
Runaway General From His Love-Sucking Vampire

Leqaria Vanxie awakens in the future after getting killed and was forced to sleep to regenerate for one thousand years. As a vampire, living forever makes her want to do something interesting. She made a decision to pursue her previous aspiration—lead a prosperous life and have a partner with many children—since she had previously failed to do so. But nothing appears to be as simple as it was in the past. Her life becomes more complicated with the arrival of Vaans Arkriqel, a descendant of her Loyalist whom she didn't know existed for her. And his blood attracted her as much as a bee would for honey. She couldn't let him go, so Vaans could only retaliate with everything he had and become the first general who would run away from something he couldn't handle. But their time was always interrupted by numerous trouble and disturbance either by their friends or enemies. So, can they have time for each other in the end or not?

Earth_Time · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


"Congratulations on passing your test! We are happy to have you here at our Hades Military Academy. Please make sure you get your room number that would be given by your representative teachers. As for the course you will take during your study here, you can check online after you get your student ID which would be let out tomorrow. Now, you may disperse!" Megfor announced after the test ended.

Out of hundreds of teams, only thirty-four teams passed the test and the number was below two hundred. After all, it was a team working together, not an individual. So, if they didn't get the ten tags within the test time, they couldn't pass it.

This was military-style training on a low number of groups during a mission. If the individuals don't work together they won't be able to complete a mission successfully.

However, the test itself has another branch of test which is called the Qualification Test. The participants didn't know about this because this was a secret. So when an individual didn't pass the group test, he or she may still pass to enter the academy by the Qualification Test.

They will be called privately through a silent channel without other participants knowing it and they will need to uphold the Silence Code which they cannot tell they had passed the test with the Qualification Test. Breaking it meant they would be punished severely and the heaviest punishment was being unable to get any job in any base after they were kicked out of the academy.

So, a day after, the number of new students for the First Year had increased, almost reaching five hundred. They were divided into six classes. The top class was stated as Special Class S with strong individual strength and abilities during their test.

The second class was Special Class 1. It was mixed with strong and moderate individuals. Why there were still some strong individuals in it was because they had a slight low performance in the test before or from their Appraisal Body Data.

The third class was a Special Class 2 same category as Special Class 1. The rest were normal classes. Starts from Class A to Class C were for individuals with weak strength but had still had good performances during the test.

Leqaria was a strong individual and she was put in Special Class 1 while her teammates in Special Class 2. She should have been in Special Class S but Megfor and Vaans decided to put her in that class instead.

Since Bran requested to protect her silently while knowing her abilities overpowered most students, Special Class 1 is much suitable to her. Moreover, Special Class S students always consist of changelings with a high background.

Leqaria doesn't have anyone to support her. This arrangement was made after a careful calculation by Megfor and Vaans.

"She could be her…" Megfor mumbled mysteriously to himself after seeing Leqaria's application form.

He was now in his office along with Vaans, Lexikan and Bran. They went into his office after they saw Leqaria and her team members get into the hovercar to bring them to the starting test area. In Megfor hands, not only have her data but also the three boys as well.

"What do you mean, teacher? Mind elaborate for us?" Lexikan couldn't help but be curious after hearing Megfor mumble.

"... For now, I need you three to go somewhere and check the area. Here is the location. Notice me if you find anything strange. This is an LV Loyalist Code I am given to you to conduct."

The moment Megfor says it, Vans, Lexikan and Bran abruptly stand from their seats and lower to one knee in front of Megfor. It doesn't matter what title or rank you have. Under the code, those who come from the Eight Family Loyalists must obey the sub-head order.

Loyalists were people who would serve someone with their life and would give their lives to protect that person. Any mission given by the sub-head of the loyalist must be conducted discreetly.

Megfor, who was appointed as the current sub-head, his sudden order had shocked the three of them who come from the Eight Family. The loyalist was born from their great-grandparents' period of time. Hearing the words that have not been mentioned since they were little, their bodies became rigid and bafflement can be seen in their expression.

"I know you might have forgotten since it has been almost a thousand years for her name to appear again. And I don't think it was a coincidence either. As for whether she was our awaiting master, the clue could only be found on where she had been buried secretly by our first Eight Family's sub-head." Megfor told them a bit.

Vaans and the others have stood up once more and looked seriously at him.

"We understand. We will investigate the sacred place." Vaans nodded slightly before he turned his head to Lexikan and Bran.

"The three of us will go there tonight. Remember, no one should know our movement."

"Got it!" Lexikan answered him.

"Yes, sir!" Bran replies with a salute.

He knows the sentence was meant for him but he didn't rebuke it or complain. The Silent Code was already pointed at them. So, they must uphold it without breaking it.

Moreover, to be able to participate in the investigation of their master, he, who came from the side branch, was so enthusiastic. If he truly found the master, there would be many rewards for his small family.

After all, he was the one who found her first and protected her unconsciously with his concern after he saw her application form. He thanked the Gods silently for giving him a chance to make his family life a little better.

Bran has a wife and a child that is currently only two years old. Since he could not advance in his abilities because he had reached a bottleneck, he became a small officer and applied to become a teacher. He doesn't have many resources like the main family.

If he had, he would have great strength and abilities like the children of the main branch. The children would be given a vaccine and spiritual care from the private medical department.

Spiritual care includes giving the strengthening liquid for their body that supplements all the vitamins needed so that they be able to progress further and smoothly in their abilities later when they grow up.

He pitied his son who could not become stronger. He believed it was fate and accepted it accordingly. After all, they still live a better life with his small rank.

Now, he thinks he was lucky to be a teacher. He couldn't wait to tell his wife later and scream happily while hugging her. Though, he must ensure that their master was real.

"Good. I need to talk a bit with Bran. Why don't you both go rest at the guest house? It has been cleaned for your stay. As for your applying to be a teacher, Vaans, I will approve it. You will be appointed to teach the special classes. Is three months enough? I can have the documents ready by tomorrow."

Vaans nodded. He would like to monitor Leqaria for a week but changes his mind once Megfor mentions the LV Loyalist Code.

Megfor salutes him and the latter salute back with Lexikan following before both exits the office. After they were inside the guest house at the west of the academy, Vaans turned to his friend after hearing his curious voice.

"Do you think she is our master that was mentioned by our great great grandparents? Is she really an immortal?" Lexikan still couldn't believe it.

Immortal, everyone of course wants to be like it and live forever. It was the reason their life managed to be extended using genetic modification from the DNA Research Division. Changelings can live more than three hundred years. The longest was five hundred.

"We have yet to have proof that she has awakened. Be prepared. Her presence might change the Eight Family's peaceful environment. I don't know what'll happen and it has been a thousand years. It was impossible for some loyalists to still continue holding their oath." Vaans warned him.

Lexikan nodded in agreement. He knew Vaans concern. They had listened to her glory stories from their great grandparent who was no longer alive.

She was his idol when he was young but he and probably Vaans, have forgotten about her because of their busy days. Megfor's reminder makes him reminisce a lot about her stories.

"Do you think she still has the memories of her time with our great great grandparents?" Lexikan looked very excited and a little giddy.

Vaans pat one of his shoulder. "We'll know after we get close to her someday and that is after we have proof that it was her. So stop thinking about her. She might not be our master at all."

"Ah, Vaans… Don't pour cold water on me. Her name is already proof enough. After all, no one had such a fancy and cool name like her. Leqaria Vanxie. LV. Doesn't that prove it is her?"

Vaans narrowed his eyes at him. "She might be a spy to break the Eight Family relationship or get into our military secrets. The only enemies who knew her name at that time were The Freelancer."

Lexikan went into silence. When he thought about it, Vaans speculation and cautiousness were not wrong either. He hopes she wasn't the spy and was their long-lost master. He would like to learn many things from her and see for himself why their great grandparent decided to serve her with their life before.

The same night the test was over, Vaans, Lexikan and Bran took an invisible hover car toward the Glaios Base. They wore a black tight-skin suit with a protective vest. Weapons were placed around their body.

Additionally, they had an AI headgear that would alert them to the danger around them. A few minutes later, they arrive at the national museum where Leqaria once awakened from her revival.

Like a spy or robbers, they went inside the national museum from the top roof and were careful not to set the alarm in the museum. They also avoided the monitoring AI capsule that floats around inside. They didn't step on the ground, instead, they used a silent air-jet under their boots to make them float and move slowly.

They can't touch anything there since it would be printed and be seen by the monitoring AI capsule. The monitoring AI capsule can also detect body heat from a living organism. Vaans and others have their full protection vest to make their body undetected by the body heat detection.

Vaans lead them until they reach a certain area with a historical gallery. Here, he slowly connects his AI headgear to the wall. A scan appeared on his headgear screen and he turned his head to look at the wall slowly.

Once the scan that was blue shows red, Vaans finally find the entrance to the underground. There was no evidence that the museum had an underground area and no one knew about it other than the loyalist.

Lexikan and Bran cover him and watch around them for any movement. They were in luck because there was no monitoring in the place they were standing now and a little secluded from being seen by the monitors on the wall.

So, after touching the place gently with his anti-fingerprint glove, Vaans heard a small click inside the wall. Slowly, a floating panel appeared in front of him. He input the secret passwords and the panel disappears soon after. The wall silently turns invisible and shows them a dark path inside.

Vaan and the others went inside immediately and the wall returned to concrete form once more. Inside, they no longer need to be cautious. So, they light up the entire path moving downwards with floating globes they brought along.

It was the size of a ping pong ball but it had strong brightness. The floating light follows them down. It was not long when they reached the end and a big stone door was in front of them. Its magnificent carving was covered in dust.

Vaans and the others don't have time to clean it up or admire the carving. Vaans touch the side of the door and another panel appeared. Once the door sounds a click, Lexikan and Bran push the door. They had to use a little more strength because the door was heavy and old. There was a loud creaking sound when the door moved.

They went in and watched the cold chamber with only a wooden casket inside. Bran's hopes diminish because it seems their master has not awakened or stepped out of the chamber at all. The dust gathering inside the chamber already proved enough that nothing alive was there.

Vaans frowned. Unlike Lexikan and Bran who didn't notice anything weird, his instinct told him something was there and everything looked wrong to him. He walked cautiously toward the casket.

Looking at his demeanour, Lexikan and Bran eyed each other and nodded. They were aware of Vaans changes and turned more vigilant toward their surroundings.

Vaans bring out a small AI to scan the casket cover in blue light. Sentences carved and hidden under the dust appear for them to read.

"'Division 13 Deceased Major General Leqaria Vanxie. Date of death, 25th February, Stellar Year 2339."

All of them read it in their mind and were not surprised much. They have known her name and death date before. Vaans moved back from the casket, allowing Lexikan and Bran to push the top cover.

They only need to see whether there was anything inside. They were told her burnt ashes were there and it probably had mixed with the gathering dust in it.

Yet, something else happened. Their glowing ball suddenly malfunctions and envelops them in the chamber darkness. But, their headgear turns into night vision scans.

Lexikan and Bran have moved away at their respective speeds toward Vaans. The three had their backs to each other with small weapons in their hands and watched around in alarm. They felt a cold wind brushing their bodies lightly and it was impossible to happen since the chamber was underground and closed off any exit.

Not long after, eerie steps sounded around them.

"This is really not funny though…" Lexikan whispered through their communication device inside their headgear.

Although he can kill someone or torture someone brutally, he still fears the unknown. For example, spiritual ghosts.

"I don't think those things exist but…" Bran swallowed.

"Shit! Come out whoever you are!" Lexikan lost his patient.

He yells because it's been more than a minute since the steps sounded. Everything went silent after that.

"Great… The silence is more terrifying." Bran commented dryly.

"I can't see anything. Vaans, what did you sense?" Lexikan already checked through his night vision and still saw nothing out of ordinary.

"Someone is inside the casket," Vaans replied.

His eyes had turned into a slit in the middle. He didn't move his sight since the casket was open, because he saw a smooth pale hand reaching for Lexikan and Bran when they pushed the top cover. But the person was unable to grab onto them.

Is it her…?