
Runaway General From His Love-Sucking Vampire

Leqaria Vanxie awakens in the future after getting killed and was forced to sleep to regenerate for one thousand years. As a vampire, living forever makes her want to do something interesting. She made a decision to pursue her previous aspiration—lead a prosperous life and have a partner with many children—since she had previously failed to do so. But nothing appears to be as simple as it was in the past. Her life becomes more complicated with the arrival of Vaans Arkriqel, a descendant of her Loyalist whom she didn't know existed for her. And his blood attracted her as much as a bee would for honey. She couldn't let him go, so Vaans could only retaliate with everything he had and become the first general who would run away from something he couldn't handle. But their time was always interrupted by numerous trouble and disturbance either by their friends or enemies. So, can they have time for each other in the end or not?

Earth_Time · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Leqaria didn't know that her Appraisal Body Data had gotten attention from the high-ranking General. And it's all thanks to her AI that had made it for her. She would have never thought the current period of time has high security which questions everyone's background that looks strange to them.

A thousand years ago, it didn't become much of a priority but after several betrayals later that came from within The Federation, the thoughts of people in the military have become more cautious. Her background had so many loopholes which attracted the high-intelligence Vaans.

If she had known it before, she would have told Ambrion to put her data to be the same as other participants there. Now, it was too late to change it. Ambrion decided to put such a data appraisal because she might accidentally leak out powerful ability during her test. But he didn't know many female Changelings don't have great abilities like her.

Only male Changelings would have and it would not gather much attention since some of them have the exact same data as her. It was a wrong calculation by both of them who were currently clueless about it.


Heiytu was hit by the pole of the rabbit's scythe and his body crashed into the trunk of a tree. Some blood came out of his lips and trickled down his chin. The enormous pain from the hit and the crash makes his body tremble. He couldn't muster much strength to stand up for a moment.


Juon and Oguas were a little far because they had tried a three-way attack in which each of them would make a triangle formation. When one attracts the beast, the others would attack it. Heiytu became the next attraction, however, his speed movement wasn't that high and it allowed the rabbit to hit him fast before he could dodge it. The rabbit who saw Heiytu can't move anymore jumped fast at him with its scythe swinging at the latter body.

Juon didn't want his teammate, who also will be his close friend under the same leader (Leqaria was appointed leader in their heart now), to die in front of him. After all, Leqaria had told them if they stayed as a weak person she would discard them. (She was joking but the boys took it seriously)

Juon wanted to be strong and had another hidden desire to drive a mecha someday like his idol. So, when he ran to save Heiytu he broke his speed limit. He won't be able to if he didn't run around his home base, which adds up to five kilometres a round, every day. Unconsciously, the long run had strengthened his legs.

Leqaria and Oguas, along with the people who monitor their group, were astonished that he arrived fast beside Heiytu and grabs the latter for a roll on the ground, swiftly avoiding the scythe attack. However, after breaking his speed limit, all of his energy depleted and he panted heavily while his body trembled in pain.

It seems that he had pulled his legs muscles too much with his running and sprained the left one accidentally when he rolled with Heiytu. He groaned in a low voice while holding his left leg. Sweats cover his whole body.

"Ju, Juon…?" Heiytu called him with bewilderment and was surprised that Juon would appear to save him.

It can't be helped. He thought Juon wouldn't help him since he already saw he didn't come to help Leqaria before when Silven came to bully her. Now, he feels he can accept becoming friends with Juon. He starts to get anxious after hearing Juon's moaning of pain.

"Guys, be careful!" Oguas yelled at them.

Heiytu snapped to see behind him and saw the rabbit once again swing its scythe. But, its weapon was stopped in mid-air when Oguas appeared behind the scythe rod and grabbed it. His legs bent to pull the scythe like pulling a fish rod. His action created a line on the ground.

After seeing that Juon wanted to save Heiytu, he knew the rabbit would aim its attack at both the latter and Juon next. Before that, he had focused his eyes on the rabbit's weapon instead of its body because he knew his own physical strength wouldn't be able to hold the rabbit's body if he grabbed onto it.

After Juon had made his run, Oguas had followed with his normal speed until he dashed toward the static weapon hitting the place where Heiytu was before. So, when the rabbit wanted to move its weapon, Oguas grabbed onto it and stopped the swing's momentum.

Now, he holds onto it and won't release it while the rabbit screeches in madness over its weapon getting held strongly. The rabbit tried to pull it and Oguas gripped it hard with all his strength, not allowing the rabbit to take the scythe or swing it anymore.

Leqaria's eyes brightened. She can see that the boys were slowly getting courageous in the battle. This was enough for now. Their time was almost up. She stood up and patted her dress for any dust or dirt.

"Hey, sweet bunny! Want a snack?!"

The boys were dumbfounded because what kind of yell was that?

But the bunny switched its sight to her. It was stunned for a moment because it did not sense her presence before. That was because Leqaria had closed off her presence so that nothing around would know she was there.

Though, she can't escape the monitoring device that watches from a small AI capsule high above the sky. The capsules were many in quantity and scattered to watch the participants. As for whether she noticed it or not, of course, she did. Her sense was very powerful and she ignored it because it doesn't matter if the examiner wants to see them or finds out about her strength. She doesn't care.

After getting the rabbit's attention, Leqaria bit her finger and let a drop of blood drip but the blood didn't fall to the ground, instead, it floated. The blood suddenly split into a big mass and envelope Leqaria in it. When the blood dispersed, her outfit had changed into a grim and evil-like enchantress with mixed black and red, while showing off her slim body.

Her hair had changed into red colour while her light green eyes had dark eyeshadow with glimmers. As for her lips, they changed to glossy red while her umbrella became black. Her appearance makes everyone who sees her changes turn into a stupor.

Even Vaans had his eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe that she dared to show them this unpleasant appearance in this test. He frowned and felt her presence might cause chaos in their academy. Yet, her unknown ability to change her appearance style makes him more curious about her. He wonders if it was a magic trick or some kind of unknown ability he didn't know.

"Would Mister bunny like to have me… As. Your. Snack…?" Her sweet voice sounded again.

Leqaria had ignored the boys and winked at the bunny with a naughty call while the bump on her chest bounced with her hands folded under them. Her action, which looks so sensual and seductive, appears to have Godsmack's reaction to some watchers.

Some blood trickled down from their nose because they couldn't control their unexpected desire after seeing her allure. Moreover, most of the watchers there already reach adulthood and some still were single without a partner. Watching her like this accidentally causes their brain to stop thinking and they didn't even realise their nose was bleeding.

Suddenly, everyone's expression turned into astonishment when the rabbit dropped its scythe and left it while it hopped toward Leqaria with excitement.

"Big, Bis Sis! Watch out!" Heiytu, Juon and Oguas snapped from their surprise and warned her.

They forgot that she was stronger than them. Leqaria smiled sweetly and she stared at the rabbit that had turned pinkish from its white fur. This reaction allows her to have a definite answer. In meaning, the rabbit has fallen in love with her instantly.

How can her evil-like enchantress appearance attract the rabbit?

Well, it was stated the Death Rabbit had a particular taste about its partner and it can mate with every species who looked evil even minding the gender. That's why Leqaria had asked Heiytu, Juon and Oguas what the Death Rabbit liked the most because it was also its weakness.

When the bunny wanted to hug her, it was confused because its sight suddenly changed to see the sky. Its tall body crashed and laid on the ground with hands and legs turned upward.


"Mister bunny, do you want to come along with me?" Leqaria appeared on its sight again.

From its view, the bump looked like it wanted to come out of her clothes. It quickly nodded with saliva dripping out from its mouth.

Leqaria gives it her seductive smile. "Okay…"

The bunny thought they were going to mate now and it was ready to pounce at her, but instantly screeched when Leqaria once again used her long beautiful right leg to hit the bunny's abdomen next. Before, she had used it to swiftly throw down the body by kicking its huge legs.

She did it so fast and smoothly that it shocked the boys once again. At that time, they saw her cold expression for the first time which made them shudder in fear. When she sensed their fear, she winked at them before she walked toward the bunny's head and talked to it with a sweet voice again.

And currently, in everyone's eyes, she looked like an evil woman. Her strong hit made the ground below the bunny's body crack in thousands and knock out the bunny in one go.

"Alright, it's done. Are you boys, okay?" She walked to them after getting the tag on the bunny's leg.

Heiytu snapped out of his stupor and turned to Juon who stopped groaning because the latter was too stunned after he saw her action at the bunny just now. Then, he feels the pain again after he snapped out of it. Leqaria went to his side and took his sprained leg so fast that her movement blurred in their eyes.

"Argh!" Juon cried out a moment later because of the intense pain coming from it.

"There. The left leg is a little swollen but no bone is broken."

Leqaria had popped Juon's displaced bone back to its previous position. If she doesn't do that, it will become more painful to move. Juon could feel the pain lessen now.

"Tha, Thank you, Big Sis." He was grateful for her help.

"You're welcome." She then went to Heiytu and checked his backbones.

Heiytu blushed and stayed rigid in his place. He couldn't help trembling when he felt her thin finger pressing his back.

"Big, Big Sis, I'm fine!" He wants to get away from her.

However, he groans too when she pushes a certain place on his back.

"Welp, dear. You have fractured bones." She told him.

"..." Heiytu already knows that because the pain in his back gets worse from the roll.

He didn't get angry at Juon for it because the latter had saved his life and got injured too. Only Oguas was alright and he let out a sigh of relief after the rabbit was defeated. However, he was curious about her identity. She was so strong.

"We got all the tags. So, what now?"

"We just need to stay here. The examiner will come to take us back to the area where we started before." Heiytu answered her.

"Great! Do you guys want to eat rabbit beast meat?" She clapped her hand in happiness that the test was done.

She even stared at the fainted rabbit with a hungry gaze.


Everyone there was dumbfounded.

"Quick! Let the soldier on standby get to them!"

The headmaster who listened to her next intention through the open channel from the monitoring AI capsule shouted. He believed she would kill their precious beast and eat it if they moved a second late. The beast under the academy's care was the endangered species. Killing them was prohibited.

How could she not know their beasts were not allowed to be killed?!

The beast also won't be able to kill the participants since there were elite soldier guards on standby who would save them if they were truly life-threatening. Each participant team has one elite soldier guarding them. After Bran contacted the standby soldier, he appeared near the rabbit with a stern look.

Marva Anuis was surprised about this group that he watched out for. He could have never imagined an unknown girl would have such a strong ability. During the attack on the rabbit before, he didn't move to help because he believed that Leqaria would not let anything happen to her team members.

So, he doesn't worry about them at all and only follows from a kilometre away. His sense of sight can look at them from far away without needing to see it closely. As for how he appeared there when he was a kilometre away, it's because his speed was at a high level.

Leqaria's team members stare at him with an admirable look. A soldier! They finally got close and met someone they wanted to be. And they were so excited.

Heiytu and Juon immediately force themselves to stand and salute Marva. Oguas already did it once he saw Marva. Only Leqaria looks at Marva with a smile.

She followed them to salute afterward. But her sexy attire makes it more alluring instead of looking like a soldier. She makes Marva narrow his eyes at her but doesn't get attracted to her like some others. He won't be deceived by her cute and sexy appearance.

After all, she did a wonderful performance by threatening the first beast they found and then having great sensing toward the next three beasts she got the other tags from. Lastly, her outwit performance toward the rabbit and powerful strength to knock it out in one go.

No one could have imagined the destructive strength inside her little body and he believed her existence might create a new wind in the academy. He looked forward to it. It can't be helped, their academy was strict with protocols and appeared so dull to him. Her presence may make it more lively.