
Rut in a Bad Place BTS Jimin FF21+

Y/N comes from decent pack that is safe and well protected. But it wasn't always like that. Early in her life Y/n lost her parents in a rogue attack. An attack that forced her brother to grow up and become alpha while still having to take care of his younger sister. Y/n did everything she could for her brother in turn and will do everything she can for the future of her old pack and her new pack that's to come. But will it be enough to save everyone or will she have to make a tough decision. A decision that will change the fates of the packs

Lia_23 · Music & Bands
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15 Chs


Jimin Pov

I sat at the desk filling out yet another complaint form from my pack. What do they have to complain about. That have an abundance of food, houses, I makes sure the boarders are protected, and a multitude of thing other things that honestly is to much. Yet they find every way to complain. It annoys me so much. They have no idea how good they have it. as I sighed again there was a knock on the door which I was glad to hear just to pull me away from work.

Jimin: yes

Taehyung: it's me jimin

My beta walked into the room

Taehyung: i have a few forms for you. They need to be signed

He handed it to me. Quickly i took them and looked them over

Jimin: this is for moving the training grounds into the north woods

I was confused. Why would we do that. They are fine where they are. The wolves that train love having it there. If we move it north then they would have harder times getting there.

Taehyung: yeah

Jimin: why are we moving it

he looked at me trying to figure out if I was serious or not. I raised an eyebrow and he continued.

Taehyung: we discussed it during the meeting last month

Jimin: the meeting last month

I have had so many meeting since then I have no clue which one he is talking about

taehyung: it was the 3rd fifth on the agenda

I pulled out my notes flipping back to the third of last month fifth agenda. I read it over carefully. In large letter it said moving the training find an alternative. I threw it down and tilted my head back. How could I forget this.

Taehyung: the nursery caretaker put in the request to move it cause they make too much noise during training and the little pups can't sleep.

Jimin: i remember that now but why the north woods

Taehyung: well i went to look for a place to put it and there is a field that we can use

Jimin: that empty lot

I remember looking at a map a wide open space not being used. Just sitting there it would be perfect if not for...

Taehyung: yeah it has enough room for a track so we won't have to run in the forest meaning less ankle injuries to. If we start now we can finish by springtime training. That was the plan.

that would be perfect but...

Jimin: that field is shared space between us and the Moonlight Pack. If we were to build a training base we would have to get permission from them.

He nodded his head I must have said the same thing at the meeting the way he is looking exasperated

Taehyung: yes that is why we pushed off the signing for it until today so you could come up with other places to put it. But you seem to have been preoccupied so I doubt you did that

I have been occupied

Jimin: is there any other place we can put it

I tried thinking from the top of my head. I really don't like asking other packs for things if I can solve it on my own.

Taehyung: unless you want to clear tree's and have it by the end winter of next year I don't think so alpha

He is right that would take to long and cutting down trees should not be a thing. If we can't move training what else can we do.

Jimin: how about moving the nursery

That seems plausible. And a better Idea then starting a construction project

Taehyung: it's close to the pack house if we move it then it would have to be further out. It would be a hassle for parents dropping off their pup. Not to mention they would be less guarded

He is right and I can't think of anything else to switch. When it was made over there it was far away from the pack but we have grown in recent years

Jimin: then set up a meeting with moonlight pack

Taehyung: yes sir. i will start that right away

Jimin: And start a proposal for the space. The sooner we start that the better the results will be.

He nodded pulling out his notebook

Taehyung: what is the general summary for the proposal

Jimin: lead with why we need it. Then into joint use to seal the deal. The benefits they will reap from the field. I want that meeting today

Taehyung: got it

I handed him back the forms back unsigned. I know it may sound like getting that meeting today and the proposal done at the same time sounds like an impossible task but he is smart he knows how to use his time. He never disappoints me.

taehyung: will you be in the office all today sir or would yo like to attend the meeting

I then looked back down at the complaint pile. It was such a huge list. It covered my desk.

taehyung: i understand sir. i will go in your place. have a good day and don't stress to much.

He left my room. How can I not stress when everyone seems to have a problem with the way thing are ran here. It shouldn't even be my job to take care of their complaints. If I had a Luna she would be doing it so i could be doing things like setting up the training site. I am glad to have taehyung to help but small details are overlooked. It's better to have double eyes at my point.

Jimin: I hope to find you soon. But at this rate unless you come to me I may be forever single

Your pov

You woke up with the sun on your eyes. Sitting up you looked around the details from last night a little foggy. But when you noticed exactly where you were the field it came back. Yet another night training session ending with you falling asleep all the way out here. It felt good. You got up and stretched your back out your muscles feeling a little tight but not enough to care

Namjoon*: y/n

you*: namjoon

your brother mind-linked you

namjoon*:where are you

He sounded upset

You*: on a run

Namjoon*: I told you if you're gonna go running at night to take guards. Night is rogue time

i like how he just assumed it was a night on. I mean he isn't wrong but...

you*: who said it was a night run. I could have gotten up very early in the morning and

Namjoon*: I am looking at an empty full made untouched bed with PJ's on them.

curse my neatness i couldn't leave anything out of place for the life of me

you*: why is the alpha in my bedroom wouldn't our Luna get mad at that

you tried turning it back on him avoiding the topic

Namjoon*: stop changing the topic

You rolled your eyes he knows all of my tactics. But that doesn't mean he doesn't fall for them.

you*: i am just saying she is very protective of you

Namjoon*: your my sister y/n

you*: she has growled at me before when i hugged you

He paused and took a second to think. He knows I am right. Meaning he is falling for it like I wanted.

namjoon*: That was at the beginning of our relationship. She has cooled down

I scuffed making sure he could hear it on the mind link. Play the part keep up the act almost home free.

you*: not really she get so jealous with how much time we spend together more than what she gets which isn't even true she takes up most of your time so much that you can barely even do your work

he almost growled. He gets offense when it comes to the work he does cause he has been working hard since a young age. being criticized at every turn so now he doesn't stand for it.

namjoon*: we both have jobs in the pack. She is my eyes and ears on the ground taking care of everyday tasks while I take care of overall. So of course we spend a lot of time going over things... working. And the only reason I spend time with you is because you are my overall second pair of eyes taking care of things she can not.

More like I do your job things you don't get to because she says she misses you.

you*: ouch that's the only reason we see each other.

namjoon*: you know what i mean i like the time we spend together but the is a reason we spend it together my beta J-Hope is in medical because he ingested wolfs bane

you*: maybe I should ingest wolfs bane and get away from you since you are only using me for my skills

namjoon*: y/n

he yelled at you. That wasn't something to joke about. wolfs bane is poison to wolves. A single drop could kill us.

you*: I was just joking. I would never do that and I don't know who he did. Even the tiniest bit can be smelled 100 miles away how did he not smell it

you sighed sounding very disappointed

namjoon*: it was masked by white lilac you know that

That is like a drug to us. Everyone goes crazy for it. we use it as medicine preventative and healing. It really is amazing

you*: and the people who picked it

namjoon*: that's how we figured it out. They also got sick and broke out in hives, a dangerous mistake that thankfully only ended with hives and not death.

you*: its weird how Jhope had a full on poisoning and they were mildly effected. It doesn't add up you know.

He sighed over the link

namjoon*: he was just unlucky

you*: yeah must have

there was a long pause on his side.

you*: namjoon are you still there

another pause

you*: hello did the connection cut off

namjoon*: I just realized you did it again y/n. i hate that you get me so off track

He finally noticed he's getting a little slow.

You*: thank you. But you were right I was on a night run.

namjoon*: I already knew that. And i have told you many times to stop them a rogue could easily

you*: i wouldn't give them a chance. I am the fastest wolf in the whole pack. I could outrun them if I needed to but honestly I am one of the stronger wolves of the pack I could also just as easily fight them off

Namjoon*: rogues are sneaky just as they are dangerous. They could jump you since they are known to travel in camps or they can blitz attack you. There are so many ways they could trap and injury you.

you*: stop reading those rogue books. There hasn't been a rogue attack in years they just wonder through our territory to the next territory. Leave them alone they leave you alone

Namjoon*: i don't want to take the chance. not after what happened

You could hear his worry. You hated that he worried so much about you when he has a pack he should worry about.

You*: I will be more careful on my runs okay I will make sure to pay attention to my surroundings and if I sense anything I will call for help. Does that make you feel better

Namjoon*: it does make me feel you have to more careful and… hey i said no night runs without guards y/n you can't skip that

you*: okay okay i had to try

you heard him sigh

you*: i promise for the time being if I go on a night run I will bring someone with me

namjoon*: i don't like for the time being part but at least it is something

you felt him ease up

namjoon*: we have work to do hurry back

You sighed this time.

you*: what is it today

namjoon*: safety checks

you*: can't you do that by yourself. we like 10 a month and nothing every changes

namjoon*: I will be doing them by myself

that made you happier. free day I might just stay out here and

namjoon*: don't get any ideas in that head of yours. You have to be in the office

you*: you just said we just have safety checks you don't need me fore that

namjoon*: there is paperwork that needs to be done

you could already feel the boredom in your veins paperwork sucks. sitting behind a desk all day is no fun. And he wonders why I go on night training.

you*: can't i do safety checks

Namjoon*: changing your tune are we

you*: i love safety checks you know measuring the river, building structures, and

namjoon*: save it for the one next week. For now get to the office you have 20

20 who does he think I am his delta

you*: You know I can make it in 15 right

Namjoon*: 15 really

He sounded skeptical. You were no farther out than yesterday and you made it in 16. shaving off a minute isn't hard

you*: i have been training harder and longer my improvement is growing exponentially

Namjoon*: we will see…

you*: I will show you. All my training is gonna prove you wrong

You took off running shutting off your mind link. The truth is you have been running to improve but there was one other thing. Your little secret. This very field has this scent to it. It is a scent of a wolf but its to faint I can't tell who. My guess is it is carried here by a member of the Darkfur Pack a patrol unit or something. but I can't ask Namjoon about it cause he will go on about rogues and danger and I will be banned from even leaving the den. It had just started showing up in the last month of my training. It could have been sooner and I didn't pay attention but I doubt that. I have really keen senses for the most part like when training or on a hunt when everything is heightened. Every other day things it lacks but thats cause who really wants to smell everything. Back to the scent I think it was carried here and isn't from the actual wolf visiting this place. It has a separate signature on much stronger than it. So most likely he spent all his time with this wolf the way it is combined. It is sweet but also sharp. Like honeycomb and pine mixed on cotton. I love the smell of cotton way more than I like White lilac. You smile to yourself as you run straight through the territory the most direct route. You got there in no time taking no time to stop and shift. You bursted into the pack house.

Wendy: yah y/n

You tried running past her but she grabbed your tail yanking you back.

you*: ouch that hurt. You know not to pull on a tail that is the most sensitive part.

she just glared at you

Wendy: and who's fault is it that I had to do it. I have told you many times not to run in here shifted. You scratch up the floors and better yet your paws are muddy. You are messing up the hard work I put in this morning cleaning these floors by hand

she glared at you again

you*: sorry i will clean it up

Wendy: you never clean cause your too busy and I end up having to do it.

you*: okay I get it I will try and remember to clean my paws off before entering the house

You jog past her up the stairs.

Wendy: I said no wolfing in the house y/n. Are you listening

You ignore here and walked into namjoon's office where he stood glaring at you

Namjoon: you couldn't have shifted

you*: where is the fun in that

Namjoon: Kim Y/n

You sigh

you*: It would have added time and I had to beat my record. shifting would have added time. I am sorry I did not take into considerations the feelings of the Luna your mate. I will do better next time and shift before entering the house to make sure she doesn't yell at you.

he sighed loud and hard

you*: so what was my time

you were excited

namjoon: 16 minutes 10 seconds

you*: not possible how did you measure it start and stop

namjoon: start when the mind-link went off stop when you enter my room

you*: that was the problem I stopped down stairs while Wendy was yelling at me. It added time to it. from the second she started yelling what was my time

you looked at him holding your breath. come on

Namjoon: 14:49

you*: yes 1 minute and 11 seconds better than my time yesterday. I am improving at an exceptional rate don't you think

you looked at him excited and he smiled

Namjoon: yes the commitment you have to being the best is exceptional y/n… now go change I left your door open for you

you*: thanks your namjoon

namjoon: hurry

You walked out of the office and to your room.

you*: tell Wendy I really am sorry

namjoon*: of course

You entered your room closing the door with your back paw shifting. It was always less fun being in your human form but you couldn't be a wolf all the time or you definitely would. Quickly throwing on some sweats and a t-shirt you left your room back to namjoon's office. He sat leaning back in his chair looking at a chart

Namjoon: took you long enough

He spoke without looking up from his papers.

You: it wasn't even 5 minutes

you plopped down on the couch in his office laying down

Namjoon: longer than usual

It takes a few seconds to get use to arms and legs than it does paws

You: how long does it take you to get ready in the morning

he cleared his throat meaning he was embarrassed

Namjoon: i am not all about speed. I like to take my time

you scuffed picking up the block on the table tossing it up and down

You: meaning Wendy doesn't let you leave the bed… i was wondering why i slept so long without you mind linking me a headache

you were half teasing him and half criticizing him. Sometimes he lets her have her way a little bit to much.

Namjoon: wait until you get a mate it's gonna be 100 times worse than me

you laughed sitting up and looking at him

You: please i am not a clingy person. I don't care what my mate does. the faster he is out of the bed the sooner I can sleep more comfortable

he snorted

Namjoon: You say that now until you actually find him

you: nope I won't change I have been this way all my life and I am not changing for any man not even my mate

you smile at him and he rolls his eyes

namjoon: then I hope your mate will be clingy. That he wont let you out his sight for a second

you gasped

you: how could you curse me like that

namjoon: it will serve you right

you: just know you will be wrong

namjoon: how so

You: I am not clingy so he is not gonna be clingy. mates match

namjoon: I wasn't clingy

you heard a voice yell from the other side of the house

Wendy: are you calling me clingy namjoon

his eyes went wide. You just laughed

You: you're gonna pay for that later namjoon.

he glared at you making you laugh harder

Namjoon: you baited me into that

You: I didn't but you should know by now she likes to listen to you talk. I also know that you do the same thing. jealousy

he glared harder standing up

Namjoon: little miss know it all I am leaving.

you: gonna go try and fix what you messed up

you laughed making him even madder

namjoon: i am going to go and do the safety checks. I will be back late apperantly something happened at the training ground someone got her

you: what

you sat up serious

namjoon: they are at medical right now getting help. But i have to figure out how they got hurt

you: that training ground is ancient thats how they got and that is why I train in the field

namjoon: you are not helping your case. I will not allow you to train by yourself in that field

you: i wasn't gonna bring that up

he raised an eyebrow

you: i swear i was just pointing it out. but since you were thinking of it you knew I was right. I am safer out there then at are own training center

namjoon: don't start

you: fine but you will see my side eventually. now go and work

he nodded his head walking to the door before turning back to you

namjoon: get started papers are on your desk. Sort them assigned into urgent and less urgent. Leave the urgent ones on my desk I will take care of them.You can take care of the less urgent yourself right

you: yeah I can

namjoon: thank you see you later

You took your chance

You: say goodbye to Wendy for me

Namjoon: I hate you

You: i know

You smiled and walked to your desk as he shut the door. Namjoon and Wendy are so cute. They are the perfect pair, he is the perfect alpha no one can measure up to him and she is the kind Luna who cares for everyone. Some a little to much. It's sad that i won't be able to enjoy this feeling for long. When I came of age to mate I spent the whole day with Namjoon walking around the pack to see if any scents triggered something in me. he had hoped it was his delta but we were both out of luck sadly meaning only one thing. I would have to find my mate in another pack and leave. But to keep that from happening I have been sure to stay within the pack limits and avoid any visiting pack personnel. I know its stupid its my mate I should want to meet him and do everything in my power to. But I don't want to leave namjoon neither of us is ready for that yet.

You: no more sad thoughts y.n . It's time to get to work

You sat at the beta's desk and started reading complaints and requests sorting them. It racked your mind with how much he had to deal with and he has two other people helping him and sometimes it's still not enough. Not only the complaints of the pack that went to the Luna to take care of. But the complaints of other packs, the upkeep of the buildings, the river flooding, and plants and bushes. And he takes each and everyone serious as if it could get someone killed. I think that is what makes him such a good alpha he really cares for the pack not just how a leader should but as if it was him in the situation. It was past noon when you had finished sorting them from urgent to non urgent when there was a knock on the door. The pack knows that Namjoon is out so it must be for me

You: come in

He looked around the room

Suga: we have a visitor where is namjoon

You: he went out

suga: on safety checks thats right. What should I do about the visitor. He asked to talk to namjoon

he asked for namjoon but namjoon's plate is already full

you: you can send the visitor in

Suga: I think namjoon should see him he did ask for him

you thought for a moment. If what he wants is that serious I can always call namjoon in but I don't want to disturb him

You: he left me in charge for now. If I can't take care of it I will call him in. you know he has a lot on his plate and this is something a beta takes care of right unexpected visitors.

Suga: your right. I will get him and bring him here

You: thank you gummy

he smiled at you

Suga: I hate that nickname

you: you don't act like it

He laughed while walking out. Suga was a namjoon's delta as as if you couldn't tell why namjoon wanted us together maybe now you can. He has always been nice and sweet to you. he even lets you continue calling him gummy. But don't let that fool you he is just as scary. Let anyone else say he is gummy or cute and he will kill them. I even stay away from him when he is angry or worked up.