
Chapter 8-the little girl

It's been a week. A week without my little wolf. I miss her, I treated her as my own child...the only child I will ever have.

I have been a mess fighting anyone who has been trying to pass by or even challenge me. I go hay wire because of the lack of control I have over myself these past few days.

'Rose there is a wolf approaching us to you left' she said

'On it' i turned to my left to find a white wolf just like Gracie's I just looked into his light brown eyes for a few seconds before I started growling warning him to back off.

'He shifted back to his human form' I say in my head confused

" I'm sorry I spooked you I was just passing by and I recognized you as K.S  remember me? I used to be on your far left in those cells" he said cautiously I nodded in approval

" your name is Hazel right, I remember those rumors everyone used to say about you , you killed in under seconds your eyes would become black or even red if the opponent was to difficult" he said curiously to see if it was true. I nodded again to his sentence

' Hazel we need to move there is a pack of wolves coming around' Mia said

'they might just be looking for more land for there territory' I said

" you know you shouldn't talk with your wolf and leave your self so open" he said with a smirk.

'I knew it you can't even trust people that were in that hell of a place.' I scoff to my self

I heard footsteps coming closer as I was surrounded by wolves.

'Well Fuck!' Mia said

I giggled at her then shifted into my human form as the cold air hit my skin and I regretted going into my human form but ignored the chills and focused on what's more important

"watch what you ask for buddy" I say this time it was his turn to laugh

" sorry, Hazel but it's time for you to go like Gracie" he said evilly

I froze and looked at him feeling the burning sensation in my throat.

" I'm warning you to stop this now you will regret this" I say calmly but anger is starting to rise mentioning or even saying her name.

He smirked and yelled " NOW" wolves lunging them selves at me while I shift ripping someone's ear off , throwing one into a tree as I hear 'crack' in the process.

Only 4 left including that white one. (About 6 wolves In total)

' why are you doing this' I ask

"Because I want to test your strength" he said excited;

'I swear he is so annoying' Mia grunted as I just huffed

'okay then your wish is my command' I said


I jumped over the wolves circling me and fell right on the dude ripping into his stomach and taking out his guts and other shit.

His breathing was uneven and him trying to shove me off was just angering me even more. I climbed off him and just looked at him and his lifeless body and licking my lips to taste the blood that I tore from this idiot. I looked back at the other wolves, they were horrified and ran for their lives which I did not argue about.

' At least we got food now' Mia said

' shut up Mia, that's cannibalism...these people really like to see me mad don't they' I say

' hell yea they do, hehe'.

' we are becoming the monster that everyone want to see Mia....let's have someone fun shall we' i say evilly as Mia howled in my head in approval.


I ran with the wind, dodging trees that covered the sun that that barely hit my my black fur. Snow fell freely in the air, snow that reached up to my stomach felt colder and much thicker. I sniff the air to search for any danger but none was found.

I jogged down a little hill to see a river running slowly and less trees covered this part of the forest. I trotted to the clear icy water and drank some.

'you feel that rose' Mia asked

' Yea I feel it someone's watching us who do you think it could be' I asked cautiously

' I don't know' she said

I looked around the area and spotted a man looking at me from afar for a second, I thought he was my father but why would he go in the middle of the forest to find me? I looked at him for a few more seconds and I ran the opposite direction.

' Hazel we are almost 18' Mia squealed in my head

' We are gonna find our mate'

'Mate I do not like the sound of that. That means I have to trust some random dude oh hell no im good.' I snarled

' come on Hazel Rose our mate is not gonna hurt us' Mia said trying to convince me

' everyone we met they have something against us OR die so don't try to convince me now or ever because you no Damn well everyone hates us' I growled

I felt my heart being crushed a little but feeling the burning fire in my heart as well remembering all the horrible memories that happened to me, Mia , mason,Gracie,and mom.

I didn't hear a word from Mia after that I guess I won the fight. After a few more hours of constant quietness I heard cries and screams like sounds of a child.

I ran as fast as I could to the noise and saw the a little girl crying about 6-7 years of age and a rouge on top of her the little girl fighting as much as she could.

I growled letting him know that I was present. The rouge growled back and I was not having any of it.

The size of the wolf was way smaller then me, I had much more fur that made me look huge for my size so it should feel intimidated but of course it didn't.

' Mia can you talk to his wolf and tell it to back away from the child' I said anxious of making any wrong moves. In any second she could die so I had to be cautious.

' Hazel he said that we should back off and let him finish his un-finish business, but I know we won't because that's a CHILD screaming for help' she was right about that.

I growled letting it know that we won't. " HELP ME PLEAWS he wants to kill me!!" They girl cried out to me making my claws dig into the snow

I started to walk towards the rouge and the girl trying to not lose control from what she said.

' back away from her now or it's not gonna end well buddy' I warned

' in your dreams. I'm impressed that a girl rouge would be fighting a male rouge usually you girls would be running for your life' he chuckled

' a little harsh don't you think' I barked back without a warning I lunged at him knocking him down and away from the little girl.

The rouge bites into my shoulder near my neck feeling his teeth dig into my flesh. I growled in pain and he let go as I backed away.

' you seem all big and strong but you are weak can't believe you are still alive' he said with a smirk, that word brought so many memories from my father...

'father that selfish mother fucker no one will call me weak once I kill everyone who disrespects me like that.'

' let do so' Mia responded

I lunged at him opening and closing my jaws to show him I am not weak as I try to aim for him neck.

He kicks me in the stomach and bites into my leg it hurt like a bitch, but I then clawed into his eye and he let go and I ran towards the little girl and stood over her protectively growing like a crazy wolf.

He ran towards me and lunged but I dodged it and he crashed into the ground and I lunge at him from behind and bit into his neck but not enough pressed to kill him.

' Why did you want to kill the girl' I said with hate laced in my voice

' I was hungry and I saw how vulnerable she was so I-i attacked' he said scared shitless now

' I will kill YOU' I said and put as much pressure for him to die *crack* his neck broke the only thing you hear besides my heavy breathing was the crying and whimpers of the girl.

I rushed over to her side and turning into my human form, the snow instantly hurt my knees as I lay next to her comforting her and embracing her.

" it's okay little one I won't let those bad monsters touch you or harm you and may I ask why are you out in the forest instead of your pack territory." I ask the girl with hazel eyes and brown curly hair. She was a little pale but that must be because of the incident she had brown smooth skin a little darker then mine.

( how she looks like)

" I-I came here because I was chasing a cute little bunny then a big wolf came and started to growl at me you came before it had done anything to me thank you miss" she said as she hugged me.

I hugged her small fragile body feeling the warmth I've been craving to feel since Gracie has left me. The warmth that soothes my eager to kill.

" what's your name?" I asked

" my names Alisa, alisa garden" she said smiling I hugged her one more time

" well Alisa we need to get you back to your mom and stay close to me, okay"

"Okay" she said as she giggled. I shifted into my wolf and walked to her side entering the territory of another.

'I haven't done this since....Gracie I miss her.' I heard mia whimper to my thought

I picked her up with my mouth and put her on my back and start to walk into where I saw light shining through. I step into the light and everyone gasped yelling for help.

I bowed my head but then took the girl off my back and nudged her to go back to her pack. At this point the alpha was out and watching me.

I held my anger because of the memories. It stayed silent for a few seconds till I heard voice.

" thank you" I looked up shocked at what the alpha just said to me.

The mother then came running to me crying and hugged me like her life depended on it. I just stood there confused I'm supposed to rude and heartless but I guess I can't.....

" thank you so much for saving my little girl, oh how can I repay you" she said with wide smile and streaks of tears falling down her face as she looked at her daughter.

The mother had dark skin with brown eyes and red hair that was curly she was pretty. I shook my head as a 'no' I am a rouge after all.

" wait here" she said as I look at her curiously. I just stood there shaken by how they are treating me.

" you know rouge,I have never seen this kind of behavior from your kind. I thank you for this you can come in my territory if you need shelter or food we will give you some" he said I bowed my head in respect and approval.

The mom then came and gave me food once I saw what she brought I felt like a child getting candy. She put it in front of me and thanked me one last time before I grabbed the food and took off.

' my only weakness' I thought