
Colin's confession,,,, pure love or just a another lie,,,!

"mommy I think you should consider what Shasa has said that mother that you want to pay to stay away from your son 

Is someone you can't afford to offend " Olivia said

"Just wait I see how powerful this lady is but until then I don't need her to be my daughter in law" she said

"Okay, just make sure you don't hurt our gorgeous sister in law okay" line said

"Hey daughters why are you doing like you all know this lady do you know her by any chance?" Their father asked

"Daddy, this person in question is our best friend, and she is the one that bought us that Ferrari sports car p8 years ago, if back then she could do that to us, 

How powerful do you think she is right now? So talk to mum tell her that she should stop dreaming that woman is deadly be rich and capable" Shasa said

"And don't think that she is aware that the kids belong to my brother, she doesn't know him, 

So ask your son how she got her pregnant, cause what we know is 

This lady is someone that doesn't party, club or drink any strong drink

The problem is how did he impregnate her ask him 

But we tell you if you mess with that lady you are counting on your downfall" Olivia said

Tell your mother I mean my children she won't listen to me that easily" he said

"Sorry mommy don't go around and spoil our plan of bringing our sister in law over" Line said

"But kids I can't just accept her what if she bought you gifts cause you were her target,  maybe she knew this day would come, 

And for her to win you was to gift you with something flushy," Mrs Fernandez said

*At Colin's Villa*

"Helloo, mama we are back, how have been you been, ?"he asked "

"Have been good how about you guys did you enjoy yourselves?" She replied Colin slowly approached her and for once she felt suffocated

Colin held her closer and whispered in her ears

"I missed you mama,,," her whole body stiffened at once

"Colinnnnn,,,! by now I think that we have over stayed here, why can't you let us go now you have enjoyed you have interacted with each other why can't we go now" 

You can come to our place and be with them if you like, I am not opposing that" she said

"Mama, your opinion to leave this place is not needed love, just stay here enjoy yourself you can work online and video call

Until I decide on what to do you can't this place" he said

"Colin Fernandez do really think that holding me here will change my opinion of you? This is where you are wrong

Am not those type of women you slept with or sleeping with, 

I have a whole family my father my companies in UK okay if not for your psycho and that dying ,,,," she paused, 

Colin's eye narrowed down and realized a cold aura that can summon someone's death

Colin pushed her to his chest and closed the distance between them but her lips and forcefully kissed her the kiss was so aggressive

Then shoved her aside "you talk too much" he said just you wait I will teach you, my woman should respect me and not talk back at me, know that, you a lonely wolf, but I want you to know that

You are a mother and your children are mine too, so you should include us in your plans, " he said and left

'oooh my God I almost blow my cover' she went back into her room then realized. That someone was in bathroom

"Kids are you in there?" She asked

Colin stormed out of the room with a bathrobe and wet hair

"Aaaahh! Colin Fernandez how dare you bath in my room are you this shameless, is this how you misbehaved with Joylen that you have forgotten that a reserved woman is here

And you are suppose to be sleeping in the guest room why are you taking a bath in my room" 

"Mamaa, you are forgetting something this is masters bedroom, and you are the mother of my kids,

I figured out that we should share this same room,same bed to figure out how we are going to be with our kids and now I want to feel the warmth from my soon to be wife" he said teasingly

"Colin Fernandez I have just realized something you should not let your fiance Joylen Wade wait you for so long, you are a perfect match, a family of psychopaths"

"And before I forget I want to tell you that, you are not my children's father, you were not in our lives till some few seconds ago so don't try playing a perfect father with my kids try something else

I gave birth to them alone, I almost died with them in me,where were you those times, 

Of cause you were busy exchanging women now you want to treat me like that same whore, you treated me back then aah!

You have no shame at all Mr Colin,,, 

If you don't let me go by tomorrow morning, I can't  promise what will happen in nation A" she said ' how dare he pretend like we know each other '

She has a family she can't continue to waste her here with someone who doesn't value women'

"Mama, is that how you see me?"he asked he was sad

"Yes, Mr Colin that is how I see you let me tell you that is how I see you and don't dream of taking my kids away from me" she answered

"Just how heartless are you, haven't I tried reaching you, do you know what I went through because I couldn't find you

Mama, we are parents now, we share blood, why can't we put our differences aside first" he said

"That is because you were not the one that her innocence was takes then dashed for a few million dollars? Are you ? You were not the one that became a laughing stock are you?"

"Mama, am sorry listen to me am really sorry, that's why I want to make it up to you and our kids, " he said

"Mr Colin I will not listen to more of you, tomorrow we will be traveling back to the UK" Jane is someone that can't go back to her words therefore she ment it

",Mama, am really sorry I treated you that way," he went a grabbed her from the back and hugged her

"Men are really funny you think that we women we don't deserve respect at all" she said

"Then allow me to sleep by your side for today I will not stop you after that if you want to leave"

"Don't dare go back on your words"

The two kids who were not a sleep and we're listening at the door felt really sad

Finn has developed feelings for his daddy and now mommy wants to take us away?

'anyway if that is what's then I will respect it I will miss the daddy ' Finn was talking by himself

"Liam, are we going to be kids without father forever? Cause it seems father wronged mommy very much" Finn said

"Don't worry who knows maybe by the time we will wake up tomorrow, everything will be resolved, I don't blame mommy on this and I don't blame Mr Colin too" Liam said

"I hope that will be the case if we wake up tomorrow, or you guys will go back but I willing stay here with daddy" Finn said he was truly his father's child

' what does this foolish brother of mine like in that man? I can't even figure out even if I try one hundred times' he thought

"Let's go back to bed" he said

In the middle of the night, Colin could not sleep, and Jane was guarding herself from anything that might happen he moved closer to Jane not aware that she was awake and said

"Am sorry mama, I did an horrible thing to you back then,

But do you know that after that, no woman could have me, everything was all about you all this years

I became a fool looking for an angel , but the most funniest of all you used a face mask back then

No matter how. I tried I could not reach you, but now that you are in my arms I am afraid that because of my past I can't be with you even if I want to, I can't force you to stay with me

I want you to know that it has always been you all this years no woman has ever feel my body after you did, I respected you and will always, am sorry I became your night mates am sorry I couldn't give you whatever things you wanted back when you were carrying my children

Am sorry I pushed to being a mother with Unknown man am truly sorry Jane, now I regret everything have ever done sweery am sorry, good night" 

💕💕 Hello guys my next update is on 1st June, lots of love to you all🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰