
Jane escaping from Colin to UK,,,,!!

The next day, 

"Madam, breakfast is ready,," the maid said

"Ahm,, where is Colin?" She asked yawning,,!

"Ooh Sir had an urgent meeting, he did not sleep, he left at night, he said that you are free to do anything, as long as it makes you comfortable" the maid

"Then my little bunny's,,,?" 

"Ooh madam, those kids are really funny they are with there aunty and Miss Tasha from the young is also there"

"Okay then I will be coming down shortly tell them to prepare we will be going  home after this" she said

"Okay madam, take your time" she said and left


"Hey little cutie, come here tell me how do you feel about your daddy " Tasha asked

Actually she likes it when, Jane opens her heart for love, although Jane has wealth and is extremely rich, happiness matters 

Therefore with her wealth no man can make her happy other than Colin, she is powerful but

Colin is more powerful

"Godmother, mmh, daddy is cool I enjoy the feeling of having a daddy, like any other kid, and 

I believe daddy can make mommy happier, just want us to be full family" Finn said

"That only means that you don't trust mommy enough" Liam said

"No big brother you got it all wrong, we can make mommy happy, godmother , and godfather too, aunty and family too can but

Life with daddy in it can make mommy happier

Like in the last three or two days,have you ever seen mommy sleeping like this, for along time,. Have you? But just sleeping next to daddy she was already sleeping for a whole day, that means that closer to daddy the peaceful her mind is" Finn said  

"I think you are wrong just because mommy slept for a long time doesn't mean that she will always be happy with daddy" he said "so stop pushing it, if he wanted mommy why did he pay mommy to kill us when we were young,

Why did he left for such a long time don't forget he almost married that woman, mmmh, do still trust that they won't get back,

Daddy is bringing more sadness into mommy's life brother,," Liam said

"Oooh, brother don't you and I know that those things that happened between the both of them was a mistake and didn't you hear daddy saying sorry?" Finn wanted to have a daddy

"Pretence when they need you after that you are useless brother you understand business world better,

And you should know that your father is the business tycoon the most feared person in nation A, he is a great strategist" Liam said

"Okay, okay kids that's enough but I want you to understand this if your mommy  wants to have your daddy back then it should be her decision to make okay" Tasha said

"Okay, godmother I just hope we be together in future" Finn said

"Just dream on he has to prove himself to be with mommy, mommy is not some finlim, customized robot to be joked with if he needs a toy let him go for robot 5, " Liam said

"Okay,buddy let's go and have some fun outside okay, " Tasha said

"Godmother here in father's compound there is a skating field, and there are skating shoes why can't we go for skating it has been long" Finn said

"Mmh! Too boring, I didn't know brother is this playful" Liam said

"Hehee, brother am only seven I don't want to grow old like you,  when you will be 20 mmh you will be as cold as an Alpha wolves, no one will dare to come closer to you" Finn said

"Kiddo, skating is fun it increases brain IQ it help our body relax and function better" Tasha said

"Mmh, aunty do not be deceived by this little brother, anyway enjoy your skating" Liam said

"Okay, brother if you don't wanted  to join us" Finn said and left, Tasha had no otherwise but to join Finn

Jane, bathed and was now taking her breakfast,

"Tell the both of them that we are going home now," she said

"But madam boss said that we should not allow you and the kids to leave before he comes back" 

"In that case when I try to commit suicide here will you be responsible for it?" She asked

"No, no madam, "

"Then tell them to come over we are leaving now!" She slammed the dinning table

"Okay madam I will go this very minutes " she said

That very minutes she took out her phone and sent a text to Addah Eileen's sister to rush to the airport and book her a flight to UK 

That was done, she relaxed herself waiting for an answer from Addah's side

"Hello boss the flight has been booked we are lucky the flight will be leaving in fifty minutes time so hurry up" Addah sent her a text,

"Hehee, mommy do you know that daddy has a ski- park here in his compound? The artificial one it feels so cool if we go back to the UK we have to make one " Finn said 

'why was this kid always talking about his daddy all the time

Just after coming back here and realizing that he has a daddy I can not rest everything around him is his daddy let me see how you will call him again'

" Hey we are leaving tell your boss we are gone" she said

"Hey, tell daddy to come and visit us the Knights Minor, I will be waiting for him okay" Finn said to the maid

"Do not bother to inform him, he is a busy man" Liam said

The maid got stunned, what was this this other one seem to be very cold like boss no madam, it is really madam or boss who is cold between the two?

I can't tell it anyway so this kids are look alike with different characteristics, this is really weird but I hope this father son will get along

",Okay, now what should I tell boss" she asked

"Just don't inform him" Liam said

"Let's go little babies your great grandma is waiting for us" she said

In the car

"Jane, what is your plan, now that the father of your kids is here at the door" Tasha was worried she didn't know what was going on or happening in her friends mind

"Sweery just wait and see, you will know soon and as for that gangster don't worry" she said

"Friend don't do something impulsive, okay we love and that Colin is really a dangerous person, you don't know what happened, he made Joylen a cripple and there family went bankrupt because she insisted on marrying him" Tasha said

"Do not worry as long as prince Roby is here and princess/ queen is here I can't bother about a mare business tycoon can't worry me" she said

"Jane what are you saying, stop talking nonsense okay" Tasha blushed

"Hahaaa, okay I won't just take good care of him okay, he is a nice person, he has been besides you for years just waiting for you I hope I won't miss this royals wedding" Jane said

"Okay, okay you won't miss it okay" Tasha said

"Madam we are at the airport" the driver said

"What? Jane you are going back to the UK? And didn't bother telling me ? " Tasha was surprised after finding out where they were

"Jane, why did you do this I didn't pick anything at all" Nicole was also surprised

"Guys we are here, I can't allow that beast of gangster torment me in this nation, I have to escape " she said " I hope you guys will understand me better, Tasha am sorry we didn't spend much time together but I promise that we will spend time in the future" she said as she give her some hug

"Okay, if that is what you want just stay safe, but let me tell you if that beast realizes this you are done for" Tasha said who to go against Colin Fernandez if not for this woman

"Babies stay safe, and give mommy easy time remember to call me okay" Tasha sat

"Yes godmother we will call you, tell godfather that we love him and we will come back for our trip to his kingdom" Finn said

"Okay byee am going to miss you" she said

A young and beautiful lady approached them and said Boss here is your plane ticket" Addah said

She was almost crying this was the first time she met her in person but then again this beautiful angel is now going back mmh "boss I will miss you" she said

"Just call me sister okay,,,, and remember that am some call away okay" Jane said

"Let me take you to the plane it's about to set offf" she said

"Silly girl we are a family we will always meet okay" Jane said

"Mommy are running from daddy?" Finn asked