
Running From The Alpha King

I always wondered what the world was like outside the walls of being an omega of a pack that i was trapped in until he came THE AlPHA KING. He made me want to forget and live, forget the position I was called everyday. He made me feel emotions I never felt before and made me feel like he cared for me so I fell in love with him. A love so deep, I wanted to hand over my life for him until the night he rejects me in front of the pack for the lady he said he only cared about as his friend. I was just a little waste of time those were his words. Broken, rejected, pregnant me strives and becomes the Alpha of Snowdew pack, Alpha Bella. Then the moon goddess makes our world collide again.

morenshawdy · Urban
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35 Chs

Dangerous Sparks

Hunter's Pov.

"Mate",The word echoed through Stone my wolf's head, her voice like velvet sent heat rushing through his veins.

Inside my wolf howled with,excitement and happiness in her acceptance of us.

I'm sure I looked like a hippo leaning over her smiling like the Cheshire cat but I couldn't contain it.

She was awake, my saviour, my Bella, my mate....,

Third Person's Pov.

She couldn't take my eyes of the huge male,staring at me.He was ncredible,piercing,attic hazel eyes, thick black hair that fell just above his eyebrow.

His lips we full and,inviting, my eyes wandered the,length of his body.

His arms were huge, roped,with thick muscle, noticeable but not bulging.,He was shirtless, an 8 pack accompanied his,muscular arms, leading to the tantalising V,that disappeared beneath his boxers. His legs,were muscular and quite long, he must be,tall.

All up he was one fine looking specimenand he was her mate!,What happened? How did she wake up,with a mate.

Bella was confused,frowning at,the handsome face inf ront of her.He was,smiling like a hippo but she could see,the happiness in his eyes.

How long had he known about her? Where was he all this,time?,Questions were bombarding bella's head,making her feel nauseous.

Bella groaned in,ambiance trying desperately to sit up her mate instantly jumped to assist, he gently,held he as he lifted into s sitting position.

He fluffed her pillows behind her back and she,settled against them letting out a content,sigh.

The grimace soon followed,the pain,was everywhere, excruciating. "Do they not,have drugs hooked up into the IV thingy?", Bella grumbled. It wasn't until the man next to,her laughed that she realised she had said it,aloud.

A slight brush swept her cheeks as she,glanced around the room.,It was his room she realised after a while,it,was huge!,They must be a wealthy pack to have such,huge beautiful rooms and afford private,medical care.

There was a knock at the door snapping Bella out of her thoughts. She supply stared as the doctor and 3 nurses came in, Bella knew they were wolves.

He must be very wealthy she thought.,After the doctor finished examining me and left me with morphine and food I found,myself alone with my mate...

Hunter, avoice whispered in my head, not my wolf, a,memory.The voice that pulled me from the,darkness.

Hunter my mate, my wolf purred,with satisfaction as I felt her rise and merge,with me.

She was born with a unique talent. Her wolf and her could merge together fully in the,mind while still in human shape.

It gave her,more confidence and awareness. Bella inhaled his scent, he smelt like the Forest mixed with apple a male musk that made heat fill her,body

."What happened"? She finally managed to,spit out. Hunter stopped pacing and came and,sat on the end of the bed.He was close but,not close enough to touch. My wolf purred,,but ached for us to touch.,"The council had word Kingston was dealing,in illegal business, me and my team were,sent to investigate.When we had enough,evidence we took you,thinking of offering you a place in our pack ,a new life". He smiled "on the boat I realised,you were my mate, you've been in a coma,for a week since you got here despite the,best doctors.They didn't think you would,ever wake up, I'm.. Im glad you did".

She felt her heart warm,it was obvious he didn't want to frighten with his affection, but she knew the things he,had said to her while she was in coma.

Could this be real though?,How could I trust anyone again? How can I,touch him, let him touch me. I wasn't mate,material, I was just s mutt. She thought

,"What happened to Kingstonl?" My stomach,flipped as she asked the question.

Hunters face grew dark, his eyes sparked and for a,split second turned black. He inhaled and regained himself,she knew he had been,inhaling her scent specifically. "He killed some of the pack members after they agreed to testify,against him,he fled,we have special agents ,hunting him, he won't be gone for long.In,the meantime the pack is under guard of,the council until another solution is found.",she tried to soak in all the information but her,stomach lurched at the news that Kingston escaped.

She could feel the panic rising in her throat,her heart rate increased,sending the heart,monitor crazy.

Hunter was there instantly, his, hazel eyes entrancing her, pulling her in.

His hand was gentle on her xheek, the contact enough to calm her heart and body.,"I'm here Bella, I'm here little one" her wolf whined as his contact withdrew.

He sat in,front of her barely was there a room between them yet they ,were not touching.

She didn't think she could bear,it if he touched her again."Tell me about,yourself" she found herself saying.

Hunter smiled,thinking the invitation was to get closer to,him rather then a distraction.

Hunter told Bella everything,how his mother,and father are so in love and all he ever,wanted was his mate.He couldn't stop, it just all came,out, even his dirty little secrets. The kills, the,hunts,his dominance.

After he finally shut up hunter found himself,staring into those mesmerising blue eyes looking for acceptance.

Bella was silent as she tried to comprehend it all,but it was,overwhelming.He had endured so much for,so long waiting for her.Yet she couldn't not give jim what he needed,

I should reject him and let him find a more suitable mate she thought.

His history, made her want to be with him, but her fear stopped her

She smiled at him, it was a weak attempt I knew,it, but it satisfied him. "Eat, then get some sleep, tomorrow if you feel better you can meet my father and Beta. I'll let you have your space now, I'll be back later".He kissed her,head on the way out the door.

Bella felt sparks,flying through her body. He was dangerous ver dangerous.

Bella ate what she could before she closed her,eyes, she knew nightmares would disturb her,slumber