

??? pov

in a dark forest far from a village called dillaga was a small boy who seemed to be knocked out or passed out in the middle of the forest called the witches nest

named by the one and only sunlight knight who saved the village and defeated the witch who enchanted the forest with a curse.

this boy who was knocked out was wearing a purple sweater with blue sleeves and a mask of a skeleton,dark blue pants with some slightly

see able stars on them and some black shoes with white string laces who seemed to be turning Grey or a brown colored by the ends.

The boy seemed to have gotten injured or hurt by this knight of sunlight and ran from the village dillaga who seemed to have tried to kill him for being different from the others kids and humans he seemed to be really paled and with the black hair so dark like the night itself with a dark aura that surrounded him just like a curse or another blessing like the night.

The boys name was unknown hes always seen walking our running around places and causing trouble never would you hear him talk or speak.


I woke up from my slumber my left leg injured but still able to function I headed to the river down the forest were the water there would drag fish down that are already dead or unalive by any animal that dropped them I decided to clean my leg wound with the water and while I was there collect the fish so that I could eat them later by night I waited by the river to fully go to one of my fox holes under the ground were I hid away from everyone on the village including the night of sunlight.