
Rupture Dimensional: A Ghost in Marvel

A universe, something strange and endearing, can have so many strange things in itself, but they never meet their peers, the cosmic forces that control it prohibit this. But, what would happen if by chance of fate four concepts from different worlds were mixed into a single universe. A famous brotherhood of assassins. Energy, from heaven and earth. A famous cartoon. And a famous urban hunter. The Marvel universe has never seen anything like it.

Chris_Mayo · Movies
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15 Chs

Train, before you want to fly

Disclaimer, I do not own Marvel, Assassin's Creed, or the Xianxia Chinese novel genre, this work is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Chapter 2 - Vol.1: The rise of the brotherhood.


Queens, New York. Midtown School. September 3, 2005, 7:00 AM.

David had been right about the school.

Going back to high school was a pain in the butt. Not only for the fact of knowing more than his teachers his, if not the great problem that he formed within his class.

Thinking about the future was painful.

He still didn't have a plan in place but, whatever plan he decides on he will have the perfect alibi of being a student.

The problem in his class was the people he had the misfortune to have as companions.

In his class apart from Mary Jane and the idiot Flash. There were also most of the mutant boys, now that confused him more. It seemed that the world where he had ended up was getting more and more troublesome.

He could make out Scott, and next to him a tanned boy too hyperactive for his liking.

His name was something like Kurt Wanger. This guy, it should be the blue one who teleports, there were also two very beautiful girls, a redhead and a brunette with gloves in their hands. David almost felt a headache, he didn't know if Jean Grey's powers could affect him, but what he hated the most was that someone could read his thoughts.

Of course, since the formula does not seem to be volatile enough, neither could the maximoff twins be missing along with the other mutants that followed Magneto, who for some reason that David did not understand were in the same class as his counterpart.

And at the end of the row of him next to the popular boys was a girl that you could describe as a bomb.

Her hair was white and every move she made of her seemed for some reason to have some kind of sex appeal.

Felicia Hardy.

The sexiest thief in this world.

Peter's weakness by the way.

In another more normal part, David also met Gwen Stacy, a beautiful blonde girl who was very intelligent on her own.

The girl reminded him of Gwen from her original world. Not physically, rather in the aspect of her intelligence.

They were both geniuses in her way.

David did not know if she was the work of fate or if someone put their hands in this place.

But a mixture of characters like the one in his class, now it could only lead to only one result.

Calling his class a time bomb wouldn't be an understatement.

After finishing school David walked to the exit.

He had been left behind due to the extra activities Peter had requested.

Nonsense that David had to fix.

In other interesting news, David had found a camera and a skateboard in his locker. Now, he had drifted further away from the answer to where the hell he was. It looked like a strange mix of the three Peter Parkers he had seen in the movies.

Sighing without giving more importance, David decided to move towards the exit. As he walked out the door he was greeted by noise caused by the students gathered in their groups.

It was a social separation.

Something normal in schools is children separating into groups where they feel identified.

The mutants who attended the old mutant's school in a wheelchair or as David liked to call him.

Charles the rapesminds-Xavier.

They were in a group near the bus stop.

In a different place the maximoff twins and their group of mutants. They were something like the leaders of the litter, children of the madman of the imam most likely.

The group of the popular ones near the stand next to the mutants, and finally the withdrawn or nerdy ones in a corner almost as if wanting not to stand out or be noticed by their natural predators.

Wanting to clear his mind, David had decided to walk.

As he was the last to leave, several looked at him.

Not caring, David walked to the end of the street. With one of his hands in her pocket and the other tucking headphones into his ears, he continued to pay no attention to anyone.

He had a lot to think about.

Unfortunately for him, someone else had a different idea.

"Hears! Parker!."

Flash's voice interrupted the sound of the other voices.

They all seemed to look towards him, and as he advanced with a smile towards David.

It seemed like the brainless bully was looking for his dose of humiliating Parker.

This one on the other hand did not pay attention.

Taking the cell phone from him, he plugged in the headphones and started looking for a good song.

Stopping in shock, Flash looked at the ignorant Parker who was walking around staring at the cell phone screen, as if nothing cared about his boring way of acting.

This for some reason bothered him more.

It was as if he didn't mean anything in his eyes.

Roaring louder, Flash's voice returned. "Are you ignoring me!?."

David could hear laughter.

Most likely from the Flash's group of friends. But still, he didn't stop what he was doing, he was still walking towards the end of the street looking for a song on Peter's old cell phone.

"Man, this guy doesn't even pay attention to you."

Another retorted in mockery. "Looks like he doesn't put you in his flash eyes."


Veins appeared on Flash's face.

Clenching his fists furiously he advanced towards David fiercely, he was very angry some voices tried to stop him mainly girls.

The other groups just watched the show apart.

"So you ignore me!, Hey!? Do you think better than me Parker!?."

David never understood why this kind of thing happened in almost every movie. The classic bully, the classic moments like this, it was even funny the way you could tell what was going to happen beforehand.

Flash was the classic school bully that the main character would have to trample on, to gain confidence.

A stepping stone for him to climb.

David, I don't know how to complain, if this idiot wanted to be his stepping stone.

Who was he to deny it?

When Flash was a few feet from David he reached out his hand. "You don't know who you've messed with!"

"You're dead whistle ..."

Right before his hand grabbed David by the neck.

In a fast and precise way, a loud bang was heard. A strange echo, similar to when a bone breaks and the sound of blood rising to the surface was heard by all.


The laughter stopped.

Everyone's eyes were pleased.

When they saw Flash's large body move from the top to the back like a spring.

On his face, the perfect mark of a fist, his plunged nose, and blood spurting down it as if someone had opened a faucet.

Seconds later, as if it were a sack, his body fell forward, bouncing on the ground.

Completely struck down.

By just one hit.

While the person in charge stopped at the end of the street.

Looking sideways, to see if any cars were nearby. After a few seconds of noticing that there were none in sight, he put his cell phone in the bag and continued walking with his hands in his pockets.

At no point in the past did he bother to look at the fainted boy on the ground.

Silence reigned in the place.

Even those who had planned to intervene by commenting on something froze instead.

Only after a few moments was a hiss heard breaking the silence.


"That had to hurt."

Kurt commented with a smile as the others in the group nodded.

One, in particular, was staring at David's back as he walked away.

"Is something wrong Jean?"

Scott asked his partner with a raised eyebrow.

This she did not respond to him for a few seconds until David was lost in the distance. "No..."

I turn to him. "Nothing happens."

David by the side of him could feel several glances directed towards him. Some of the amazement, others with interest, and some more intense. But not caring, he continued to focus on the main problem.

He didn't want to depend on anyone.

For this reason, the best option he had was to create his own company.

But for now, he would take a small step forward.

"My body needs training."

Compared to before.

His body was without any type of training, even though his abilities gave him a great physical improvement in general, he was not well-formed. Being a nerd there was no way Peter would have practiced anything physical. An advantage of this was that David already had prior knowledge and only had to find a place to bring it up.

And luckily as a Marvel connoisseur, he had a good place in mind.

Taking the phone, he dialed his aunt to say that he would be late.

He didn't want to be scolded after all.


New York, Chinatown. September 3, 2005. 4:00 PM.

Chikara dojo.

Chinatown. It was quite colorful and a bit corrupt. David personally had never set foot on it in his previous life, the colors displayed were many different hues. Full of signs in kanji that he luckily he could read.

David's chosen location was one of the most famous dojos in Marvel.

Chikara, place of settlement by the almost immortal gang of Kun'Lun or better known as the hand. Just another headache that one day he would have to run into, even though this place was hidden like a normal dojo it was even more like a member recruiter.

Even the main character that accompanies the protagonist of the Iron Fist series taught classes in this place without knowing the truth.

Colleen Wing.

This someone is interesting. In her previous life, she was one of the women who most attracted David's attention.

A strong woman both physically and mentally. Yet she is too fragile with deep scars, on her soul. She liked helping young people that proved, she is used by most of the people in her life.

She was curious to see how she looked herself, the actress who represented her was quite pretty. Due to her tastes, she always found Asian women very beautiful.

* Scream * * Scream *

As she approached the dojo she could hear screams coming from within.

Sliding the door.

He found a line of people practicing movements in coordination. In front of everyone was an older woman, looking about 24 years old, with long black hair, tied in a ponytail.

Her body kept the perfect hourglass shape. Well placed curves, long shapely legs, fleshy thighs, and a heart-shaped bulging rear. The lycra pants attached to hers only accentuated her figure further. Small waist, moderately large breasts. Long neck encircled by a chiseled face, her features were as she imagined oriental in appearance, but at the same time mixed with American.

She could tell with the naked eye the deeply worked body that she had.

Something the guy named Dany Rand was very lucky about.

Feeling a look at you he stopped supervising the movements of his students and stared at David.

"Hello? I can help?."

She said this letting out a slight smile, as she approached David arranging her long black hair.

Nodding David spoke. "Yes, I would like to ask about the classes."

"Oh? Well, the classes are from Monday to Saturday there are 3 different ranks, the advanced ones have their class in the morning from 7 to 11, the middle grade from 12 to 4 and the beginners from 5 to 8 the payment fee is $100 a month, the equipment is delivered by the dojo unless you want to order a personal one, the money would go up more.

As she explained to David she could feel her analytical gaze.

He was scanning him up and down probably to find out his attitudes, or if he already had the experience of his own. Without a doubt a sample in all the extensions of the word.

"I understand, in that case, I would like to pay the registration to start learning tomorrow."

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise. Colleen smiled. "Okay, then come with me to the office to finish the process."

Nodding at her response, David walked her to the office.

It was a small thing with just the basics.

The dojo itself was not very professional and looked quite worn.

Nothing compared to what he was used to in his afterlife.

Colleen took a seat reaching into drawers and pulled out a piece of paper.

She slid it across the table to David spoke. "You can put your full name, and a phone number as a reference to dial in an emergency."

After taking the pencil, I finish the process. Taking out the $100 at the end, Colleen seemed quite happy as she looked at David. "With this is enough."

I put the paper away carefully and speak once more. "You can show up tomorrow at 5 in the afternoon, by the way, you look quite young I suppose you have your parents' permission right?."

Allowing a few uncomfortable seconds to pass David finally spoke up.

"I don't have parents, but if I have the permission of my aunt she is in charge of me. And answering your second question I am 14 years old sensei."

Colleen blinked as a guilty look crossed her face. "I'm sorry to ask about the first, I didn't want to remind you of bad memories. Why do you want to learn martial arts? Are you in trouble?"

Smiling at her, David answered her question. "Don't worry about that sensei it was already a thing of the past and I conformed to the other good ... I wouldn't call it a problem but I'm sure I'll be being looked for by the school bullies, a few hours ago I sent someone to the hospital who thought that it would be easy to intimidate."

"To the hospital? How bad was it?"

"I heard something throne, I think it was his nose."

A smile touched Colleen's lips. "So you are small but dangerous."

Responding to her smile, David spoke up. "I'm a nerd, but a dangerous person is usually found where you least expect it, sensei. You seem like a kind woman who does not like violence, similar to a beautiful oleander flower spectacular insight but deadly dangerous at the same time."

Colleen was taken aback, first she saw a smile on her lips, and then she let out a loud laugh.

She looked at David wiping a small tear from her eye. "Look at you, you turned out to be a sweet talker."

Laughing in response, David replied. "I only speak with the truth sensei, a lot of foolish people tend to think that women for the simple fact of being. They are weak, I admire her, and that is also the reason why I came here, I want to learn from someone strong."

Now that surprised Colleen. She looked at the boy in front of her for a moment, she wouldn't admit it but the more she talked to the more she liked the boy.

Smiling she nodded. "I appreciate the compliment."

They both got up from where they were sitting.

They walked towards the entrance where David opened the door, still clinging to the side to let her pass.

Colleen passed without losing the smile followed by David. "David remembers arriving early tomorrow, I don't like being late."

"Roger Sensei."

Stopping at the entrance to the dojo he looked at David with a raised eyebrow.

"By the way why are you calling me sensei?"


This time it was David's time to be taken aback. He stared at Colleen blinking, her mind working at full capacity without understanding the problem.

Her face changed to all kinds of expressions until she stopped when she heard a loud laugh.

Looking up, I watch Colleen hold her stomach.

David had to admit that she looked beautiful even laughing. She was not the type that normally, would go out of her way or actively try to make one smile. But sometimes there were some who simply, the action of smiling or laughing made them look perfect.

Colleen Wing was one of them.

"I'm just messing with you, 'sensei' is the correct way to still call Master David."

Pouting slightly, David rearranged his backpack. "I should laugh more sensei, it's nice to see a happy flower."

With a smile, David ran off as he waved goodbye.


Watching the boy run off into the distance Colleen couldn't help but smile back. She raised her hand to say goodbye in the same way.

"What a peculiar child."

Turning around, he returned to the other students still with a smile on her face.

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