she know it was a trap from the three sisters

Colin who also thought that he was going to meet his sisters walked to the door and pushed open

A lady was seated in the room scrawling through her phone

"Hello, I hope am not in the wrong room" he said

"You are in the wrong room", that  is when she realized she was talking to him, oooh it's him again did somebody trick me to coming here

'so they already know about my children' he thought

But before Jane could react he went forward and take her into him he hugged him like this is the last thing he needed

"You pervert what is wrong with you ? Is this how my brothers friends behave? You pull away!" She was shouting really bad that the room was sound proof

"Jane, let me hold you for a second even if it won't last" Colin said closer to her ears that 

He sounded very sad, really sad, but why, Jane heart was beating profusely dump, dump!

"Mr can you now leave me alone you might choke life out of me do you know that?" Jane said