
Runaway Synth

Echo is a man with many questions. He woke up in a hospital with no memory beside the last one that he could remember with a woman who called out to him. Follow Echo and his quest to find his memories and learn about who he really is, he will face many challenges along this ride as he must adapt to the unknown world around him.

HomelessBacon · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


"Doctor we need to make sure his vitals are stable" A voice echoed through the unconscious man's head, the man had suffered from blunt force trauma to the skull making him have internal hemorrhaging.

He was going in and out of unconsciousness as the doctors were trying to keep this man alive, he was lucky that the impact didn't kill him instantly making them think that it was a miracle.


The man's eyes shot open as he screamed, he was sweating and had started to shake. A nurse ran into the room before quickly seeing this event unfold in front of her.

"Doctor!" The woman screamed and ran down the halls, she was panicking since it was her first day on the job.

The man was now shaking violently, the doctor and the nurses held him down and put morphine into his system to help calm him down.

Once the man had stopped shaking and seemed to relax a bit the doctor sat down on a chair with a sigh. She was young for her age ranging from her mid twenties.

"Hey, what's your name?" She asked the man who was staring blankly at the ceiling, he had white hair and blue eyes that resembled the ocean.

"My name, I-I don't seem to rememb-" The man started but stopped when his head started to pound, he screamed in pain as he sat up and put his hands on each side of his head with his eyes closed tightly.

A woman flashed into his mind, he couldn't see her face since a bright light blocked it out but he could make out her dark skin color and chocolate brown hair.

"Come find me Echo, we will meet again soon" The woman said before dropping him off of a ledge of a building.

Echo opened his eyes again and stopped screaming, his throbbing head had stopped. He looked back to the doctor who seemed to have a needle in her hand ready to inject the serum into his body.

"I'm… Echo" Echo said in a small voice, he looked back at the white bedsheets that were a mess over the bed from all his aggressive movements.

"Echo, do you remember anything that happened?" The doctor asked, Echo shook his head when everything came back blank. Every memory he had was now lost but he knew that this woman was his only hope to find the answers he would be looking for.

"I'll make a report and have you stay a few nights in case you remember, you have amnesia and it could return your memories at any moment" The woman sighed and got up to leave.

"T-thank you" Echo replied, the doctor gave a smile to the man before leaving the room making Echo have time to think about everything.

'Who is that woman and how do I find her?' He thought as he looked out the window to the moon.

This will be posting every Wednesdays at 10pm EST, 22:00

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