
Running From The Alpha King

I always wondered what the world was like outside the walls of being an omega of a pack that i was trapped in until he came THE AlPHA KING. He made me want to forget and live, forget the position I was called everyday. He made me feel emotions I never felt before and made me feel like he cared for me so I fell in love with him. A love so deep, I wanted to hand over my life for him until the night he rejects me in front of the pack for the lady he said he only cared about as his friend. I was just a little waste of time those were his words. Broken, rejected, pregnant me strives and becomes the Alpha of Snowdew pack, Alpha Bella. Then the moon goddess makes our world collide again.

morenshawdy · Urban
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35 Chs


Hunter's Pov

I watched Bella as she shook her head, obviously trying to get out of the same daze I had just found myself in.

Seeing we are at the diner and people were watching I needed her out of my head,I wanted those feelings to go away and I knew the one thing that could make that happen."Let's go."I all but growled at Naomi,who immediately followed behind me.Damn mate!

Normally I would have gone home or a quiet corner, but I didn't have time, I needed this and I needed it now.

Pushing Naomi against the bathroom stall, my lips went straight for her neck as I trailed my tongue down to her collar bone.

My wolf growled as the over powering,sickly smell of her perfume settled on my tongue.He hated it

"Do you want me to stay over tonight?"Naomi asked as her arms worked their way up mine.I pulled my head back and looked into her dull brown eyes.

She's got nothing on our girl has she.My stupid love struck wolf stated.

Naomi's seductive smile slipped from her lips and it took me a second to understand why.

"It's rude to stare,you know."She smirked.

My hands clenched,forming fists as I grabbed hold of Naomi's flimsy shirt.

The fact that I was more angry with the way she spoke to my mate,rather than Bella actually standing behind me riled me up.

"Um...can I talk to you?"The sound of her voice had my heart beating fast.It was small and timid,but soft and angelic.I knew her question was directed at me and I couldn't help but chuckle silently at the expression on Naomi's face.

My wolf purred at the fact his little mate was speaking to him. But my senses came back and my body stiffened when I realized what thoughts I had been having. "No."Like hell I wanted to talk to her.

In the few seconds of silence I prayed she had got message and walked away,though the strong smell of vanilla and roses told me otherwise."I have something I want to-"She began,but I cut her off. I couldn't listen to the voice that had my wolf going crazy inside of me anymore.

"I don't have anything to talk to you about!"I growled."Just back the hell off omega." Damn, why can't this girl take a hint?The growling from my wolf told me he wasn't too happy with the way I was speaking to her,but I didn't care.

"Hey!" She yelled as her hand reached up and grabbed my shoulder.In that moment everything stopped,the world around me disappeared and all I could concentrate on was the warmth that seeped through my shirt from her small hand.

I could feel, even through the little contact our bodies made that she had tensed up.I knew because my body had done the same.I had to press my lips together to push back the howl of ecstasy that threatened to escape at her touch.

Mate.My wolf used his strength to push me closer to her,but I tried to fight against it.He wanted to go back into her arms like always..

"Go!"I growled. I could tell by Naomi's expression that my eyes had turned onyx black and the smug smirk she wore only lasted seconds before I wiped it off her face.

"Naomi, go give us a few minutes"The Alpha tone I used left no room for argument.With a small bow,she left without another word.

I felt Bella step closer to me and it took alI had to stop my wolf from taking her there and then."Calm down,please, I just wanted to tell you that." Her soothing voice sent a shiver through my body.

I hated it.

And what I hated even more was the fact she could actually calm me down. My wolf letout a whimper,following her order,as her sweet voice filtered through my ears.

In seconds I had her against the stall my body was flush against hers and I hadn't missed that her body fit with mine perfectly.Her eyes widened as she took in my expression.

My clenched jaw and my brown eyes, I'm pretty sure it wasn't what the expression she was expecting.

I pressed my body against hers,closing the last few inches between us and I could see the fear in her blue eyes.This has to be done..

I took a deep breath,knowing my wolf would give me hell for it."I'll say this once and only once. I want nothing to do with you.I don't want you as my mate or anything else, do you understand?"My wolf growled,the

realization of what I was doing hit him and

he didn't like it one bit.

"I never want you to speak,touch or look at me again.This will be the last thing I will say to you,so listen loud and clear omega"I paused,taking a deep breath.

I wanted her to understand that this wasn't a heat of the moment thing,this is what I wanted.The soft,sweet scent of vanilla and roses swept over me and I couldn't help but inhale deeper.

Don't! My wolf cried. I had never felt him so weak.Look at what you're doing to her.To both of them,you're destroying them.

Ignoring his growls and cries I spoke the words before I could take them back.They needed to be said.She needed to hear them. But what shocked me most was that I felt as if I needed to hear them to believe it was true.

To truly believe I didn't want her.

"I, Alpha king Hunter reject you, Omega Bella as my mate."I watched as the tears fell silently down her rosy cheeks. Her eyes,once sparkling almost instantly went dull and blank.

I turned away,shutting out my wolf's voice telling me to go back to her,and walked

down the corridor and out of the diner doors.

It was just my wolf's whimpering that had me feeling as if my heart was breaking,right?

To say I was in a bad mood was an understatement.My wolf hadn't spoken

to me since I walked out of diner,

The pack house was full, meaning I had a

hundred voices in my head all at once and

that pissed me off.I had tried to block them

out,but I couldn't concentrate long enough

to do it.Hell,I couldn't concentrate on one

thing for more than five seconds."What's

up with you?" Alex asked,his eyes shifting

momentarily from the tv to me.

I grumbled something untellable and fell back onto the couch,resting my feet on the wooden table and grabbing a drink from the side.

"Come on man,you've been like this for days?" Alex asked.Not bothering to speak, I simply shook my head."Problems with the council"

Shaking my head again he sighed and walked over before taking the seat next to me."Come on,Hunter."He said playfully punching my arm

"Is it Bella ?" My body froze, which of course gave him his answer.

Alex stood up and walked over to the door, poking his head out to make sure no one was around. "What did you do again "He pushed my legs off the able and sat on it facing me.

"did she find out?" I shook my head.

"Did you beg her."


I sighed in annoyance,and sat forward resting my elbows on my knees.Could I tell him? I mean,it was Alex.The guy had been my best friend practically since we were born.His father was Beta to our pack and he was my father's best friend Even our moms were best friends. Maybe it would help if I told him.

Groaning I put my head in my hands "I rejected her." I told him honestly,trying to ignore the dull ache in my heart.

Alex bounced up from the table."You're kidding me?"He yelled,before I yanked him back down and told him to lower his voice.

"Are you sure that's what you want?"He asked worried.

I sombrely nodded."I don't want her.An Alpha can't be with someone like that,it's not right.She couldn't be the Luna I-no we-need her to be.She's just not good enough."

Without question he nodded once.

That's how I ended up waiting for her at the front of Alex house to tell her how little she means to me,how much I meant the rejection.

I stood in the eerie silence of the street and my wolf had disconnected from me the moment he knew I was going through with the plan.For the first time in my life,I was truly alone.

"Jesus,Huntet."I muttered to myself as I waited for Bella to come out.

The dull ache that was in my heart since I rejected her only worsened with every word I linked to her

It was the first time I was happy my wolf wasn't with me; I don't think I could have handled him as well.

I picked up the almost silent clicking of the door and I knew she was out.That damn smell hit me instantaneously."Still alive then?"I sniggered.

I hadn't stepped out from where I was but I could see her looking around for me, I knew she had caught my scent.

"Obviously." She grunted.I'll admit Iwas a little taken back by her response.

Clearly thinking she could escape me, she turned on her heel and walked in the opposite direction.Lucky for me she chose

the wrong way.

With my signature smirk firm on my lips I stepped out and came face to face with my Wolfs little mate.My breath hitched in m throat, but thankfully she didn't notice. I needed to grow a pair because I sure as hell wasn't going to start acting like a whipped pup around her

My wolf would love that.,I watched silently as her eyes trailed over my body,the brief flash of lust that crossed her,blue eyes caught my wolf's attention.

It pleased him that she liked what she saw.,Mate.He growled.Oh,so now you make an,appearance.Shut up!He snapped.

"Well I could break your face.'Her thoughts filtered through my mind.It came as no,surprise that I could link with her,mates,ld always speak to each other through,their mind.

I linked back to,her. 'Now that's not nice is it, omega?'I started,to move towards her.My stupid wolf moaned,with pleasure as her scent became stronger,with each step and let me tell you that scent,had something south stir as well.,Her eyes widened slightly as she took in,my movements.

"Look ,I get it.You rejected me."I watched,as the tears filled her eyes and was happy to hear her voice crack at the words.Her wolf,wanted mine.,And she wants you.He told me.

"You don't need to keep saying it and believe,me I don't need to keep hearing it."She said,,obviously hoping I would back up.

No such luck,sweetheart.,As my steps took me closer to her,I puffed,out my chest."Are you sure? After you're,little performance in diner I hardly believe,you're over me."Confidence dripped from my,words.It wasn't an act and I knew that.

I also,knew my wolf felt it to.The pain that burned,through me when I spoke those words to her,almost made me blackout.

My eyes wandered,over her features,from her big,beautiful,eyes,to her cute as a button nose which was,scrunched up and then my eyes fell on those,lips.Those lips that I could kiss until I took,my last breath.Her little pout just made her,look all the more sexy.she was,fucking beautiful.,I had to know what she was thinking about.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my head,cocked to one side.,,"I'm standing here."

"No,you scrunch your nose up and pout your,lips a little, and you only do that ehn you are deciding on something?", I said before I realised it.

For a second she gave me a blank look,before she answered."I.I"She,stuttered.

I had to fight the urge to chuckle.Seems we still have the same effect on our little mate as shehas on us,I said to my wolf."

"You've?,This time when my wolf pushed me closer,to her,I didn't fight him.I had no chance against him,he was completely in control.,He wanted this.,He missed her.

My lips brushed the base of her neck and,man,did her skin feel good.My canines sharpened,but I didn't let them,touch her skin.I wanted to tease her,to know,how much she wanted me.If it was anything,like what I was feeling,I was in for one hell,of a ride.Lowering my mouth,my eyes fell on,the spot where I planned to mark her.

My wolf howled inside of me,he was getting,what he wanted,he was getting his mate.,This hot little thing in front of me had him growling in pure ecstasy.Yep,he was,definitely in complete control of me.

All pleasure left and my body was suddenly,cold.,What the hell?,My head was spinning and my heart was,beating fast against my chest.It took me a,second to come out of my daze and when I,did the realization of what happened hit me

Bella had pushed me away,I opened my mouth to speak,but she,cut me off.The look of anger,hate and,determination was strong on her face,but I,also caught sadness and pain.,Her sweet,soft voice lifted the hairs on the,back of my neck,but before I could take,comfort in the pleasure she said those words that broke my heartr.,"I, Omega Bella accept your rejection Alpha king Huntert"She picked up her bag and,walked away.

My breathing became ragged as I tried to,calm myself down.She accepted it? My wolf,howled,not out of pleasure like he had done,,but out of pure heartbreak,he let the pain,take over him.It was an excruciating sound,that rang through my mind.

My Bella rejected me