
Chapter 7-Don’t leave

•Hazel POV•

"GRACIE NOOOOO!!!!" I screamed

The pack warriors shifted mid-air into his wolf and landed on Gracie clawing her.

I bite the other warrior on his leg as hard as I could and he screamed in pain. Once he let go I growled at the warrior and he stopped, I look down to see Gracie covered in blood that's what shook my core.

Without a warning I lunged at him ripping pieces of fur and blood seeping out clawing at him ,biting anything I could do to protect my little wolf.

'She was the only good thing in my life and I won't let them take her away from me.'

' Hazel you killed him he is gone stop' Mia said


I felt my body shaking a little as I felt the blood of the guy drip from my mouth and onto the snow. I stared into his dead body with hatred and snarled.

" You think you can hurt or even kill me you rouge, you got some guts" the alpha said but I was not  going to let him slide with this oh, no.

'YOU MADE THAT WOLF CLAW AT HER...you are going to PAY' I roared at him

" Get her" was the only thing I heard until I saw red because of my wolf taking control. I knew I ripped every single throat off but the alphas. I could feel the blood tickling down my fur. I could feel the adrenaline rush in my blood. I could barely even feel the cold snow surrounding us anymore.

As I got my sight back I started walk towards him but before I could even go 5 feet from him someone pushed me to the ground and pinned me down.

' you stupid bitch don't you dare try to kill our alpha' he growled I scoff when I heard whimpers.

I looked over and saw someone throw Gracie to a tree she yelled in pain. Her small body crashed back to the ground shivering and bleeding badly.

" AHHH....h-hazel I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" she said

Her voice was low and breathing sharply. She shivered under the cold snow and a wolf right above her.

I escaped from the wolf and ran to Gracie, my little wolf. I shifted into my human form not caring at the moment if I was naked I didn't care if the snow was eating at my skin.

" don't leave me Gracie stay with me. Keep your eyes open just please don't leave me I don't want to be alone" I cried to her

I caressed her hair as she reach out to touch my hand. She smiled softly and coughed out a little bit of blood and I wiped it off.

" Hazel I-I'm sorry this w-would have never happened if t-this wasn't for me. I p-pushed you to get f-food" she said gasping for air

" No,no it's alright Gracie now please don't let me go I beg you" I pleaded I looked into those icy blue eyes of her's until they grew less bright...as if her life was being taken away right in front of me and I couldn't do anything.

Just like my mothers death.

" I-I will always be with you h-Hazel...." that was the last thing she said before taking her last breath. her last breath into this cruel world.

Blood was all around us, body's everywhere, chunks of fur ripped off on the white now stained red snow.

"YOU DID THIS" I yelled

" YOU TOOK THE ONLY THING THAT KEPT ME SANE... the ONLY THING that I did not want to lose and your DOGS KILLED HER so now you will be killed too" I said

I shifted into my wolf ready to kill anyone who dared to challenge me or try to fight me .

I was no longer going to be the scared, lay back girl no I'm gonna become the meanest of them all the ruthless of all werewolves because everyone, takes my loved ones away like they are nothing to me.

I lunged at the alpha as the warrior tried to take me away from him but I didn't shove one bit. The alpha tried to fight back but I was not going down. He went for neck but I kicked him with my hind legs in his stomach which lead to leaving his neck wide open for me.

I took the chance I could only get for revenge and bit him hard without hesitation, he growled and howled in pain but then stopped. it went silent with heavy breathing following behind it.

I shook him off and nudge him one last time to see if he was dead and surely he was. I looked back at the warrior now with their head down.

' I will take my leave now he and you also deserve to die but I will only let you live because the alpha was the one in control...not you' I growled.

Before I left their territory I looked back at Gracie's lifeless body on the ground anger and sadness washing over me.

'Bye my little wolf I will always remember you...'