
Running From The Alpha King

I always wondered what the world was like outside the walls of being an omega of a pack that i was trapped in until he came THE AlPHA KING. He made me want to forget and live, forget the position I was called everyday. He made me feel emotions I never felt before and made me feel like he cared for me so I fell in love with him. A love so deep, I wanted to hand over my life for him until the night he rejects me in front of the pack for the lady he said he only cared about as his friend. I was just a little waste of time those were his words. Broken, rejected, pregnant me strives and becomes the Alpha of Snowdew pack, Alpha Bella. Then the moon goddess makes our world collide again.

morenshawdy · Urban
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35 Chs

Clouding Emotions

Bella's Pov

I slammed the bedroom door shut and slouched against it falling to the floor,nolonger able to hold my own weight.

Ever since I had accepted Hunter's rejection, a painwas surging through my entire body.

Naomi immediately called everyone to tell them about what happened.

Apparently according to Paige,when a mate is rejected she or he goes through the beginning phase of the separation.

When that mate then,accepts the rejection the bond between them begins to break leading both wolves into the,first full stage of separation.

I didn't give a crap what phase I was in I just wanted the pain to stop.

Paige wasn't too happy that I wanted to be alone. She thinks it would be better if I was with someone but i couldn't face it.

I didn't want their pity smiles or small talk I wanted to be alone with my wolf,despite the fact she hadn't spoken to me,and allowed me to deal with everything.

,"Please, talk to me."I begged my wolf.

"Come on,thisisn't my fault.He rejected me-no us-first,so what was I supposed to do? I had no other choice.I wouldn't let him treat us like that.To pretend we didn't exist and tell us that he hated us,to be with that girl when he knewwe were standing there and he couldn't careless,he didn't care about our feelings,so whyshould I care about him or his wolf?Whyshould either of us care?"The tears fell from,my eyes.

He's mine.She whimpered.And if my hear twasn't already broken,to hear my wolf sounding so weak and hurt would have no doubt broken it.,"We'll be okay"I wished those words would be true one day."I promise.",

"Why didn't he want us anymore"?She asked.His wolf did,I could feel him.,Her words struck a part of me I hadn't felt before.Was it my fault we were rejected?I scoffed at my stupidity.Of course it was.

I could feel the silent tears stream down my face and the ache my wolf had in her heart,didn't help slow them down.

God,I'm pathetic! I doubted if he was going,through the pain we were,he probably couldn't feel a thing.Yet here I sat,curled upon the floor crying over someone who didn't think twice about ripping my heart out andstanding all over it.

An idea popped into my head and I knew it would make my wolf Amelia feel better,not great,but better."Want to go for a run?"She howled in response as a burst of excitement burst through me and l knew it was from her.

Taking the steps two at a time I quickly peeked behind the kitchen door to tell Paige where I was going.

My eyes changed,a little and were now a vibrant gold with strong blue specks.,My paws hit the ground,pounding harder against the dirt as my pace picked up.The wind howled around me as I ran deeper into the forest,and the scent of fresh pine andwild flowers washed over my senses.

I ran,not caring where I was going.I ranaway the pain in my heart,the numbness ofmy body and the ache of my wolf.I ran untilmy paws became sore.,But I didn't stop.The flashes of color passedme as the shapes of the trees were blurred.

I didn't concentrate on any of it instead I focused on one thing Hunter.His perfect face flashed in front of me,thewords he taunted me with his teasing and his rejection.

Pushing harder with everythingI had-everything we both had - until I cameto a stop outside the familiar cabin.The runmight have only been a brief release,but itfelt amazing.

I padded up to the small stream next to it.my wolf needing water just as much as I had.She purred as the coolness trickled down my,throat.

Lying down on the grass,I crossed my paws in front of me and rested my head on them.So much had happened in the last couple ofdays.The emotions I had fought with had exhausted me and all I truly wanted was to close my eyes and have a dreamless sleep.