
Runeterra: Earthling Among Legends

Renzo was a simple guy who loved MOBAS, one night he found himself surrounded in a forest, later to find out he was into one of his favorites franchises. League of Legends. Follow him into his journey on the lands of Runeterra, where incredible figures would wait for him. Where danger lays in every corner alongside marvelous sights and adventures. === All fictional characters depicted in this novel belongs to Riot Games. The art cover does not belong to me, all rights reserved to it's author.

Xerstoren · Video Games
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Human artillery.

(There may be changes between first and third perspective in some parts of the chapter, tell me later on if you like the way is implemented or if is too messy for the chapter.)

Also, sorry for the late update, I ended up falling sleep while writing the chap. :P

And the freaking app changed the theme automatic after the dawn, erasing the words that I've written. 😔

Thus I've have to write again what was erased, tomorrow I'll be uploading at the same hour (which is midnight btw)

Enjoy the chap!


After hearing Shun Ti words, a few screamed in excitement.

Others however still maintained a frown on their faces.

Magic and incredible abilities weren't unheard in Ionia, just their group alone was made of such kind of individuals.

However, most of them learned their ancestral teachings that were never meant to be use in war.

Most of those techniques were created in times that the users only needed to defend themselves and nothing else.

At such, seeing a mass destructive and violent ability really took them by surprise.

Not even the golems were this destructive when going rampage.

"...CLANG, CLANG, CLANG.... CLANG, CLANG CLANG...." everyone was quickly surprised by the distant sound from the bells ringing in the village.

Many twisted their faces quickly in terror at the first thought that came automatically on their minds.

However Shun Ti was fast and keen enough to calm them down and point out "Don't worry, they most likely sounded the alarm for Renzo's attack."

Hearing him, many relaxed themselves and nodded.

Indeed, the alarm was just ringed just a few seconds after the attack was finished.

Glancing again at the destruction Shun Ti began to inquire after a quick thought "Renzo, are you able to control your attacks and use them as you please?"

Seeing the inquiring look in Shun Ti, and hearing the poor formulate question he answered truthfully "With a little bit more of practice from the night I think i would be able to focus this kind of disaster to my will."

Karya didn't need to be told to do her job as she automatically translated him for the rest to understand.

Nodding his head to his words, Shun Ti then glanced over the other guys.

"The raw idea for tomorrow would be having Renzo make the first attack and inflict the majority of the casualties to them. We then would kill whoever might survive will making sure to obtain their supply and important documents held by the officers, you all are aware of what we're looking for, so I don't need to repeat once again." Hearing his words, everyone nodded.

Then Shun Ti keep giving orders and guiding them into what to do. Mostly for Renzo and Zan to hear about it.

Halfway Shun Ti explanation, they were interrupted by a large patrol that came from the village, as they inquire about what happened and the whole situation.

After a quick reprimand for destroying the surrounding land, they left them alone.

Then, Shunt Ti began to explain Renzo how and where to move after his initial attack.

After hearing from his mouth that Renzo have some martial experience, Shun Ti tried to test his close quarter combat capabilities.

They both agree to 6 rounds, where the first two were won by Renzo due to Shun Ti inexperienced while fighting boxing foot work.

However, the next rounds were completely victory for Shun Ti who showed his martial prowess and the reason that he was able to understand the [Moeru Ha No Michi] technique.

Then the rest of the team started practicing with Renzo to get accustomed by his new way of fighting, and also began test the defense provided by Zan Zhei with the most efficient ways to use during battle and perilous situations.

It was then agreed by the majority that he would look after Renzo initial attack, while then focusing on Hyuna, Shun Ti and Kaaz.

The other three was due to the nature of their abilities.

Shun Ti was their main battle force, as with his sword skills alongside his legendary technique could distract the majority of the Noxians while providing enough cover for the rest to carefully use their abilities.

Hyuna was somewhat the same, although she used a two sword style technique and wasn't in possession of any legendary technique, she was also a good combatant to assist Shun Ti.

Kaaz on the other side was a blessed kid with a powerful magic, it seemed that he was able to use some kind of arcane spell that was vastly superior to conventional magic.

With just raw energy he was able to stop many attacks from touching him, while also burning the enemies with his attacks.

These three, prior to Renzo and Zan arrival were distributed among the twelve members left. As they were their most important fire power and fire cover if it was needed.

Now however, the team would work different, as Renzo would be the first and last attack, since his power was too much of a danger to be left out in luck.

Thus, he would destroy the vast majority of the forces while the rest would make sure to leave no survivors alive, taking everything they needed and then use Renzo's attack once again to cover their retreat.

Renzo himself didn't said anything against it since he was the first one to agree with them.

He would only act if there was a desperate situation and it was ordered by Shun To or Kaeri.

While Shun Ti and a few others were practicing their coordination with Zan, the tattooed girl approached Renzo and Karya who were chatting while Renzo was trying to hit the air using small amounts of tremors.

"... And that's how I ended up there, like I told you before, my luck is pretty much rotten, doesn't it?" Renzo seemed to finish recounting something to Karya who simply nodded at his words with eyes closed "Indeed do you have"

"So, do you have any idea of who might have been the one who did this to you?" She asked back at him as she was also curious about it.

Just now Renzo finished telling her how he was peacefully reading his precious books in his home on Piltover, and the next thing he knew was that he was in a forest in Ionia without being able to recall a thing.

"I don't, but after finishing helping you guys and get out of here I'll start looking for clues." He shook his head as he noticed the tattooed girl walking over them.

"Hey guys" She simply greet to them.

Renzo wave his hand while Karya just nodded at her with a deadpan expression.

Seeing the look on Karya face, a smirk spread on her face as she glanced at Renzo.

"You are pretty weird, how exactly someone like you ended up here?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Noticing that this girl seemed to be a little bit weird compared to the rest, Renzo simply said "Ask later to Karya, I just finished telling her and I'm lazy to just say the same thing again. Also, my name is Renzo, nice to meet you " While saying the last words, he half closed his eyes while extending his hand.

Karya, first a little mad for throwing the ball at her, quickly told the girl his words while also chuckling "It seemed that you didn't even bothered to present yourself."

The girl scoffed a bit at Karya remark while frowning at the hand extended by Renzo.

Not taking it, she simply said "Ymir."

She then proceed to sit on the ground while keep looking at them, with a sleepy expression.

'Ymir?' Renzo thought to himself after hearing her.

He then looked at her carefully without minding the obviousness of his actions.

Seeing this Ymir chuckled while Karya smiled wryly.

"It seemed that no one taught you some manners and told you that is not polite to look someone like that." Said Ymir while glaring at him.

Renzo didn't minded her words as he nodded to himself.

'Yeah, she's not from here.'

Not only was this girl Ymir quite different from the people in the group.

But she also acted different than them.

Ionians and the vast majority of people he saw around have asian features. Except the only vastayah he saw, which was Tahru.

But Ymir held European features, and her name was clearly escandinavian.

Finally finishing examining her, he looked at her eyes as he asked " You're from the Freljord, aren't you?"

Ymir simply retracted her gaze after hearing Karya's words, with a sleepy expression on her face she simply answered at Renzo "Yeah"

The latter just nodded and decided to keep training with his fruit.

Just as he was starting to apply small amount of vibrations but with tremendous intensity on his feet, Ymir asked.

"How do you know about that demigod?"

Hearing her question, Renzo just smiled as he answered to her "I happen to stumble upon it, or do I?" With that I just started to walk a little further away while leaving behind a puzzled Karya and a thoughtful Ymir.

The latter seemed to touch a carved blue stone that was adorning a braid on her hair.


After moving a bit behind the rest of the group, I started to proceed with my training.

Currently I wanted to test just a small thing. If I was able to cause a tremor under my feets.

Obviously I wouldn't create a powerful one, just try to create a precise one that could act as a preemptive plan in some kind of situation.

At the same time, walk on air a little bit so I can get accustomed in case of danger. And this was the reason that I also ended up separating myself a little bit. Since I wouldn't like them to notice such thing.

Nothing in particular, just a precaution.

Quickly I was able to tell that I would be able to indeed produce large earthquakes with my feet if I wanted, and that they could be pretty much precise, although with more precision required to focus the vibrations and energy in determinated spots, thus harming the destructive capabilities of the fruit.

Still, if I happen to be in a bridge or something, this ability could be handy.

Also, due to this I discovered one big piece of information, I was able to successfully feel a small feed back from the vibrations.

While sending one of the precise vibrations, I focused enough energy in a large amount of time, nearing two minutes until something happened.

First let me explain a basic feature from the Gura Gura no Mi, with the fruit ability I'm able to feel the vibrations that I create. These vibrations travels in different ways according to the surface that they spread on.

In the air, it feels like an endless amount of fabrics that move in different ways, there's also a certain resistance.

In the ground however feel a little bit more resistance, as the majority of vibrations and energy try to find cracks and another places to quickly spread easier.

Like this, I'm able to distinguish various things under my feets, you could also see it as a way to use the tremors like a sonar.

Rocks vibrate in different intensity, same could be said with other materials and minerals, as you could face more resistance.

It is such that he finally discovered something that was entirely different.


It could be that underneath there was a large chamber of magma, or even better. Tectonic plates.

The first option could literally help him unleash hell on earth if he happen to use correctly the tremors.

The later however, was another level of craziness. If he was able to reach tectonic plates, we would talk about an attack that could destroy entire continents or whatever that was relying on such plate.

Still, he wasn't near enough to the level of affecting tectonic plates, nor to affect the current magma underneath his feet.

It was simply too deeply for him to create a strong enough tremor to reach and create sufficient energy to use it.

Nonetheless, this was a good sign for the possibilities in his future.

With such thought, he decided to call it for the day regarding his practice. Although he wished to simply keep punching the sky, it wouldn't do anything else for him.

He accomplished what he looked for, after this short amount of time, not only was he able to unleash various punches, but also test his powers to his heart content, grasping enough understanding.

It seemed that the other also called for a day as they approached were Renzo, Ymir and Karya were resting.

Shun Ti then called for the night as they walked back to the village, not before taking a last look to the mayhem left behind.

The once pristine and peaceful forest wast nowhere to be found. All that was left was a mess of broken rocks, trees and leveled up terrain and burnt grass.

The latter was due to Shun Ti trying a few attacks while coordinating with Zan.

While walking back everyone keep silent, seemingly lost in their worlds.

Quickly returning to the village, they were inspected by the garrison at the gates, although it was already midnight, the flow of people and the alertness was keep at maximum.

Although the south side of the village was seemingly evaded by the majority of refugees and other people, due to the warning from the garrison. It didn't stop the other three entrances to be busy.

Making their way towards their camp, everyone quickly ate something and went to sleep.

Even Renzo was quite tired after all of that and the walk made, the moment he rested his head on his tent and closed his eyes, he quickly feel asleep.


It was morning when Renzo was wake up.

Zan took the job of waking him while the rest started to prepare their things.

When Renzo exit the tent he was greeted by the majority of them, while some members such as Shun Ti and the vastayan were nowhere to be found.

Seeing the majority polishing their weapons and armor, for those who have, he doze off while watching them.

Seeing that Renzo didn't completely wake up Zan and Karya, who after greeting him approached him, started to laugh at him while talking with each other.

Then, they were served their breakfast. The same as the previous day, a soup made of Worax meat and Kiwas.

When they told Renzo the name of the thing he was eating, he just nodded.

'Like hell I would know what are those things, if they can eat it, sure I can.' With that train of thought he gulped down the entire bowl with a peaceful expression.

Food was meant to be eat in peace after all.

After finishing their bowls, they saw Shun Ti appearing alongside the other members, while they were accompanied by a group of people.

"Good morning everyone, I hope all of you could sleep well and eat to your fill content as now we're going to start moving." Shun Ti said to all of them while putting his hand behind his back.

He then pointed at the group of people that came alongside him "These gentlemen are brothers from the Kinkou Order, we will travel alongside them and then split up ahead, so get acquaintance in the meantime if its needed."

The group just nodded as they started to take their thing and wrap up provisions and whatever was needed.

Renzo just took his ragged bag and waited while forming a line.

Karya, Zan and Ymir then followed him and also form a line behind him.

After a few minutes they formed two lines while marching behind Shun Ti. Behind them the acolytes from the Kinkou order followed orderly without making too much noise.

The people and troops in the village watched with serious expression their marching, although the group wasn't that large, many knew that the group led by Shun Ti was the elite force of the village, and the acolytes of the Kinkou Order where the backbone of the whole resistance on this camp.

Thus seeing them moving many smelled that something big would happen.

Once they walked away from the north gate of the village, Renzo was able to enjoy a little bit the wonderful scenery around him.

The whole place is was well fitting to be called a fantasy land. Blue colored trees leaves, red colour grass and a great mix of strange looking plants welcomed their march towards the Placidum of Navori.

'The Awaken Videoclip didn't make justice at the beauty of this place.' Renzo thought to himself.

"I just heard news that the Hirana Monastery was destroyed when the monks succeeded defeating the Noxians..." Shun Ti voice broke the silence.

Hearing him, many surprised and frightened expression appeared on many faces.

The Hirana Monks were powerful individuals, their retreat towards their monastery was one of the reason many villagers fell quickly when fighting back the Noxians.

Now, hearing that such individuals even have to pay such heavy price for attaining victory, many couldn't help but clench their hands in anger, fear and nervousness.

"I don't want to such victory be obtained by us, I don't want our people to hear that we must sacrifice so much for the sake of victory." Anger and resolution could be heard in Shun Ti words as he say this to them.

"Yeah, we won't let them destroy our lands anymore!"

"The hell with them!"

"We would hit them hard!" Many started to get heated by Shun Ti words.

"Yes, we won't let them destroy our home anymore, as such I want you all to return victorious today!" Shun Ti roared.

"This is our land, with its protection will give them hell! With our ancestral teachings will sweep them through! For Ionia! For our homes!." When Shun Ti ended up roaring, not only his team ended up screaming back and get excited.

But the acolytes from the Kinkou Order in silence also agreed with his words, as a fire was ignited in their eyes.

At such, walking in high morale, they made their way up.

During the path, Hyuna started to sing what it seemed to be a common spread song, as many sung alongside her.

With high spirit they walked at their enemy last updated location, two hours later after exiting the village the Kinkou Order group parted ways with them. It seemed that they would be attacking another battalion simultaneously.

One hour later, Shun Ti ordered us to stop after Kirae appeared from the front and informed the location of the enemy.

The Noxian troops were resting outside a village recently pillaged.

Seeing the smoke column raising at front and in far places, many clenched their fist and teeth in anger.

"... There's no survivor left." Kirae seemed to complete her report as Shun Ti nodded at her.

They have to strike swiftly, as the supply line would soon reach this place and they couldn't afford to have their current position spotted while being surrounded by both the back and front.

"Okay guys, now is the time of truth, remember our orders and don't let anyone fell under their blades. Today only the blood from Noxus must be spill, and with it, nourishing the lands for those who died proudly and honoring defending it." Shun Ti raised his katana towards the enemy as he roared to his team.

Renzo's blood started to plump faster as his heartbeat started to accelerate. With adrenaline kicking in, and a heavy knot both on his chest and stomach, he got on his knees and did something that raised the eyebrows of the people around him.

"Lady Janna, I trust myself in your embrace to protect me from harm during this battle, with your winds favoring me I seek victory against those who only known to destroy and murder." Praying to the demigod who blessed him, Renzo followed a primal instinct. And the only person who he really trust at the moment.

To trust someone who played cheap at him, could be seen how much Renzo feared what was to come.

Yes, he feared, but that didn't meant that he would flee from the battle, he would face it and do what he can.

'I can't get cocky just by having the Gura Gura No Mi at my side, I could still bleed, and a random blade or arrow could quickly end my life here.' With that on mind, Renzo trusted himself to Janna, if only a wind could alter the direction of an arrow would be enough help for him.

After all, the gods won't fight his battle, only aid on his victory.

This also could serve to fulfill his part on their exchange, as if his group saw him praying at the divine being they previously saw, many would start to thought carefully about it.

"Renzo, what are you doing?" Karya couldn't help but ask at the rare sight.

"Entrusting myself to Janna, and to seek for her aid in our victory." He truthfully answered while smiling at her, he then raise from his knees and sighed deeply.

Hyuna chuckled at his sight while Ymir and Zan watched with attention to his movement.

Karya just nodded and didn't say anything, she have her questions and doubt regarding that divine being they saw yesterday, however she can't afford right now to waste more time in idle thoughts, as a battle was ahead of them.

Kirae however couldn't help but gulp down after hearing Karya's words.

She was one of the most affected by yesterday phenomena, and after seeing it's work and now the seemingly faith in Renzo, she started to really question many things.

Shun Ti however didn't let them lost their focus, as he quickly took their attention while giving the orders.

"Now, let's start with this, we don't have the time to keep wasting here, Kirae just killed their sentry's and we don't have enough window of time until they notice their presence. Renzo, Zan and Kaaz, we'll do like we agreed yesterday. Initiate and we quickly follow up." saying these words, he nodded towards them and then turned to the rest.

"The rest of us, quickly follow me and Hyuna to our respective position, now march and dont look back!" With his roar, everyone started marching quickly towards the enemy.

Renzo's heart was beating fast as he was in front of everyone, in him depends the initial success of the attack.

Zan, who was running alongside him put his hand on his shoulder while quickly assuring him "Don't worry, if they throw you something I will cover you back. Just focus on destroying them."

Hearing his words Renzo nodded as they quickly cut of the distance and passing through a small hill.

When they reached the top, they finally got sight of the enemy.

Hundreds of enemy troops were sitting and doing various things around the destroyed village, various tents and beast could be seen around among them.

However, they wasn't able to keep looking as they started running fast at them while the enemy got caught off guard and blown their alarms.

Many Noxian soldiers got out of their tents while at the same time started forming defensive lines and position against the enemies. Who at first didn't looked to be numerous, but they know that the Ionians started to retaliate in various waves and small skirmishes.

Renzo, who was running down the hill started to channel the tremors and vibrate below his feet.

Quickly as if he was running up a stair he walked in the air as he suddenly stop.

Zan who was behind him on the ground watched nervously as he glared at the enemy for any kind of attack. Kaaz was at his side to protect him in case of danger.

Renzo in the air quickly began to channel another epicenter on his fingers.

Although he wasn't strong enough to level up and change the entire environment in from of him, he was completely capable of destroying the whole place while also leaving a long lasting change around.

'I might not be able yet to create a valley or canyon, but that doesn't mind I can do a few things.' With that in mind, he decided to erect a monolith on this place.

The village was on a flat ground bellow the hill, there weren't many trees surrounding as the space was quite wide.

A few Noxians started to open fire in their direction.

Zan got tensed as he prepared to use his powers, however he quickly saw Renzo taking action.

Moving both hands in a grabbing motion, he turned them upwards while a deafening silence prevailed in the surrounding.


The vibrating sound of the air reverberated in the whole terrain.


A thunderous boom could be heard as the air and terrain bellow started to tremble under the enormous amount of energy liberated by Renzo's attack.

The ground in front of him turned upside down as cracks spread in a frightening speed.

The arrows and incoming knifes flying towards Renzo stopped briefly in the air and then got blown apart under the immense might of his attack.

The first line of soldiers quickly fell apart under the earthquake, however, they couldn't even scream when the shockwaves hit them, as they weren't shred apart in pieces.

More and more Noxians started to get destroyed under the relentless attack, those who survived were quickly killed when the terrain started to raise upwards, killed by the flying boulders.

The few officials that possessed magic among their lines, tried to quickly defend themselves, with only a few of them being successful while the rest fell under the shockwaves and vibrations running amok their entire bodies.

It was a massacre, the Noxians wasn't even able to retaliate at the one man army.

Seeing the destruction and the terrain raising in the flat village, the entire team that were running down in Renzo's flanks were frozen on the spot, looking at the devastation caused for the amicable guy.

Many have their breaths ragged at the sight, while quickly glaring at the man in the air, who after finishing his attack, quickly walked back towards Zan and Kaaz.

Seeing him completing his order, Shun Ti roared to his men "ATTACK! FOR IONIA!"

Seeing their boss running towards the enemy, the rest of the group roared behind him and followed him.

"""FOR IONIA!"""



Many roared their grievances while charging.

Shun Ti, Hyuna, Ye, Mao and Tahru quickly moved at high speed through the now rocky terrain.

Yesterday's practice seemed to be useful as they were able to quickly reach what was left of the Noxians.

Quickly slashing at the stunned enemies, they ended the lives of those who were lucky to survive.

A few officers and the captain of this battalion started to fight back, however, the moment the focused on the two groups in front of them, a few were swiftly killed by Kirae and two other assassin's from the group that were waiting for the right chance.

Seeing his troops falling so quick and easy, the Captain clenched tightly on his runic sword as he attacked fiercely towards Shun Ti and Hyuna, who were the only ones able to take his powerful hits and abilities.

"Moretsuna hi no kendo!" Shun Ti suddenly shouted after receiving and fast and powerful blown, as fire quickly spread over his sword, an in a blink, he appeared behind his enemy, leaving behind his previous position and his current one a trail of blazing fire, an the Noxus captain, exploding in flames on the air.

*Thud* *Bam*

Both the body and runic sword fell to the infernal trail leave behind Shun Ti. While Hyuna and the others quickly moved away.

Shun Ti breathed deeply as he closed his eyes and put his katana back on its scabbard.

Then, they started to search around for more enemies in silence while quickly taking things from the enemy tents. Although everything was messy after Renzo attack, they seemed to be fruitful as quickly they grouped back where Renzo was currently in with Kaaz.

Zan Zhei quickly made his way towards his targets after they started their attacks, saving a few times at Hyuna from the attacks of the enemy Captain.

When they regrouped back, they were know carrying various bags as they formed a line. Quickly taking a last glance at the previous battlefield, they couldn't help but gulp down heavily at the sight.

The previous wide and flat village was nowhere to be seen, as two pillars of earth were facing the sky, the whole ground seemed to have been broken in two, as if it was a simple piece of wood.

Glancing back at the Renzo, many started to thank that such guy was on their side.

Shun Ti glared at the front, towards the direction of the Placidum, he then retracted his gaze and remembered the other smoke columns raising in the air.

Inhaling deeply, he raised his voice as he ordered.

"Let's head back!"

Hearing him a few cheered and hug with each other, as they knew that they completed their job here.

Renzo was now surrounded by everyone as they started laughing and cheer him up, thanking at him for doing a good job taking down the vast majority of the Noxians.

The spirit's know how hard and fearsome an entire battalion of Noxus was. If it weren't for Renzo attack many would have pay with their life the price of attacking them.

Hyuna thanked both Renzo and Zan for their help while Karya and Shun Ti did the same.

Under such joyful atmosphere, they marched towards their next destination.

Although they would head back to the village, the first needed to ambush the supply that was coming towards the previous Noxians battalion.

Quickly leaving behind in a spot the bags they were carrying, they quickly moved into their positions.

This time Renzo wouldn't be doing the first attack, as that would be Shun To job erecting a wall of fire to cut the supply path.

Then they would swiftly focus on the more powerful looking enemy's while the assassin's would look after the highest ranking officer leading them.

When they spotted the enemy, they waited on both sides of the road until they heard Shun Ti shouting the command to attack.

Here, Renzo could only follow behind Hyuna as he didn't have much means to defend himself without destroying the whole terrain. At such, he only focused in tearing apart his enemies with his fist while also looking around for any sneak attack towards his companions.

Luckily, no one was fatally injured and they quickly tear down the enemy resistance.

A few Noxians surrendered and lay on their knees with their hands raised, however Shunt Ti and Kirae were ruthless and cold blooded as they just cut their throats.

Although this sight clearly shocked and affected Renzo, he didn't voice out any complaint. And it seemed that no one from the group was against such order.

After parching up the injured, the previously chosen riders would mount the beast that were carrying the supply carts and bags. Quickly moving away, they moved faster than when they marched before, as in just an hour they reached the village in high spirits.

This time, smiles could be seen around the gate guards, as it seemed that Ionia still have hope

5.1k words without the note at the start!

Like I said, I'm sorry for such late upload!

Please leave any suggestion or commentary that you might have!

I would also love to read If any of you have some info to tell us all, as I'm not only a newbie regarding Runeterra lore, but many others would really appreciate them.

Thank you so much for your kind words regarding my work, it really gave me a lot of motivation to keep writing this!

I hope you like it my crap!

Xerstorencreators' thoughts