
Runaway Synth

Echo is a man with many questions. He woke up in a hospital with no memory beside the last one that he could remember with a woman who called out to him. Follow Echo and his quest to find his memories and learn about who he really is, he will face many challenges along this ride as he must adapt to the unknown world around him.

HomelessBacon · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Who am I

It has been a week since Echo has been in the hospital. He learned the name of the female doctor who helped him was Charlotte the next day and she had been checking up on him daily.

Charlotte was blond with bright green eyes, she was 5'4 and was very beautiful to the eye. She was very kind and he had spent time talking with her as she came to check on his health.

He had learned that he was alone and had nobody to take care of him so the hospital would transfer him to a homeless shelter as soon as he is capable of doing daily tasks.

"What do you mean they are going to get rid of him?" Charlotte asked a nurse who had explained everything to her, Echo learned that he had exceptional hearing as he could hear anybody speak from down the hall right outside of his room with his door closed.

"The hospital doesn't have the time to keep someone who can't even pay for treatment here so they are going to release him tomorrow" The nurse replied, Charlotte grew more angry that she wasn't notified of this so she pulled out her phone to call her boss.

"Hello, are you ready to take me on for that date offer?" A man asked from the otherside of the phone line. She scoffed and was about to hang up when Charlotte remembered the reason she called her boss Henry.

"You know the patient Echo who has amnesia, well I'm going to take him into my care at my place until he can recuperate" Charlotte barked into the phone making it clear she wasn't going to have an argument.

This was normal for her since she always would disrespect the man who would always hit on her and do dumb things without permission.

"B-but you cannot do that Char-" Henry started but was cut off by Charlotte who ended the phone call, Echo heard her footsteps coming closer to his door so he quickly closed his eyes and rolled to face the other way of the bed.

The door opened and Echo knew that Charlotte had entered his room, with a huff she sat down on a chair with her head in her hands.

"Hopefully you wake up soon Echo, I hope you aren't angry. I never asked you about it but I couldn't risk having a patient who knows nothing anymore to just go into this cruel world" She said and put a hand on Echo's shoulder.

He didn't move, he couldn't, it was like his body was trying to let whatever was happening happen. He didn't know what a homeless shelter was but it seemed to be safer than being alone with someone he just met a few days ago.

But his body wanted to be with her because he knew internally that this woman was kind and wouldn't do anything so he just continued to act like he was sleeping.

"I'll visit you later alright, make sure that you stay healthy when I'm gone" She said and walked out of the room.

Echo's heart was racing, he sat up quickly and started to gasp for air. Something in her words triggered something, something that was painful and had made him scared.

His mind started to remember something, a memory that was filled with pain and suffering. He was in a building as he was strapped to a table, the sounds of drills and saws filled this room he was in.

His tortured screams were being muffled by the other noises as he stayed strapped to the table, he could see a man who was in his late 50s.

"Specimen 3CH0 is much stronger than the last one, too bad since the other ones had less pain tolerance making them easier to work with. I'll come back later 3CH0, make sure you stay alive and healthy for me" The man whispered into Echo's ear before walking out of the blood stained room.

Echo came back to reality as he looked at his arms and legs, they had no signs of damage from where he remembered the drills and saws cutting into him. It was like they never happened, but he knew this memory was real and everything that was in it.

He grasped his chest tightly and made himself calm down, he looked out of the window where the sun beamed over the city he was in and into his window.

"Who am I?" Echo said his thoughts aloud, he knew from this day forward that he wasn't a normal human and that he would have more questions for this woman in his memory.


"So I'm going to your home?" Echo made himself as confused as possible with his words when Charlotte had spoken to him.

"Yes, you will be going to my house where I can help you until someone who knows you can take you back home, it's not alright for someone like you to be staying in a place like a homeless shelter without any knowledge of the outside world" Charlotte replied, Echo nodded his head and looked to his bedsheets.

He never told Charlotte about his new memory since it wasn't something he wanted to remember nor worry her about for the time being, so he just stayed quiet about it and acted like it never happened.

"When do I leave then?" Echo asked the doctor, she had a smile grow onto her face before answering.

"Tomorrow I can take you to my place, I need to set up some place for you to sleep along with some clothes to wear" Charlotte replied, Echo simply nodded and she began to explain some things about the world to him.

He learned that the government runs everything in their country, it is April 12th 2043 and people were working jobs like Charlotte.

With the new information Echo now knew he thought about how hard life was for them, people had to work to earn money and money drives the world. He felt bad for those people who couldn't work until Charlotte explained that they got free money given to them.


"Do you want to go for a walk?" A nurse asked Echo, Charlotte had left work since her shift had ended. The sun was now beginning to set and the skies were a blazing orange.

"I would like that, yeah" Echo replied. He hasn't been out of his room since he had gotten there making him feel trapped. This time to walk around would be good for him as it could clear his thoughts.

The nurse had helped him move around the hospital, he walked out of his room to find a large hallway that had many rooms on each side. Everything was white as he walked, he wondered how many people were in this hospital alone and why Charlotte made time to be with him every day.

"We can't leave the facility but we can go up to the roof if you don't want to stay indoors all the time" The nurse suggested, Echo nodded his head before she took him up the stairs.

Echo was amazed by the sight once the door swung open, he already thought the view from his room was beautiful but from the roof was different. With him being at the top made the view of the city breathtaking, the noise from the city was loud and the setting sun had casted a shadow over the streets.

The fresh air was something that Echo had longed for, it made him feel relaxed and the evening breeze felt light to him. It seemed familiar in some way like this wasn't his first time reacting like this but he was in pure bliss that made him push those thoughts aside for now.

The same question came to his mind once he spent a few minutes up there with the nurse, 'Who am I?' That answer was something he craved. He needed to know who he was but these memories were like a puzzle with missing pieces, and the world would give them back when the time was right.