

<p>BOY POV<br/>"where am I...oh right the forest..why though l..<br/>I'm never wanted...or accepted here for what reason" I think to myself as many question pop up my head wondering what would be the reason to leave me behind for death I'm just a kid in a forest who's looking for a home or a friend as I'm thinking to myself I hear someone crying.<br/>Lazily I get up to feel my leg and ribs hurt from the injuries I previously got from the villagers and knight but what ever I followed the sound of crying were I am lead to the side of the river were I see a little baby boy crying "Hey little one what are you doing here" I asked as I noticed this note beside him that read " for whoever is reading this his name is "Elias" I'm sorry but I can't keep him there after me please protect my son till I come back." well I guess is not weird to leave your kids in a forest were you could die right swear this is annoying well I guess your coming with me" I said to the little crying baby who looked like a two year old kid he looked hungry maybe a little too hungry.</p>